Planck 2016

Francisco Botella (IFIC), Jose W.F. Valle (IFIC), Martin Hirsch (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular, CSIC - Universidad de Valencia), Oscar Vives (IFIC), Sergio Pastor (IFIC Valencia), Vasiliki Mitsou (IFIC Valencia)
    • 08:30 09:00
    • 09:00 11:00
      Plenary: 1

      Chair: J. Bernabeu

      • 09:00
        Opening 30m
      • 09:30
        Results from the Planck satellite and implications for particle physics 30m
        Speaker: Julien Lesgourgues (RWTH Aachen Univ)
      • 10:00
        The new era of gravitational wave astronomy 30m
        Review on recent developments in gravitational wave astronomy
        Speaker: Alicia Sintes (UIB)
      • 10:30
        Constraining non-standard neutrinos with cosmic microwave background observations 25m
        Speaker: Massimiliano Lattanzi (INFN - Univ Ferrara)
    • 11:00 11:30
      Coffee 30m
    • 11:30 13:00
      Plenary: 2

      Chair: N. Fornengo

      • 11:30
        Aspects of string phenomenology and new physics 30m
        Aspects of string phenomenology and new physics at the LHC and future particle colliders
        Speaker: Ignatios Antoniadis (LPTHE)
      • 12:00
        Holographic renormalization group à la Wilson 25m
        From the Wilsonian point of view, renormalisable theories are understood as submanifolds in theory space emanating from a particular fixed point under renormalisation group evolution. We show how this picture precisely applies to their gravity duals. We investigate the Hamilton-Jacobi equation satisfied by the Wilson action and find the corresponding fixed points and their eigendeformations, which have a diagonal evolution close to the fixed points. The relevant eigendeformations are used to construct renormalised theories. We explore the relation of this formalism with holographic renormalisation. We also discuss different renormalisation schemes and show that the solutions to the gravity equations of motion can be used as renormalised couplings that parametrise the renormalised theories. This provides a transparent connection between holographic renormalisation group flows in the Wilsonian and non-Wilsonian approaches. The general results are illustrated by explicit calculations in an interacting scalar theory in AdS space.
        Speaker: Manuel Perez-Victoria (U. Granada)
      • 12:25
        Natural SUSY from x-dimensions 25m
        Many problems of the MSSM can be solved in a higher dimensional theory, using the Scherk-Schwarz mechanism of supersymmetry breaking. We will prove how a natural supersymmetry can be obtained by adding zero hypercharge triplets in the bulk of the fifth dimension.
        Speaker: Mariano Quirós (ICREA/IFAE)
    • 13:00 15:00
      Lunch 2h
    • 15:00 16:40
      Astro-Neutrino 1

      Chair: S. Pastor

      • 15:00
        Sterile neutrino portal to Dark Matter 20m
        We analyze a simple extension of the Standard Model (SM) with a dark sector composed of a scalar and a fermion, both singlets under the SM gauge group but charged under a dark sector symmetry group, ${\rm G_{DM}}$. The lightest of them is stable. Sterile neutrinos, which are singlets under both groups, mediate the interactions between the dark sector and the SM particles, and generate masses for the active neutrinos via the seesaw mechanism. We explore the parameter space region where the observed dark matter relic abundance is determined by the annihilation into sterile neutrinos, both for fermion and scalar dark matter particles. We also study the constraints from direct dark matter searches and the prospects for indirect detection.
        Speaker: Nuria Rius (IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
      • 15:20
        Breaking leptonic symmetries with a Majoron : From lepton flavor violation to warm Dark Matter phenomenology 20m
        In this talk I will present a model in which large lepton flavour violation in the context of a type I seesaw model is generated. The model incorporates neutrino masses generation as well as a dark matter candidate among the sterile neutrino spectrum, the underlying leptonic symmetry rendering the latter naturally stable. We present a complete phenomenological study of the flavour violation sector which will be tested in the next generation experiments. As a matter of fact, the model contains as well a massive scalar coupling to active neutrinos, that is to be constrained by energy loss of supernovae explosions through scalar particle production. I will hence present a generic update of such constraints for massive scalars and potential indirect signatures of such model through the study of supernovae explosions luminosity curve, high energetic neutrinos detection, etc.
        Speaker: Lucien Heurtier (U Brussels)
      • 15:40
        Scotogenic Models: Problems and Solutions. 20m
        The Scotogenic models provide a solution to neutrino physics and also to the Dark Matter problem. However, this appealing framework is not absent of problems, which can come from the mass of the Dark Matter candidate up to its stability. In this talk, the Scotogenic models will be introduced and some of the problems and possible solutions will be reviewed, with a special emphasis in the stability problem.
        Speaker: Nicolas Rojas Rojas (IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
      • 16:00
        See-saw scale discrete dark matter and two-zero texture Majorana neutrino mass matrices 20m
        In this talk a version of the discrete dark matter mechanism will be presented where the breaking of the flavor symmetry is realized at the see-saw sacale in such a way that what remains of the flavor symmetry is a Z2 symmetry, which stabilizes the dark matter. The neutrino mass matrix has a two-zero texture form. We obtained a correlation between the lightest neutrino mass and the neutrinoless double beta decay effective mass, obtaining a lower bound for the effective mass within the region of the nearly future experimental sensitivities.
        Speaker: Eduardo Peinado (Instituto de Fisica UNAM)
      • 16:20
        Fertile neutrinos 20m
        Electroweak scale right-handed neutrinos have become a commodity in recent years. Most scenarios involve the so-called sterile neutrino paradigm, where right-handed neutrinos are assumed to be completely neutral under the Standard Model gauge group. A more interesting possibility is - of course - one in which they do interact. Such a fertile (non-sterile) possibility is certainly important phenomenologically and in this talk I will briefly review what has been explored so far for fertile right-handed neutrinos. I will show that they are not only phenomenologically viable but that their general setup provides very appealing theoretical and model building possibilities that I believe have been overlooked.
        Speaker: Alfredo Aranda (Universidad de Colima, Mexico)
    • 15:00 16:40
      Cosmo 1

      Chair: O. Mena

      • 15:00
        Linear inflation from quartic potential 20m
        We show that if the inflaton has a non-minimal coupling to gravity and the Planck scale is dynamically generated, the results of Coleman-Weinberg inflation are confined in between two attractor solutions: quadratic inflation, which is ruled out by the recent measurements, and linear inflation which, instead, is in the experimental allowed region. The minimal scenario has only one free parameter -- the inflaton's non-minimal coupling to gravity -- that determines all physical parameters such as the tensor-to-scalar ratio and the reheating temperature of the Universe. Should the more precise future measurements of inflationary parameters point towards linear inflation, further interest in scale-invariant scenarios would be motivated.
        Speaker: Antonio Racioppi (NICPB)
      • 15:20
        Inflation from f(R) theory with all possible terms 20m
        In my talk I will present the $f(R) = \sum _n \alpha_n R^n$ model with finite and infinite amount of higher order terms. By the assumption of existence of one stationary point positioned anywhere at the Einstein frame potential I will obtain a theory with Starobinsky-like Einstein frame potential, which will include all $R^n$ terms. I will compare results with the Palnck data and discuss the stability of the GR vacuum of the model.
        Speaker: Michal Artymowski (Jagiellonian University)
      • 15:40
        D6-branes and axion monodromy inflation 20m
        We develop new scenarios of large field inflation in type IIA string compactifications in which the key ingredient is a D6-brane that generates a bilinear superpotential which couples the brane position modulus to a Kahler modulus, this allows us to construct two different models where the inflaton candidate could be the B-field axion or the D6-brane Wilson Line. The scalar potential has the multi-branched structure typical of F-term axion monodromy models and, near its supersymmetric minima, it is described by a 4d supergravity model of chaotic inflation with a stabiliser field. We analyse both cases in the context of type IIA moduli stabilisation, finding an effective potential for the inflaton system and a simple mechanism to lower the inflaton mass with respect to closed string moduli stabilised by fluxes. Finally, we analyze the B-field potential for trans-Planckian field values by means of the DBI action. The effect of Planck suppressed corrections is a flattened potential which, in terms of the compactification parameters, interpolates between linear and quadratic inflation. This renders the cosmological parameters of these models compatible with current experimental bounds, with the tensor-to-scalar ratio ranging as 0.08 < r < 0.12
        Speaker: Aitor Landete (IFT, UAM-CSIC)
      • 16:00
        Natural Inflation with Hidden Scale Invariance 20m
        We propose a new class of natural inflation models based on a hidden scale invariance. In a very generic Wilsonian effective field theory with an arbitrary number of scalar fields, which exhibits scale invariance via the dilaton, the potential necessarily contains a flat direction in the classical limit. This flat direction is lifted by small quantum corrections and inflation is realised without need for an unnatural fine-tuning. In the conformal limit, the effective potential becomes linear in the inflaton field, yielding to specific predictions for the spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar ratio, being respectively: n_s−1≈−0.025(N⋆/60)−1 and r≈0.0667(N⋆/60)−1, where N⋆≈30−65 is a number of e-folds during observable inflation. This predictions are in reasonable agreement with cosmological measurements. Further improvement of the accuracy of these measurements may turn out to be critical in falsifying our scenario. The paper is available under the arXiv number 1602.04901, and has been accepted by Physics Letters B.
        Speaker: Shelley LIANG (Univ Sydney)
      • 16:20
        Do current data prefer a non minimally coupled inflation? 20m
        Inflation provides the most theoretically attractive and observationally successful cosmological scenario able to generate the initial conditions of our universe. From the theoretical viewpoint, this picture is usually understood as the dynamics of a single new scalar degree of freedom, the inflaton, minimally coupled to gravity. However, generally the inflaton is expected to have a nonminimal coupling to the Ricci scalar. While the minimally-coupled version of the chaotic model of inflation is ruled out at more than 99% confidence level (for 50 e-folds of inflation), in this talk we will see that the presence of such coupling, for the chaotic model, is highly favoured with respect to the latest analysis of Planck and BICEP2.
        Speaker: Héctor Ramírez Rodríguez (IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
    • 15:00 16:40
      Higgs 1

      Chair: O. Vives

      • 15:00
        Higgs Physics 20m
        The latest results on Higgs boson physics will be presented. The ATLAS and CMS collaborations have combined the Run 1 results on production and decay rates, deriving constraints on the standard model (SM) Higgs boson couplings. The first results from Run 2, including the decay channels into two photons, WW and ZZ, and associated top production, will be reported. Selected recent results in the search for additional scalar or pseudo-scalar bosons, motivated by a variety of models in extension of the SM, will also be shown.
        Speaker: Elisabetta Gallo (DESY and University of Hamburg)
      • 15:20
        Singlets in Composite Higgs Models in light of the LHC di-boson searches 20m
        Models of compositeness can successfully address the origin of the Higgs boson, as a pseudo-Goldstone of a spontaneously broken global symmetry, and flavour physics via the partial compositeness mechanism. If the dynamics is generated by a simple underlying theory defined in terms of a confining gauge group with fermionic matter content, there exists only a finite set of models that have the correct properties to account for the Higgs and top partners at the same time. As a prediction, one obtains additional light scalars. We study the phenomenology of this additional scalar in light of the di-boson searches at LHC.
        Speaker: Thomas Flacke (Korea University)
      • 15:40
        New physics and signal-background interference in associated HZ production at LHC 20m
        We re-investigate electroweak signal-background interference in associated Higgs production via gluon fusion in the presence of new physics in the top-Higgs sector. Considering the full final state pp → b b~ l+ l- (l=e,μ), we discuss how new physics in the top-Higgs sector that enhances the ZZ component can leave footprints in the HZ limit setting. In passing we study the phenomenology of a class of new physics interactions that can be genuinely studied in this process.
        Speaker: Alberto Tonero (ICTP-SAIFR and IFT-UNESP)
      • 16:00
        Higgs mass from (super)split supersymmetry 20m
        In the high-scale (split) MSSM, the measured Higgs mass sets an upper bound on the supersymmetric scalar mass scale $M_S$ around 10^10 (10^8) GeV, for tan beta in the standard range and the central value of the top mass. This work demonstrates that $M_S$ can be pushed up close to the Planck scale while reproducing a correct Higgs mass due to potentially large negative sbottom/stau threshold corrections to the Higgs quartic coupling. This mechanism applies to the split as well as the high-scale MSSM. Also discussed is the constraint from the vacuum stability.
        Speaker: Jae-hyeon Park (KIAS Quantum Universe Center)
      • 16:20
        Opening the Higgs portal window 20m
        The Higgs-portal model, consisting in one singlet scalar particle coupled to the SM Higgs through renormalizable interactions is one of the most popular models for dark matter (DM). This model can easily reproduce the observed DM relic density, but it is strongly constrained by direct and indirect DM detection, as well as by collider physics. Actually, most of the parameter space is ruled-out or will be in the next future (unless there is a positive detection). We show that the simple extension of the DM sector with a second scalar singlet enables a substantial opening of the allowed window in the parameter space.
        Speaker: Javier Quilis Sancho (IFT, UAM-CSIC)
    • 16:40 17:10
      Coffee 30m
    • 17:10 18:50
      Astro-Neutrino 2

      Chair: M. Hirsch

      • 17:10
        Extended gauge groups and neutrinoless double beta decay 20m
        If neutrinos are Majorana particles, lepton number is not conserved in Nature and double beta decay without the emission of neutrinos should occur. The dominant contribution to this process might be mediated by new TeV-scale particles instead of the light neutrinos. It turns out that in models with extended gauge groups, some of these mediators might be the extra gauge bosons themselves. In this talk we will explore such possibility, taking a broad view of the viable gauge groups, and also looking at some particular models.
        Speaker: Renato Fonseca (IFIC, CSIC - Univ Valencia)
      • 17:30
        QCD running in neutrinoless double beta decay: Short-range mechanisms 20m
        The decay rate of neutrinoless double beta (0νββ) decay contains terms from heavy particle exchange, which lead to dimension-9 (d = 9) six fermion operators at low energies. Limits on the coefficients of these operators have been derived previously neglecting the running of the operators between the high-scale, where they are generated, and the energy scale of double beta decay, where they are measured. Here we calculate the leading order QCD corrections to all possible d=9 operators contributing to the 0νββ amplitude and use RGE running to calculate 1-loop improved limits. Numerically, QCD running changes limits by factors of the order of or larger than typical uncertainties in nuclear matrix element calculations. For some specific cases, operator mixing in the running changes limits even by up to two orders of magnitude. Our results can be straightforwardly combined with new experimental limits or improved nuclear matrix element calculations to re-derive updated limits on all short-range contributions to 0νββ decay.
        Speaker: Marcela Gonzalez (UTFSM)
      • 17:50
        Falsifying Baryogenesis Mechanisms through Observation of Lepton Number and Flavor Violation 20m
        Interactions that manifest themselves as lepton number violating (LNV) processes in combination with sphaleron transitions typically erase any pre-existing baryon asymmetry of the Universe. We demonstrate in a model-independent approach that the observation of LNV processes would impose a stringent constraint on mechanisms of high-scale baryogenesis, including leptogenesis scenarios. Specifically we will focus on the impact of neutrinoless double beta decay as well as LNV processes at the LHC to determine a lower limit on the rate of lepton number washout processes in the early Universe and thereby an upper limit on the scale of baryogenesis mechanisms. In combination with the observation of lepton flavor violating processes, we can further strengthen this argument, closing the loophole of asymmetries being stored in different lepton flavors.
        Speaker: Frank Deppisch (Univ College London)
      • 18:10
        Pseudo-Goldstone fermions and sterile neutrinos 20m
        We will discuss the possibility of sterile neutrinos arising as supersymmetric partners of pseudo-Goldstone bosons of a spontaneously broken global symmetry. We will consider both the case of an eV-scale sterile neutrino that could be relevant for the experimental anomalies or for future searches for sterile neutrinos, and the case of a neutrino in the 1 GeV -1 TeV mass range that could be accessible at the LHC or at future collider experiments like the ILC or FCC-ee. In the case of an eV-scale sterile neutrino, we find some correlations between the sterile neutrino mass and the active-sterile mixing angles, such that only a part of the parameter space suggested by the Gallium and reactor anomalies is allowed.
        Speaker: Stéphane Lavignac (IPhT)
      • 18:30
        - 20m
    • 17:10 18:50
      BSM 1

      Chair: M. Quiros

      • 17:10
        The Phenomenology of Decoupled New Physics with the SM EFT 20m
        If the Physics Beyond the Standard Model is decoupled at higher energies, the Standard Model as an effective field theory, the SM EFT, is a pertinent framework for phenomenology. The BSM effects on observables are parametrized by the Wilson coefficients of dimension-6 operators, and bounds on their values can be placed from a global fit to experimental measurements. Integrating out heavy particles at one-loop to obtain expressions for the Wilson coefficients is now also simplified by the use of our universal one-loop effective action. We show how the one-loop effective action obtained from the path integral Covariant Derivative Expansion method can be written in a universal closed form. This result has general applicability beyond the SM EFT and can be used for integrating out any UV theory to obtain a low-energy EFT.
        Speaker: Jérémie Quevillon (King's College London)
      • 17:30
        Searching for heavy scales in the Electroweak Effective Theory 20m
        Effective field theories seem to be one of the best choices in order to look for new physics at the TeV scale and beyond, provided that direct searches finally are unsuccessful. We build an effective Lagrangian with the particle content of the Standard Model and incorporate the most general colour-singlet heavy fields with bosonic quantum numbers $J^P=0^\pm,\,1^\pm$ in triplet and singlet representations. Our only assumption stays in the electroweak symmetry breaking pattern $SU(2)_L\otimes SU(2)_R \rightarrow SU(2)_{L+R}$. When the heavy fields are integrated out from the action, they leave their imprints in the coupling constants of the low-energy scales. The presence of deviations of this couplings with respect to the Standard Model predictions would be an indicator for the existence of a new physics scale.
        Speaker: Joaquín Santos Blasco (IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
      • 17:50
        One-loop effective Lagrangians after matching 20m
        We discuss the top-down calculation of the Standard Model effective Lagrangian at one loop. After emphasizing the need matching in theories with linear couplings we describe Match Maker, an automated tool to perform tree-level and one-loop matching calculations in arbitrary extensions of the Standard Model.
        Speaker: Jose Santiago (Universidad de Granada)
      • 18:10
        Mass hierarchy and naturalness from TeV scale strong dynamics 20m
        A non-perturbative mechanism for dynamical generation of the mass of elementary particles, both fermions and weak bosons, is presented in a simplified gauge model. Within this framework, which is under test by numerical simulations, elementary particle masses arise naturally in a certain chiral symmetry limit with a magnitude that is controlled by the strongest interaction each particle is subjected to. To accomodate top and weak boson masses, a new strong interaction with an intrinsic RGI scale of the TeV order must be postulated.
        Speaker: Roberto Frezzotti (Univ Roma Tor Vergata and INFN)
      • 18:30
        - 20m
    • 17:10 18:50
      SUSY 1

      Chair: F. Botella

      • 17:10
        SUSY searches 20m
        A summary of experimental searches for Supersymmetry at the CERN LHC will be presented. Results will be covered from the ATLAS and CMS collaborations using proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV.
        Speaker: Gregor Herten (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg)
      • 17:30
        Left-right supersymmetry at the TeV scale 20m
        We present a supersymmetric left-right model which predicts gauge coupling unification close to the string scale and both extra vector bosons and vector-like quarks at the TeV scale. The subtleties in constructing a model which is in agreement with the measured quark masses and mixing for such a low left-right breaking scale are discussed. It is shown that in the constrained version of this model radiative breaking of the gauge symmetries is possible and a SM-like Higgs is obtained. Additional CP-even scalars of a similar mass or even much lighter are possible. The expected mass hierarchies for the supersymmetric states differ clearly from those of the constrained MSSM. In particular, the lightest down-type squark, which is a mixture of the sbottom and extra vector-like states, is always lighter than the stop.
        Speaker: Toby Opferkuch (Universität Bonn)
      • 17:50
        Gauged flavour symmetry in Pati-Salam 20m
        We construct an extension of the Standard Model (SM) which is based on grand unification with Pati-Salam symmetry. The setup is supplemented with the idea of spontaneous flavour symmetry breaking mediated through flavon fields with renormalizable couplings to new heavy fermions. While we argue that the new gauge bosons in this approach can be sufficiently heavy to be irrelevant at low energies, the fermionic partners of the SM quarks and leptons, in particular those for the third generation, can be relatively light and provide new sources of flavour violation. The size of the effects is constrained by the observed values of the SM Yukawa matrices, but in a way that is different from the standard minimal flavour violation approach. We determine characteristic deviations from the SM that could eventually be observed in future precision measurements.
        Speaker: Christoph Luhn (University of Siegen)
      • 18:10
        NLO SQCD corrections to the decay of top-squarks to charm and neutralino 20m
        In order to solve the hierarchy problem, the stop quark should be rather light and its mass can be close to the one of the LSP. If the mass difference of the stop to the neutralino LSP is smaller than the top mass it can only decay flavour violating (mainly to charm and neutralino). The decay is not allowed in naive MFV at tree-level and is suppressed by small CKM angels in symmetry based MFV giving a sizable lifetime to the stop. We calculate the SQCD corrections to this deacy in the MSSM with generic sources of flavour-violation. Assuming that the SUSY breaking mechanism is flavour-blind the stop-neutralino-charm vertex is RGE-induced. Our new corrections allow us to use the 2-loop running and we study the numerical impact of our QCD correction.
        Speaker: Jason Aebischer (Uni Bern)
      • 18:30
        R-Parity Violation and Light Neutralinos at SHiP and the LHC 20m
        In a recent study, we looked at the sensitivity of the proposed SHiP experiment to the LQD operator in R-Parity violating supersymmetric theories. For that purpose, we focused on single neutralino production via rare meson decays and the observation of downstream neutralino decays into charged mesons inside the SHiP decay chamber. We provided a generic list of effective operators and decay width formulae for any lambda' coupling and showed the resulting expected SHiP sensitivity for a widespread list of benchmark scenarios via numerical simulations. We compared this sensitivity to expected limits from testing the same decay topology at the LHC with ATLAS in a simplified approach. In my talk, I will briefly outline the theory of R-Parity induced meson decays and explain the numerical methods to find the expected SHiP and LHC event rates before finally discussing the results.
        Speaker: Daniel Schmeier (Physikalisches Institut and Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics, Bonn)
    • 18:50 20:50
      Welcome reception 2h
    • 09:00 11:00
      Plenary 3

      Chair: V. Mitsou

      • 09:00
        Recent ATLAS results 30m
        Some recent highlights of ATLAS results are presented, including Standard Model measurements, studies of Higgs properties and searches for BSM physics. Legacy measurements from Run 1 and first results from Run 2 are presented.
        Speaker: Martine Bosman (IFAE - Barcelona)
      • 09:30
        Is supersymmetry still alive? 30m
        I discuss the status of supersymmtric models in view of the recent LHC results.
        Speaker: Werner Porod (Uni. Würzburg)
      • 10:00
        Higgs LFV decays 30m
        Invited talk
        Speaker: Antonio Delgado (University of Notre Dame)
      • 10:30
        CP Violation and Invisible Higgs Decays at the LHC 30m
        We consider models with an extended Higgs sector and look for signals at the LHC. By looking at a combination of three decays, involving the 125 GeV Higgs boson, the Z boson and at least one more scalar, an indisputable signal of CP-violation arises. We use a complex two-Higgs doublet model as a reference model and present some benchmark points that have passed all current experimental and theoretical constraints, and that have cross sections large enough to be probed at LHC during run 2. Neutrino mass generation through the Higgs mechanism provides a new theoretically consistent and experimentally viable paradigm. We illustrate this by describing the main features of the electroweak symmetry breaking sector of the simplest type-II seesaw model with spontaneous breaking of lepton number. We perform an analysis of the sensitivities of Higgs boson searches at the ongoing ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC, including not only the new contributions to the decay channels present in the Standard Model (SM) but also genuinely non-SM Higgs boson decays, such as invisible Higgs boson decays to majorons. We find sensitivities that are likely to be reached soon at LHC
        Speaker: Jorge Romão (Instituto Superior Técnico)
    • 11:00 11:30
      Coffee 30m
    • 11:30 13:10
      Astro-Neutrino 3

      Chair: D. Montanino

      • 11:30
        Impact of nonstandard interactions on sterile neutrino searches at IceCube 20m
        We analyze the energy and zenith angle distributions of the latest 2-year IceCube dataset of upward going atmospheric neutrinos to constrain sterile neutrinos at the eV scale in the 3+1 scenario. We find that the parameters favored by a combination of LSND and MiniBooNE data are excluded at about the 99% C.L. We explore the impact of nonstandard matter interactions on this exclusion, and find that the exclusion holds for nonstandard interactions (NSI) that are within the stringent model-dependent bounds set by collider and neutrino scattering experiments. However, for large NSI parameters subject only to model-independent bounds from neutrino oscillation experiments, the LSND and MiniBooNE data are consistent with IceCube.
        Speaker: Danny Marfatia (University of Hawaii)
      • 11:50
        Study of neutrino flavor fractions at source with IceCube 20m
        In order to exploit the potential of IceCube, it is advisable to interpret as consistently as possible their experimental results. Here, we study the consequences of considering that the fraction of neutrinos and anti-neutrinos produced by a particular source are not necessarily the same. Like for example, when the source of neutrinos is mostly due to cosmic rays photo-disintegration. Also, we show that by considering this issue it is possible to interpret the current best fit of IceCube in terms of standard neutrino-physics.
        Speaker: Boris Panes (Instituto de Fisica, Univ Sao Paulo)
      • 12:10
        Production of unstable heavy neutrinos in extreme astrophysical scenarios 20m
        We discuss the production of a class of heavy sterile neutrinos νh in proto-neutron stars. The neutrinos, of mass around 50 MeV, have a negligible mixing with the active species but relatively large dimension-5 electromagnetic couplings. In particular, a magnetic dipole moment μ ≈10−6 GeV^{−1}implies that they are thermally produced through e+e−→¯νh νh in the early phase of the core collapse, whereas a heavy–light transition moment μ_tr≈10−8 GeV^{−1} allows their decay νh→νi γ with a lifetime around 10^{−3} s. This type of electromagnetic couplings has been recently proposed to explain the excess of electron-like events in baseline experiments. We show that the production and decay of these heavy neutrinos would transport energy from the central regions of the star to distances d ≈400km, providing a very efficient mechanism to enhance the supernova shock front and heat the material behind it.
        Speaker: M. Angeles PEREZ-GARCIA (Univ Salamanca)
      • 12:30
        Global Bounds on heavy neutrino mixing 20m
        We derive constraints on the mixing of heavy Seesaw neutrinos with the SM fields. We explore and compare both a completely general scenario where the heavy neutrinos are integrated out (without any further assumption) and the more constrained case with only 3 extra heavy states. The latter assumption implies non-trivial correlations that do not allow to saturate all model-independent bounds. In addition, we will analyze the relevance of the 1-⁠loop corrections when extracting bounds on the mixing in the context of this model with 3 heavy states.
        Speaker: Jacobo Lopez Pavon (INFN Sezione di Genova)
      • 12:50
        High scale mixing relations as a natural explanation for large neutrino mixing 20m
        The origin of small mixing among the quarks and a large mixing among the neutrinos has been an open question in particle physics. In order to answer this question, we postulate general relations among the quarks and the leptonic mixing angles at a high scale, which could be the scale of Grand Unified Theories. The central idea of these relations is that the quark and the leptonic mixing angles can be unified at some high scale either due to some quark-lepton symmetry or some other underlying mechanism and as a consequence, the mixing angles of the leptonic sector are proportional to that of the quark sector. We investigate the phenomenology of the possible relations where the leptonic mixing angles are proportional to the quark mixing angles at the unification scale by taking into account the latest experimental constraints from the neutrino sector. These relations are able to explain the pattern of leptonic mixing at the low scale and thereby hint that these relations could be possible signatures of a quark-lepton symmetry or some other underlying quark-lepton mixing unification mechanism at some high scale linked to Grand Unified Theories.
        Speaker: Mehran Zahiri Abyaneh (IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
    • 11:30 13:10
      Formal 1

      Chair: I. Antoniadis

      • 11:30
        The Klein-Gordon-Fock equation in the curved spacetime of the Kerr-Newman (anti) de Sitter black hole 20m
        Exact solutions of the Klein-Gordon-Fock (KGF) general relativistic equation that describe the dynamics of a massive, electrically charged scalar particle in the curved spacetime geometry of a charged, rotating Kerr-Newman-(anti) de Sitter black hole are investigated. In the general case of a rotating, charged, cosmological black hole the solution of the KGF equation with the method of separation of variables results in Fuchsian ordinary differential equations for the radial and angular parts which contain more than three finite singularities and thereby generalise the Heun differential equations. For particular values of the physical parameters (i.e mass of the scalar particle) these Fuchsian equations reduce to Heun equations and the solutions are expressed in terms of Heun functions. For other values of the parameters some of the extra singular points are false singular points. We derive the conditions on the coefficients of the generalised Fuchsian equation such that a singular point is a false point. In such a case the exact solution of the Fuchsian equation can in principle be simplified and expressed in terms of Heun functions. We also derive the exact solutions of the radial and angular equations for a massive scalar particle in the Kerr-Newman spactime. The analytic solutions are expressed in terms of confluent Heun functions. Moreover, we derived the constraints on the parameters of the theory such that the solution simplifies and expressed in terms of confluent Kummer hypergeometric functions. Starting from the equation obeyed by the derivative, we construct several expansions of the solutions of the Heun equation in terms of generalised hypergeometric functions of Lauricella-Appell. Possible applications, including the gravitational radiation from a hypothetical axion cloud around a charged rotating cosmological black hole, are briefly discussed.
      • 11:50
        A Graceful Exit with Brownian Motion in the String Landscape 20m
        In this talk I will discuss how Brownian motion can be used to probe the nature of inflation in the string landscape. I will use the methods of time dependent random matrix theory to show that the sequence of events that constitutes our Universe’s history is exponentially unlikely in this framework. I will discuss the implications of these results for both inflation and the string landscape.
        Speaker: Francisco Pedro (IFT, UAM-CSIC)
      • 12:10
        String condensation and high energy graviton scattering 20m
        A simple model of the quantum mechanics of a nucleating particle in the recently proposed string condensation mechanism is presented. This is based on a universal mechanical gauge field related to the string condensate, which behaves as a kind of fluid. String condensation is conjectured to prevent the formation of closed horizons in situations of extreme compression and thereby enable unitarity to be preserved in ultra-Planckian high energy scattering. A comparison is made with graviton scattering in the Dvali N-portrait of black holes and the subsequent Hawking evaporation process is discussed in this context.
        Speaker: Michael Hewitt Hewitt (Canterbury Christ Church University)
      • 12:30
        Adventures with Stringy Axions 20m
        Compactifications of Type II String Theory are characterised by an abundance of stringy axions, whose properties provide models for cosmology (large field inflation) and solutions to the strong CP problem. Consistent geometric settings with D-branes induce various mixing effects which clutter the low energy effective theory for the axions. In this talk, we relate this effective theory to Nambu-Jona-Lasinio-type models and discuss its relevance in light of large field and small field inflationary models. We also point out how these effective theories arise naturally from Type II String theory compactifications.
        Speaker: Wieland Staessens (IFT, UAM-CSIC)
      • 12:50
        D6-brane inflation and stabilizer fields near the Ginzburg-Landau point 20m
        We study possible string theory compactifications which, in the low-energy limit, describe chaotic inflation with a stabilizer field. On the one hand, we analyze a recent proposal in type IIA string theory involving D6-branes. After integrating out the relevant closed-string moduli consistently, tachyonic directions arise during inflation which cannot be lifted. This is ultimately due to the symmetries of the Kahler potential. Motivated by this, we search for viable stabilizer fields in the complex structure sector of type II theories. Since instantons break the shift symmetry of the relevant K\"ahler potential in the vicinity of the Ginzburg-Landau point, we argue that complex structure moduli may be viable candidates when stabilized away from the large complex structure limit.
        Speaker: Clemens Wieck (IFT, UAM-CSIC)
    • 11:30 13:10
      SUSY 2

      Chair: M. Gomez

      • 11:30
        Relic density of wino-like dark matter in the MSSM 20m
        The relic density of TeV-scale wino-like neutralino dark matter in the MSSM is subject to potentially large corrections as a result of the Sommerfeld effect. A recently developed framework enables us to calculate the Sommerfeld-enhanced relic density in general MSSM scenarios, properly treating mixed states and multiple co-annihilating channels as well as including off-diagonal contributions. Using this framework, including on-shell one-loop mass splittings and running couplings and taking into account the latest experimental constraints, we perform a thorough study of the regions of parameter space surrounding the well known pure-wino scenario: namely the effect of sfermion masses being non-decoupled and of allowing non-negligible Higgsino or bino components in the lightest neutralino. We further perform an investigation into the effect of thermal corrections and show that these can safely be neglected. The results reveal a number of phenomenologically interesting but so far unexplored regions where the Sommerfeld effect is sizeable. We find, in particular, that the relic density can agree with experiment for dominantly wino neutralino dark matter with masses ranging from 1.7 to beyond 4 TeV. In light of these results the bounds from Indirect Detection on wino-like dark matter are revisited: indirect signals from charged cosmic rays and diffuse gamma rays are also computed within our framework, and we show the impact of the corresponding experimental limits in the new wino-like regions.
        Speaker: Pedro Ruiz-Femenia (TU Munich)
      • 11:50
        Blind spots and their impact on neutralino relic abundance in the NMSSM 20m
        Current status of spin-independent (SI) direct detection experiments may suggest that the WIMP dark matter (e.g. nuetralinos in supersymmetric models) would interact very weakly with nucleons. The so-called blind spots in parameter space correspond to the limit of vanishing SI interaction. In my talk I will discuss several classes of blind spots of NMSSM and their influence on the relic abundance of Higgsino-singlino dark matter. Correlations of the spin-independent scattering cross-section with the Higgs observables will be also discussed. Special attention will be paid to the case when the singlet-dominated scalar is lighter than the SM-like Higgs, which allow to lift up the mass of the latter.
        Speaker: Paweł Szczerbiak (University of Warsaw)
      • 12:10
        Simplified DM models with the full SM gauge symmetry 20m
        The general strategy for dark matter (DM) searches at colliders currently relies on simplified models, which typically have a limited number of free parameters. In the case of t-channel colored mediators, these simplified models often have assumptions on the chirality of the DM-SM interactions with quarks, though generically a UV-complete model with such colored mediators would lead to the existence of more free parameters. In this study we look at the effect this broader set of free parameters has on direct detection and the mono-X + MET (X=jet,W,Z) signatures at 13 TeV LHC while maintaining gauge invariance of the simplified model under the full SM gauge group. We find that the direct detection constraints require DM masses less than 10 GeV in order to produce phenomenologically interesting collider signatures. Additionally, for a fixed mono-W cross section it is possible to see very large differences in the mono-jet cross section when the usual simplified model assumptions are loosened and isospin violation between RH and LH DM-SM quark couplings are allowed.
        Speaker: Alexander Natale (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
      • 12:30
        Right-handed sneutrino dark matter in the mSUGRA 20m
        In this talk, we will discuss the prospects of a simple extension of the minimal supergravity (mSUGRA) model to which we add three generations of right handed neutrinos (sneutrinos). The neutrino masses are assumed to be of a purely Dirac nature. In this framework, the right-handed sneutrino becomes the cold dark matter candidate (CDM) of the universe. We consider the production of the right-handed sneutrino by decays of the stau_1, viz., the NLSP in our scenario. We consider constraints on the decay of the stau_1 from big-bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and see that this serves as one of the strongest constraints by restricting its lifetime from a few seconds to a few hundred seconds. In this regard, we utilize the latest constraints from 4-He and D/H. Besides, we also constrain the mass of the stau_1 from the search for long-lived particles at the run-I of the LHC. Geared with all these constraints, we study the prospects of probing the remaining parameter space of the model at the high luminosity run of the LHC at 14 TeV.
        Speaker: Shankha Banerjee (LAPTh, Annecy-le-Vieux)
      • 12:50
        The Coannihilation Codex 20m
        I will present a general classification of simplified models of dark matter coannihilation and discuss the main phenomenological features of these models. The fully general treatment of coannihilation allows for new exotic mediators to the dark sector that should be tackled with non-standard collider search strategies. In this talk, general classes of LHC signatures describing the full set of coannihilation models will be introduced. Several novel signatures that are not covered in current LHC searches will be emphasized. The impact of allowing for coannihilation partners with a general set of SM charges on relic density predictions, going way beyond the simple WIMP intuition, will be signalized.
        Speaker: Anna Kaminska (JGU Mainz)
    • 13:10 15:00
      Lunch 1h 50m
    • 15:00 16:40
      Astro-Neutrino 4

      Chair: M A Perez Garcia

      • 15:00
        NEWS Experiment: Nuclear Emulsions for WIMP Search 20m
        Nowadays there is compelling evidence for the existence of dark matter in the Universe. A general consensus has been expressed on the need for a directional sensitive detector to confirm, with a complementary approach, the candidates found in “conventional” searches and to finally extend their sensitivity beyond the limit of neutrino-induced background. We propose here the use of a detector based on nuclear emulsions to measure the direction of WIMP-induced nuclear recoils. The production of nuclear emulsion films with nanometric grains has been recently established. Several measurement campaigns have demonstrated the capability of detecting sub-micrometric tracks left by low energy ions in such emulsion films with nanometric grains. Innovative analysis technologies with fully automated optical microscopes have made it possible to achieve the track reconstruction for path lengths down to one hundred nanometres and there are good prospects to further exceed this limit. The detector concept we propose foresees the use of a bulk of nuclear emulsion films surrounded by a shield from environmental radioactivity, to be placed on an equatorial telescope in order to cancel out the effect of the Earth rotation, thus keeping the detector at a fixed orientation toward the expected direction of galactic WIMPs. We report the performances and the schedule of the NEWS experiment, with its one-kilogram mass pilot experiment, aiming at delivering the first results on the time scale of five years.
        Speaker: Andrey Alexsandrov (Napoli University)
      • 15:20
        PICO dark matter detectors: activities and results 20m
        In this talk, the technique of using bubble nucleation in superheated liquid detectors for dark matter searches is addressed. This technique can be very competitive, especially for the case of spin dependent interaction. The activities and results of PICO bubble chambers will be described. For instance, the best spin dependent WIMP­proton cross-section limits have been obtained with the PICO-2L and PICO-60 detectors using C3F8 and C3FI targets, respectively.
        Speaker: Ivan Felis (Univ Politècnica València)
      • 15:40
        Synchrotron Emission Associated with Dark Matter in Galactic Subhalos. A Look into the Smith Cloud 20m
        One of the key predictions of the "WIMP" paradigm for Dark Matter (DM) is that DM particles can annihilate into charged particles. These annihilations will proceed in e.g. Galactic subhalos such as dwarf Galaxies or, as recently pointed out, high velocity clouds such as the "Smith" cloud. In this talk I will argue that among the several messengers of the DM annihilations occurring in the Smith cloud, radio signals stand out. By using HI, HII and Faraday rotation data one obtains limits on the annihilation cross section that are stronger than the ones corresponding to other messengers. I will also discuss the applicability and the prospects of these ideas in big data radio surveys such as LOFAR and SKA.
        Speaker: Martin Vollmann (TU Munich)
      • 16:00
        Gamma-ray Limits on Neutrino Lines from Dark Matter Annihilation 20m
        Monochromatic neutrinos from dark matter annihilations (χχ→νν¯) are always produced in association with a model-independent gamma-ray spectrum generated by electroweak bremsstrahlung. Consequently, these neutrino lines can be searched for not only with neutrino detectors but also indirectly with gamma-ray telescopes. Here, we derive limits on the dark matter annihilation cross section into neutrinos based on recent Fermi-LAT and HESS data. We find that, for dark matter masses above 200 GeV, gamma-ray data actually set the most stringent constraints on neutrino lines from dark matter annihilation and, therefore, the model-independent upper bound on the dark matter total annihilation cross section. In addition, we point out that gamma-ray telescopes, unlike neutrino detectors, have the potential to distinguish the flavor of the final state neutrino. Our results indicate that we have already entered into a new era where gamma-ray telescopes are more sensitive than neutrino detectors to neutrino lines from dark matter annihilation.
        Speaker: Carlos Yaguna (Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics)
      • 16:20
        Dark Matter annihilation into sterile neutrinos within a global U(1)_(B-L) symmetry breaking scenario 20m
        We investigate the possibility that the dark matter is a chiral fermion charged under a global $U(1)_{B-L}$ symmetry spontaneously broken, which only interacts with sterile neutrinos via a scalar field mediator, singlet under the Standard Model gauge group. We analyze in detail the phenomenological prospects for probing such scenario, namely constraints from the observed dark matter relic density, direct and indirect dark matter searches and new Higgs decay channels. We show that the dark matter annihilation cross section into sterile neutrinos can lead to the correct relic abundance by freeze out in a sizable range of the parameter space of the model, consistent with all current observations.
        Speaker: Miguel Escudero (IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
    • 15:00 16:40
      BSM 2

      Chair: M. Bosman

      • 15:00
        Non-SUSY BSM Searches at ATLAS and CMS 20m
        The latest results on searches for evidence of new physics (not including supersymmetry) from the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations will be presented. The focus will be on Run 2 results at 13 TeV. Topics include searches for diphoton and diboson resonances, dark matter, high mass di-jet and ttbar resonances, vector-like quarks, and long-lived particles. Additional topics will be added as available.
        Speaker: Todd Adams (Florida State University)
      • 15:20
        Electroweak top-quark pair hadroproduction in the presence of Z' bosons in POWHEG 20m
        We present predictions for the electroweak production of top-quark pairs at the LHC in the presence of a new neutral gauge boson based on a new calculation which includes the NLO QCD corrections implemented in the parton shower program POWHEG. The interference effects of Standard Model and New Physics contributions are properly taken into account and the QED singularities, first appearing at this order, are consistently subtracted. We show numerical results for SM and Z' total cross sections and various distributions. The remaining theoretical uncertainty from scale and PDF variations is estimated and we compare results obtained using the PYTHIA 8 and HERWIG 6 parton shower Monte Carlos. The potential of the charge asymmetry to distinguish between new physics models is investigated for the Sequential SM and a leptophobic topcolor model.
        Speaker: Ingo Schienbein (LPSC Grenoble/Univ Grenoble Alpes)
      • 15:40
        Drell-Yan production of multi- Z's at the LHC 20m
        The preferred channel for the search for new heavy spin-1 particles is the Drell-Yan di-lepton production, and traditionally, these searches have exploited the Narrow Width Approximation (NWA) for the signal, thereby neglecting the effect of the interference between the additional Z'-bosons and the Standard Model Z and photon. Recently, it has been established that both finite width and interference effects can be dealt with in experimental searches while still retaining the model independent approach ensured by the NWA. This assessment has been made for the case of popular single Z'-boson models currently probed at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In this talk, we explore the phenomenology of multi Z'-boson models in relation to the scope of the CERN machine in relation to the above issues. In particular, we consider Non-Universal Extra Dimensional (NUED) scenarios and the 4-Dimensional Composite Higgs Model (4DCHM), both predicting a multi-Z' peaking structure. We conclude that in a variety of cases traditional search approaches based on the assumption of rather narrow and isolated objects might require suitable modifications to extract the underlying dynamics.
        Speaker: Juri Fiaschi (University of Southampton)
      • 16:00
        Impact of LHC monojet searches on new physics scenarios 20m
        Dark matter searches at the LHC are exploring new models and new regime with every new result. I take a specific example of monojet dark matter searches at the LHC and sketch their impact on two dark matter scenarios. The two models under considerations are, dark matter motivated explanations of the 750 GeV diphoton excess and dark matter interactions with the Standard Models involving derivative couplings.
        Speaker: Suchita Kulkarni (HEPHY, Vienna)
      • 16:20
        Probing the interplay between TeV scale heavy vector resonances and top partners at the LHC 20m
        Fermionic and vector resonances are a generic prediction of theories where electroweak symmetry breaking is triggered by new strongly interacting dynamics at the TeV scale. We work in a concrete, predictive "discrete" **two site** prescription of the **Composite Higgs model** where the spontaneous breaking of the SO(5)/SO(4) coset and gives the Standard Model gauge bosons and six heavy vector resonances . We implement a **partially composite scenario** for the top sector which gives us the $1/3, 2/3$ and $5/3$ charged top partners.  We focus on the **phenomenology of the heavy vector resonances** where the parameter space is able to account for the direct and indirect (electroweak and flavor precision) constraints and also satisfies naturalness criteria.  These considerations allow us to study the implications of the charge 2/3 top partners (T’) on the vector resonances owing to a mild hierarchy between the top partners and the heavy vector resonances. We find that when kinematically allowed, heavy vector resonances decay to top partners instead of pure Standard Model final states.  The decay modes, where T’ is singly produced can be used to improve the search for top partners from vector resonances and thereby discover (exclude) these vector resonances itself at the 13 TeV run of the LHC.
        Speaker: Bithika Jain (KIAS)
    • 15:00 16:40
      Cosmo 2

      Chair: M. Lattanzi

      • 15:00
        Knotty inflation and the dimensionality of spacetime 20m
        We suggest a structure for the vacuum comprised of a network of tightly knotted/linked flux tubes formed in a QCD-like cosmological phase transition and show that such a network can drive cosmological inflation. As the network can be topologically stable only in three space dimensions, this scenario provides a dynamical explanation for the existence of exactly three large spatial dimensions in our Universe.
        Speaker: Heinrich Päs (Universität Dortmund)
      • 15:20
        Cosmological domain walls from Higgs effective potential 20m
        The study of the renormalisation group improved effective potential of the Standard Model has revealed the existence of the local minima at strengths of the order of 10^10 GeV. If the Standard Model is valid for very high energy scales, then the possibility of the production of cosmological domain walls in the early Universe occurs. We investigated the dynamics of the network of domain walls using lattice simulations. Our recent results will be presented.
        Speaker: Tomasz Krajewski (University of Warsaw)
      • 15:40
        Frame-Covariant Formulation of Inflation in Scalar-Curvature Theories 20m
        Inflation has been very successful as a generic explanation of the origin of cosmological anisotropies. However, the development of more sophisticated inflationary models, such as scalar-curvature theories, has led to challenges in extracting predictions for observable quantities. With the aim of obtaining predictions from inflationary models in a concise and straightforward manner, I will present the extension of the potential slow-roll approximation which incorporates scalar-curvature theories and the derivation of new, generalized potential slow-roll parameters. From this, I will demonstrate how to extract predictions for cosmological observables for inflationary models with a wide array of theoretical underpinnings. Furthermore, I will show that frame transformations (conformal transformations and inflaton reparametrizations) leave observable quantities invariant within the extended slow-roll formalism. As a demonstration of its utility, I will apply it to induced gravity inflation, Higgs inflation, and F(R) models. I will thus show that results for observable quantities may be readily obtained to greater accuracy than the usual strategy of approximating the potential after a frame transformation. Finally, I will outline how the Vilkovisky-DeWitt formalism may be applied to scalar-tensor theories in order to extend frame-covariance beyond the tree-level approximation.
        Speaker: Sotirios Karamitsos (University of Manchester)
      • 16:00
        Electroweak vacuum stability and inflation via nonminimal derivative couplings to gravity 20m
        We show that the Standard Model vacuum can be stabilized if all particle propagators are non-minimally coupled to gravity. This is due to a Higgs-background dependent redefinition of the Standard Model fields: in terms of canonical variables and in the large Higgs field limit, the quantum fluctuations of the redefined fields are suppressed by the Higgs background. Thus, in this regime, quantum corrections to the tree-level electroweak potential are negligible. Finally, we show that in this framework the Higgs boson can be responsible for inflation. Due to a numerical coincidence that originates from the CMB data, inflation can happen if the Higgs boson mass, the top mass, and the QCD coupling lie in a region of the parameter space approximately equivalent than the one allowing for electroweak vacuum stability in the Standard Model. We find some (small) regions in the Standard Model parameter space in which the new interaction "rescues" the electroweak vacuum, which would not be stable in the Standard Model.
        Speaker: Stefano Di Vita (DESY)
      • 16:20
        Aspects of perturbativity, vacuum stability and inflation in the light of recent diphoton excess 20m
        The recent observation of the 750 GeV diphoton excess at 13 TeV LHC has motivated many scenarios of physics beyond the Standard Model. In this talk, we will discuss the observation that many models which explain the observed excess tend to get strongly coupled well below the Planck scale. We will then present the possibility of simple BSM scenario involving colored vector-like fermions with exotic charges, which is expected to stay weakly coupled till the Planck scale and also explain the diphoton excess. Further, we will discuss issues related to vacuum stability and the possibility of inflation in such scenario. Finally, we will also discuss phenomenology of exotic vector-like fermions.
        Speaker: Mansi Dhuria (Physical Research Laboratory, Ahemdabad)
    • 16:40 17:10
      Coffee 30m
    • 17:10 19:10
      Astro-Neutrino 5

      Chair: M. Ardid

      • 17:10
        Cosmological Constraints on the Gravitational Interactions of Matter and Dark Matter 20m
        There is an overwhelming evidence of dark matter from its gravitational interaction, but, up to date, dark matter has not been seen in the particle physics detectors, hence, the only known force in the Dark sector is the gravitational force. Therefore, a natural first question to ask would be if the gravitational interaction in the dark matter sector is the same as in the ordinary matter sector. In this talk I will show the results of addressing this question using the last data in the context of cosmology. I will first update the measurement of the Newton's constant for all matter, second, focusing in the dark matter sector, I will give the constraints on fifth forces and the dark matter equivalence principle.
        Speaker: Jordi Salvadó (IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
      • 17:30
        A global fit of the gamma-ray galactic center excess within the scalar Higgs portal model 20m
        We present an interpretation of the excess in the gamma-ray emission from the center of our galaxy observed by Fermi-LAT in terms of dark matter annihilation within the scalar singlet Higgs portal model. In particular, we include the astrophysical uncertainties from the dark matter distribution and allow for unspecified additional dark matter components. We demonstrate through a detailed numerical fit that the strength and shape of the gamma-ray spectrum can indeed be described by the model in various regions of dark matter masses and couplings. Constraints from invisible Higgs decays, direct dark matter searches, indirect searches in dwarf galaxies and for gamma-ray lines, and constraints from the dark matter relic density reduce the parameter space to dark matter masses near the Higgs resonance. We find two viable regions: one where the Higgs-dark matter coupling is of O(0.01), and an additional dark matter component beyond the scalar WIMP of our model is preferred, and one region where the Higgs-dark matter coupling may be significantly smaller, but where the scalar WIMP can constitute a significant fraction or all of dark matter. Both viable regions are hard to probe in future direct detection and collider experiments.
        Speaker: Jan Heisig (RWTH Aachen University)
      • 17:50
        Dark matter annihilations and 21cm signal 20m
        Dark matter (DM) annihilations into charged particles change the thermal history of the Universe and, as a consequence, affect the 21 cm signal. In my talk I will discuss how predicting the effect of DM strongly relies on the modeling of annihilations inside halos. Given current uncertainties on the description of the astrophysical processes driving the epochs of reionization, X-ray heating and Lyman-α pumping, we found in a recent work that disentangling DM signatures from purely astrophysical effects, related to early-time star formation processes or late-time galaxy X-ray emissions, will be a challenging task. We have concluded that only annihilations of DM particles with masses of ∼100 MeV, could leave an unambiguous imprint on the 21 cm signal and, in particular, on the 21 cm power spectrum. Additional measurements of the 21 cm signal at different cosmic epochs should help to break the strong parameter degeneracies between DM annihilations and astrophysical effects in order to undoubtedly single out a DM imprint for masses different from ∼100 MeV.
        Speaker: Laura lopez Honorez (VUB)
      • 18:10
        Confronting recent AMS-02 positron fraction and Fermi-LAT extragalactic gamma ray background measurements with gravitino dark matter 20m
        Recent positron flux fraction measurements in cosmic-rays (CR) made by the AMS-02 detector confirm and extend the evidence on the existence of a new (yet unknown) source of high energy electrons and positrons. We propose the gravitino dark matter with bilinear R-parity violating couplings as this source. We compute the electron, positron and γ -ray fluxes produced by each gravitino decay channel as it would be detected at the Earth’s position. Combining the flux from the different decay modes we are able to reproduce AMS-02 measurements of the positron fraction, as well as the electron and positron fluxes, with a gravitino dark matter mass in the range 1–3 TeV and lifetime of ∼1.0–0.7×1026 s. The high statistics measurement of electron and positron fluxes, and the flattening in the behaviour of the positron fraction recently found by AMS-02 allow us to determine that the preferred gravitino decaying mode by the fit is W ± τ ∓ , unlike previous analyses. Then we study the viability of these scenarios through their implication in γ -ray observations. For this we use the Extragalactic γ -ray Background recently reported by the Fermi-LAT Collaboration and a state-of-the- art model of its known contributors. Based on the γ -ray analysis we exclude the gravitino parameter space which provides an acceptable explanation of the AMS-02 data.
        Speaker: Edson Carquin Lopez (USM Valparaiso, Chile)
      • 18:30
        - 40m
    • 17:10 19:10
      BSM 3

      Chair: A. Vicente

      • 17:10
        A toolbox for diphoton model building 20m
        Hints for a new resonance at 750 GeV from ATLAS and CMS have triggered a significant amount of attention and many new models have been considered to explain the excess. Here we focus on several proposed renormalisable weakly-coupled models and revisit results given in the literature. We point out several physically important subtleties which are often missed or neglected. Accordingly, we motivate the use of automatised tools which can address those points raised, making simplifying assumptions unnecessary. To facilitate the study of the excess, we have extended the SARAH framework to automatically include crucial higher order corrections to the diphoton and digluon decay rates for both CP-even and CP-odd scalars. We have further extended the model database by 40 different models proposed in the literature to explain the excess. Finally, we demonstrate the power of the entire setup by presenting the study of a new supersymmetric model that accommodates the diphoton excess.
        Speaker: Manuel E. Krauss (Bonn University)
      • 17:30
        Radion/Higgs phenomenology and the diphoton excess at the LHC 20m
        Using an extra dimensional model as tool, we construct an effective four dimensional action that---via the AdS/CFT correspondence---describes the most general mixing between the only light states in the theory, the radion and the Higgs. Due to conformal invariance, once the Higgs scalar is localized in the bulk of the extra-dimension the coupling between the radion and the Higgs kinetic term vanishes, implying a suppressed coupling between the radion and massive gauge bosons. This leads us to consider that the diphoton excess recently presented by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations might originate from a radion in the bulk Higgs scenario within a warped extra dimensions.
        Speaker: Anibal Medina (IPhT CEA-Saclay)
      • 17:50
        Drell-Yan Constraints on New Electroweak States and the Di-photon Anomaly 20m
        LHC data in Run 2 hint at the existence of a resonance with the mass around 750 GeV which decays into 2 photons. Microscopic particle physics models fitting the data invoke new fields beyond the Standard Model which carry electric charge. Regardless of the details of the spectrum and couplings among the extra fields, they have a cumulative effect on the running of the electroweak gauge couplings at high energies. We find that the LHC Drell-Yan production already sets constraints on such particles which will become progressively stronger with more data.
        Speaker: Christian Gross (Helsinki University)
      • 18:10
        Characterising the 750 GeV diphoton excess 20m
        We study kinematic distributions that may help characterise the recently observed excess in diphoton events at 750 GeV at the LHC Run 2. Several scenarios are considered, including spin-0 and spin-2 750 GeV resonances that decay directly into photon pairs as well as heavier parent resonances that undergo three-body or cascade decays. We find that combinations of the distributions of the diphoton system and the leading photon can distinguish the topology and mass spectra of the different scenarios, while patterns of QCD radiation can help differentiate the production mechanisms. Moreover, missing energy is a powerful discriminator for the heavy parent scenarios if they involve (effectively) invisible particles. While our study concentrates on the current excess at 750 GeV, the analysis is general and can also be useful for characterising other potential diphoton signals in the future.
        Speaker: Dipan Sengupta (LPSC Grenoble)
      • 18:30
        A closer look to the sgoldstino interpretation of the diphoton excess 20m
        We revisit the sgoldstino interpretation of the diphoton excess in the context of gauge mediation: we show that the interpretation is viable in a thin, near critical region of the parameter space. This regime gives rise to drastic departures from the standard gauge mediation picture. While the fermion messengers lie in the 10-100 TeV range, some scalar messengers are significantly lighter and are responsible for the sgoldstino production and decay. Their effective coupling to the sgoldstino is correspondingly enhanced, and a non-perturbative regime is triggered when light and heavy messenger masses differ by a factor ~4 pi.
        Speaker: Pietro Baratella (SISSA, Trieste)
      • 18:50
        Di-photon excess illuminates Dark Matter 20m
        We propose a simplified model of dark matter with a scalar mediator to accommodate the di-photon excess recently observed by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations. Decays of the resonance into dark matter can easily account for a relatively large width of the scalar resonance, while the magnitude of the total width combined with the constraint on dark matter relic density lead to sharp predictions on the parameters of the Dark Sector. Under the assumption of a rather large width, the model predicts a signal consistent with ~300 GeV dark matter particle in channels with large missing energy. This prediction is not yet severely bounded by LHC Run I searches and will be accessible at the LHC Run II in the jet plus missing energy channel with more luminosity. Our analysis also considers astrophysical constraints, pointing out that future direct detection experiments will be sensitive to this scenario.
        Speaker: Alberto Mariotti (VUB)
    • 17:10 19:10
      Higgs 2

      Chair: J. Romao

      • 17:10
        Higgs couplings in Two Higgs Doublet models with controlled flavour changing interactions 20m
        Extended scalar sectors such as Two Higgs Doublet models are an interesting class of extensions of the Standard Model. Flavour changing couplings of the neutral scalars, if not tamed, may constitute a serious source of concern attending to the impressive body of existing experimental constraints. In particular, mixing of the different neutral scalar fields present in such scenarios can yield a would-be Standard Model 125 GeV scalar with (1) modified flavour conserving couplings, (2) flavour changing couplings to (a) quarks in the up or down sectors, and (b) to charged leptons. Considering constraints from the LHC run I and from flavour data, an analysis of a class of Two Higgs Doublet Models where flavour changing interactions arise in a symmetry-controlled manner is presented. In particular attention is devoted to the prospects for flavour changing processes such as lepton flavour changing decays $h\to \mu\tau$, to Higgs decays to down quarks $h\to bs,bd$ and to top decays $t\to hq$ of interest for LHC run II and future colliders.
        Speaker: Miguel Nebot (IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
      • 17:30
        A to Z of the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment in the MSSM from Pati-Salam 20m
        We explore the potential of the supersymmetric version of the Pati-Salam model with $A_4 \times Z_5$ family symmetry to describe present experimental data. We demonstrate that this model, which was initially developed to describe the neutrino sector, has great potential to explain collider and non-collider measurements, such as the dark matter relic density, the Higgs boson mass and, most importantly, the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon $(g-2)_\mu$. The latter one suffers from a puzzling discrepancy at about 3$\sigma$ level between the theoretical prediction and the experimental measured value, which the model is able to resolve precisely. Subsequently, the model predicts light smuons and neutralinos, which could be used to explain di-lepton excesses observed by CMS and ATLAS.
        Speaker: Patrick Schaefers (University of Southampton)
      • 17:50
        Higgs-flavon mixing and $h \to \mu \tau$ 20m
        ATLAS and CMS have reported an excess in the flavor violating decay of the Higgs boson, $h \to \mu \tau$. We show that this result can be accommodated through a mixing of the Higgs with a flavon, the field responsible for generating the Yukawa matrices in the lepton sector. We employ a version of the Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism at the electroweak scale, with only the leptons and the flavon transforming non--trivially under the corresponding symmetry group. Non--observation of charged lepton flavor violation (LFV) in other processes imposes important constraints on the model, which we find to be satisfied in substantial regions of parameter space.
        Speaker: Venus Keus (University of Helsinki)
      • 18:10
        Revised muon (g-2) in two-Higgs doublet models 20m
        We study the contribution of new sets of two-loop Barr-Zee type diagrams to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon within the two-Higgs-doublet model framework. We show that some of these contributions can be quite sizeable for a large region of the parameter space and can significantly reduce, and in some cases even explain, the discrepancy between the theoretical prediction and the experimentally measured value of this observable. Analytical expressions are given for all the calculations performed in this work.
        Speaker: Victor Ilisie (IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
      • 18:50
        The role of flavon cross couplings in lepton flavour mixing 20m
        Current neutrino oscillation data suggests specific flavour structures in lepton sector which can be explained by underlying flavour symmetries. In leptonic flavour models with discrete flavour symmetries, flavons play a key role to realise these structures. They gain vacuum expectation values which respect different residual symmetries in the charged lepton and neutrino sectors and result in special mixing structures after the breaking of the flavour symmetry. I will introduce a new approach to connect flavour mixing with cross couplings of different flavons. Depending on the coefficients in the flavon potential, different vacua preserving different residual symmetries can be identified and the tri-bimaximal (TBM) mixing are realised at leading order. Cross couplings of these flavons result in the breaking of the residual symmetries and corrections to TBM. These couplings provide new origins for the non-zero reactor angle and CP violation. Models in this approach can be achieved by introducing only a few degrees of freedom and can be more economical than those in the framework of extra dimension or supersymmetry. It also provides a new way, different from higher dimensional operators, to modify flavour mixing from its leading order results. Simplicity, as a great advantage of this approach, makes it possible for us to establish definite relations between mixing parameters and properties of flavons on one hand, and test the phenomenological property of flavons on the other hand. One aspect is to test the couplings of flavons and leptons. These couplings violate lepton flavours, resulting in both flavour mixing and charged lepton flavour violations. Current experimental constraints from \mu to e\gamma allow the scale of the flavon symmetry not far above the electroweak scale.
        Speaker: Ye-Ling Zhou (IPPP, Durham University)
    • 09:00 11:00
      Plenary 4

      Chair: G. Branco

      • 09:00
        Recent results from LHCb and future prospects 30m
        Recent results and future prospects from the LHCb experiment are presented, on behalf of the LHCb Collaboration
        Speaker: Arantza Oyanguren (IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
      • 09:30
        Possible Flavour Anomalies 30m
        We present the latest news from quark flavour physics. In particular we discuss recent tensions with the Standard Model predictions.
        Speaker: Tobias Hurth (JGU MITP)
      • 10:00
        Probing Flavor Dynamics at the LHC 30m
        The observed family structure, along with the pattern of fermion masses and mixings, may be suggestive of a non-Abelian family gauge symmetry.  A natural subgroup of the global symmetry of the Standard Model which can be gauged is O(3)_L x O(3)_R, which must however be  completely broken by a Higgs mechanism.  Simple symmetry breaking patterns leave behind an approximate D_3 discrete flavor symmetry, which may survive down to the TeV scale. An interesting pattern of fermion masses and mixings would emerge, consistent with known flavor changing constraints.  Additional Higgs bosons are present in this framework as partners of  the Standard Model Higgs boson to generate the light fermion masses after D_3 symmetry breaking.   Such Higgs bosons, especially the one that generates the up quark mass, may be produced at the LHC.  An attempt will be made to explain the recently reported diphoton events with an invariant mass of 750 GeV as a Higgs particle associated with the flavor symmetry breaking.   Other LHC tests of the framework will be presented.
        Speaker: Kaladi Babu (Oklahoma State University)
      • 10:30
        Recent CMS results 30m
        Recent CMS results will be presented in this talk.
        Speaker: Joao Varela (LIP Lisbon)
    • 11:00 11:30
      Coffee 30m
    • 11:30 13:10
      Plenary 5

      Chair: A. Santamaria

      • 11:30
        Unification of gauge fields and Higgs field 25m
        SO(11) gauge-Higgs grand unification is presented both in 5d and 6d Randall-Sundrum warped space. This generalizes SO(5)xU(1) gauge-Higgs EW unification. The EW Higgs boson appears as a part of the extra-dimensional component of gauge potentials. The standard phenomenology is reproduced at low energies, with the prediction of the first KK modes of photon and Z around 6 - 8 TeV. We show that grand unification of strong and electroweak interactions is naturally achieved in SO(11) theory. The observed quark-lepton spectrum is obtained with brane interactions. The exotic fermion problem is solved in the 6d model.
        Speaker: Yutaka Hosotani (Osaka University)
      • 11:55
        Status of the top quark asymmetries 25m
        We review the current theoretical and experimental status of the top quark charge asymmetries at Tevatron and the LHC, and summarise possible sources and constraints of beyond the Standard Model contributions.
        Speaker: German Rodrigo (IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
      • 12:20
        New physics in B-meson decays 25m
        Current B-physics data contain two intriguing tensions. First, the LHCb collaboration has reported on some anomalies in b-s transitions, with discrepancies with the Standard Model predictions in some angular observables and branching ratios and an intriguing hint for lepton universality violation. And second, BaBar, Belle and LHCb have found compatible deviations in observables associated to b-c transitions, again hinting at the violation of lepton universality. We will review the proposed explanations for these tensions and focus on new physics models that can simultaneously address both anomalies. In particular, we will show that a simple gauge extension of the Standard Model can achieve such goal.
        Speaker: Avelino Vicente (IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
      • 12:45
        Discovery of Light Sterile Neutrinos at the LHC 25m
        We study the purely leptonic W decays W+→e+μ-e+νe and W+→e+e+μ-ν¯μ (or their charge conjugates) produced at the LHC, induced by sterile neutrinos with mass below MW in the intermediate state. While the first mode is induced by both Dirac or Majorana neutrinos, the second mode is induced only by Majorana neutrinos, as it violates lepton number. We find that, even when the final (anti-)neutrino goes undetected, one could distinguish between these two processes, thus distinguishing the Dirac or Majorana character of the sterile neutrinos, by studying the muon spectrum in the decays.
        Speaker: Choong Sun Kim (Yonsei University)
    • 13:10 15:00
      Lunch 1h 50m
    • 15:00 16:40
      Astro-Neutrino 6

      Chair: E. Peinado

      • 15:00
        Dark matter and leptogenesis with classical scale invariance 20m
        In this talk I aim to draw some connections between dark matter and leptogenesis, by connecting both to a single energy scale which is radiatively generated and therefore exponentially suppressed compared to the UV cutoff of the theory. In our setup we extend the Standard Model (SM) by a dark sector, namely a non-abelian SU(2) hidden sector that is coupled to the SM via the Higgs portal, and a singlet sector with a real singlet σ and three right-handed Majorana neutrinos N_i . Due to a custodial symmetry all three gauge bosons X_i have the same mass and are absolutely stable, making them suitable dark matter candidates. The lepton flavour asymmetry is produced during oscillations of the right-handed neutrinos, which have masses around the electroweak scale or below.
        Speaker: Alexis Plascencia (IPPP, Durham University)
      • 15:20
        Twin Dark Matter & Early Cosmology 20m
        In this talk, I explore the early cosmology and the possibilities for dark matter candidates in Twin Higgs theories of the weak scale -- in particular, within a minimal implementation, the Fraternal Twin Higgs. The phenomenology of this class of models is rich: some highlights include the presence of a “twin WIMP miracle”; asymmetric twin dark matter made of twin baryons with the correct mass (set by dynamics underlying naturalness, not tuning) to explain the observed O(1) ratio of dark matter to baryon energy densities; and various new phase transitions beyond those of the Standard Model alone.
        Speaker: Isabel Garcia Garcia (University of Oxford)
      • 15:40
        Realistic simplified dark matter models 20m
        We show that simplified models used to describe the interactions of dark matter with Standard Model particles do not in general respect gauge invariance and that perturbative unitarity may be violated in large regions of the parameter space. The modifications necessary to cure these inconsistencies may imply a much richer phenomenology and lead to stringent constraints on the model. We illustrate these observations by considering the simplified model of a fermionic dark matter particle and a vector mediator. The resulting constraints are typically stronger than the ‘classic’ constraints on DM simplified models such as monojet searches and make it difficult to avoid thermal overproduction of dark matter.
        Speaker: Stefan Vogl (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)
      • 16:00
        Enabling Electroweak Baryogenesis through Dark Matter 20m
        I will discuss the impact on electroweak baryogenesis from a swifter cosmological expansion induced by modified cosmological history of the universe. I will also detail the experimental bounds that one can place on such models. The modifications can be sizeable if the expansion rate of the Universe increases by several orders of magnitude. I will focus on the Standard Model supplemented by a dimension six operator directly modifying the Higgs boson potential and show that due to the modified cosmological history, electroweak baryogenesis can be realized, while keeping deviations of the triple Higgs coupling below HL-LHC sensitivies.
        Speaker: Marek Lewicki (University of Warsaw)
      • 16:20
        - 20m
    • 15:00 16:40
      BSM 4

      Chair: M. Nebot

      • 15:00
        Top Partners: Flavour, CP and production at LHC 20m
        Top partners are a fundamental piece in most of the composite Higgs models, as their presence is essential to generate the observed Higgs mass. In this talk I will use the minimal composite Higgs model, based on the coset group SO(5)/SO(4), as a framework to study some general properties of the top partners.
        Speaker: Hugo Serodio (Korea University)
      • 15:20
        Searching for signals of FCNC in the production of heavy resonances at the LHC 20m
        Theories considering extra dimensions predict the existence of color octect gause boson, which decay could be through flavor changing neutral current (FCNC) channels. These scenarios are normally not considered by LHC searches, although they could be quite important in order to study particular models. In this talk I will comment about the possibility of measuring a color octect gauge boson decaying to a boosted top and a light-quark jet at the LHC. I will describe an algorithm based on boosted reconstruction methods and show a tentative reach of the LHC for FCNC couplings.
        Speaker: María Eugenia CABRERA CATALAN (Universidade de Sao Paulo)
      • 15:40
        Profiling Z' bosons using charge asymmetry in top pair production with the lepton-plus-jets final state at the LHC ? 20m
        We study the sensitivity of top pair production and six-fermion decay at the LHC to the presence and nature of an underlying Z' boson, accounting for full tree-level Standard Model interference, with all intermediate particles allowed off-shell. We concentrate on the lepton-plus-jets final state and simulate experimental considerations, including kinematic requirements and top quark pair reconstruction in the presence of missing transverse energy and combinatorial ambiguity in jet-top assignment. We focus on the differential mass spectra, as well as the charge asymmetry, demonstrating the use of this asymmetry in probing the coupling structure of a new neutral resonance, as well as cases in which the asymmetry forms a complementary discovery observable.
        Speaker: Declan Millar (Southampton Uni)
      • 16:00
        Higgs lepton flavor violation and connection to neutrino masses 20m
        We study lepton flavor violating Higgs decays in the light of the recent enhancement in the τμ channel, which should be confirmed/excluded soon at the second run of the LHC. In the first part of the talk, I will discuss tree-level and loop-level realizations that can accommodate the excess starting from an EFT analysis, while being at the same time compatible with other low-energy constraints. From our study, we can extract robust upper bounds to the maximum allowed value on H->τμ for the different topologies. In the second part, I will discuss neutrino mass models and their lepton flavor violating decays, finding that loop-level realizations are always too suppressed, while a 2HDM can explain the enhancement. Finally, we will discuss two well-motivated scenarios: left-right symmetric models and the Zee model, for which a detailed numerical analysis is currently being performed.
        Speaker: Juan Herrero Garcia (KTH, Stockholm)
      • 16:20
        Charged LFV from Low Scale Seesaw Neutrinos 20m
        Low scale seesaw models can accommodate neutrino oscillations data and at the same time allow for interactions that may contribute to charged Lepton Flavor Violation processes, which are a good place to look for new physics. We study the predictions for different cLFV observables within this kind of models, looking for large ratios induced by heavy neutrinos whose masses could be in the range of interest for present colliders.
        Speaker: Xabier Marcano (IFT, UAM-CSIC)
    • 15:00 16:40
      SUSY 3

      Chair: W. Porod

      • 15:00
        Dynamical Generation of Soft Supersymmetry Breaking Masses  -- towards a viable model of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking 20m
        Simple dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking model via the NJL mechanism cannot be phenomenologically viable unless with supersymmetry. The supersymmetric case requires input soft supersymmetry breaking mass. To find a way to get to a model  a good model witout any input masses, we constructed a simple model with supersymmetry itself dynamically broken by anothor NJL-type four-superfield interaction which directly  generates the soft mass. The presentation willl discuss the model and sketch the path towards the desired simple supersymmetric SM with composite Higgs superfields and all masses generated dynamically, without the need for a hidden sector and mediating sector.
        Speaker: Otto Kong (National Central University, Taiwan)
      • 15:20
        Flavour Physics and Yukawa Couplings from E_6 20m
        Supersymmetric $E_6$ GUT models contain exotic vector-like quark superfields, which can influence the phenomenology of current and future precision experiments in flavour physics. We propose a minimal $E_6$ model with sufficiently light exotic (s)quarks without too rapid proton decay. I discuss the renormalization group evolution of the Yukawa sector and the experimental constraints from present data on B, D, K decays. Future experiments such as Belle II, NA62 and KOTO will enhance this sensitivity and may test energy ranges of up to 100 TeV.
        Speaker: Thomas Deppisch (Institue for Theoretical Particle Physics (KIT))
      • 15:40
        Non-universal MSSM as the effective theory from flavour 20m
        Flavour symmetries a la Froggatt-Nielsen provide a compelling way to explain the hierarchy of fermionic masses and mixing angles in the Yukawa sector. In Supersymmetric extensions of the SM where the breaking of Supersymmetry occurs at scales much larger than the breaking of flavour, this flavour symmetry must be respected not only by the Yukawas of the superpotential, but by the soft - breaking masses and trilinear terms as well. In this work we show that contrary to naive expectations, even starting with flavour blind soft breaking at a high scale, the effective theory obtained after integrating out the heavy flavour mediator fields is strongly non-universal. We explore the phenomenology of these SUSY models after the latest LHC searches for new physics.
        Speaker: Michael Perez (IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
      • 16:00
        Flavor Violating Higgs Decays in Supersymmertic Models 20m
        We study the quark flavor violating Higgs-boson decay h->bs in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). The decay is analyzed first in a model independent, and in a second step in the minimal flavor violationg (MFV) Constrained MSSM. The experimental constraints from $B$-Physics observables (BPO) and electroweak precision observables (EWPO) are also calculated and imposed on the parameter space. It is shown that in some cases the EWPO restrict the flavor violating parameter space stronger than the BPO. In the model independent analysis values of \order{10^{-4}} can be found for BR(h->bs). In the MFV CMSSM such results can only be obtained in very restricted parts of the parameter space. The results show that it is not excluded to observe the decay h->bs in the MSSM at future $e^+e^-$ colliders.
        Speaker: Muhammad Rehman (IFCA, CSIC-Univ Cantabria)
      • 16:20
        Supersymmetry Searches in GUT Models with Non-Universal Scalar Masses 20m
        We study SO(10), SU(5) and fipped SU(5) GUT models with non-universal soft supersymmetry-breaking scalar masses, exploring how they are constrained by LHC supersymmetry searches and cold dark matter experiments, and how they can be probed and distinguished in future experiments. We find characteristic differences between the various GUT scenarios, particularly in the coannihilation region, which is very sensitive to changes of parameters.
        Speaker: Mario E. Gomez (Universidad de Huelva)
    • 16:40 17:10
      Coffee 30m
    • 17:10 19:10
      Astro-Neutrino 7

      Chair: H. Päs

      • 17:10
        Fermion Dark Matter from SO(10) 20m
        We construct and analyze nonsupersymmetric SO(10) standard model extensions which explain dark matter (DM) through the fermionic Higgs portal. In these SO(10)-based models, the DM particle is naturally stable since a Z2 discrete symmetry, the matter parity, is left at the end of the symmetry breaking chain to the standard model. Potentially realistic models contain the 10 and 45 fermionic representations from which a neutralino-like mass matrix with arbitrary mixings can be obtained. Two different SO(10) breaking chains will be analyzed in light of gauge coupling unification: the standard path SU(5) ×U(1)X and the left-right symmetry intermediate chain. The former opens the possibility of a split supersymmetric-like spectrum with an additional (inert) scalar doublet, while the later requires additional exotic scalar representations associated to the breaking of the left-right symmetry.
        Speaker: Carolina Arbelaez (Univ Técnica Federico Santa Maria)
      • 17:30
        Axionic Dark Matter in AGNs: Born again Dark Energy 20m
        AGN jets carry helical magnetic fields, which can affect dark matter if the latter is axionic. This preliminary study shows that the nature of the axionic condensate may change such that it violates the strong energy condition and becomes localised Dark Energy. The presence of such Dark Energy may affect galaxy formation and galactic dynamics, so this possibility should not be ignored when considering axionic dark matter.
        Speaker: Konstantinos Dimopoulos (Lancaster University)
      • 17:50
        The QCD axion, precisely 20m
        The QCD axion solves the strong CP problem and it is a natural dark matter candidate. Although its mass and couplings are determined by non-perturbative QCD effects I will show that they can be extracted with percent accuracy, partially exploiting the foreseen experimental accuracy in case of discovery. Furthermore I will discuss the unreliability of the usual instanton estimates and study the impact on dark matter and cosmology.
        Speaker: Giovanni Grilli di Cortona (SISSA)
      • 18:10
        Nuclear Dark Matter 20m
        I will outline models of Nuclear Dark Matter, where the dark matter states are large composite objects consisting of constituent "dark nucleons". I will present some of the details of the possible interactions of these large composite dark matter states with the Standard Model sector. Elastic scattering with SM nuclei can be coherently enhanced by factors as large as A^2, where A is the number of constituents in the composite state (there exist models in which DM states of very large A may be realised). This enhancement, for a given direct detection event rate, weakens the expected corresponding signals at colliders by up to 1/A. Moreover, the spatially extended nature of the DM states leads to an additional, characteristic, form factor modifying the momentum dependence of scattering processes, altering the recoil energy spectra in direct detection experiments.
        Speaker: Stephen West (Royal Holloway, University of London)
      • 18:30
        Baryonic and leptonic dark matter 20m
        In this talk I will discuss about scenarios where Dark Matter (DM) particles carry baryon and lepton numbers. Clearly the baryon and lepton numbers of the DM particles can be defined only if there exists operators which connect them to the Standard Model (SM) baryons and leptons. As a result the DM particles become intimately linked to the SM particles and can be maximally asymmetric just like the baryons of the SM. We consider an initial asymmetry that is frozen in either the SM or the DM sectors and the main role of these operators is to make sure that the asymmetry is properly distributed between the SM and DM sectors in accordance with observations. Once the mass of the DM is specified, the Wilson coefficients of these operators will be fixed by the requirement of correct transfer of the asymmetry. With the mass of DM and coefficients of these operators fixed, I will discuss possible phenomenological consequences.
        Speaker: Fong Chee Sheng (Universidade de São Paulo)
      • 18:50
        - 20m
    • 17:10 19:10
      BSM 5

      Chair: S. King

      • 17:10
        Left-Right Symmetric Models in light of new physics signals and leptogenesis 20m
        The left-right symmetric gauge theories have been one of the most popular extensions of the Standard Model over past three decades. These theories naturally address several important issues such as neutrino mass and matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe which can not be accounted for in the Standard Model. Recently, several potential new physics signals reported by ATLAS and CMS collaborations at the LHC and the B-physics experiments have provided a window of opportunity to put these theories on trial. In this talk, I will discuss the possibilities of addressing one or more of these potential new physics signals within the framework of left-right symmetric theories and the consequent implications on leptogenesis which is one of the most attractive mechanisms to address the baryon asymmetry of the Universe.
        Speaker: Chandan Hati (Physical Research Laboratory)
      • 17:30
        Lepton Flavour Violation from Doubly Charged Scalars: Mu-e Conversion 20m
        Apart from naturally explaining their smallness, models in which neutrino masses are generated only at the loop level are particularly interesting as they often contain electrically charged scalar fields. These additional particles contribute in particular to lepton flavour and/or number violating processes, like mu -> e gamma or neutrinoless double beta decay. On the other hand, at LHC new charged scalars could be identified from several decay and production channels, generating complementarity with low energy experiments. Using a radiative model based on an effective vertex as example, we discuss a setting involving a doubly charged scalar particle. We focus on a certain lepton flavour violating process, namely mu-e conversion in muonic atoms. This process is particularly interesting since future experiments will improve the bounds on the branching ratio by several orders of magnitude and thus will lead to strong constraints on the model space which could even challenge current LHC bounds. As this framework could stem from several known UV completions, our results are in fact rather general.
        Speaker: Tanja Geib (Max Planck Institute for Physics)
      • 17:50
        Non-universal Z' models with controlled flavor-changing interactions 20m
        The LHCb collaboration recently reported several anomalies in B meson decays which, taken at face value, imply a large deviation from lepton-flavor universality. Motivated by them, I will present a new class of Z' models based on a non-universal U(1)' extension of the Standard Model gauge symmetry. This model is characterized by the presence of flavor violating Z' couplings in the down-quark sector controlled by off-diagonal CKM matrix elements. Anomaly cancellation conditions fix the extension of the symmetry to the lepton sector in a precise way, introducing flavor-conserving non-universal interactions. The new gauge sector is very predictive and presents an interesting phenomenology, with several smoking-gun signatures that will be tested in the near future.
        Speaker: Javier Fuentes-Martin (IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
      • 18:10
        Impact of sterile neutrinos on cLFV processes 20m
        If observed, charged lepton flavour violation (cLFV) is a clear sign of new physics. I will discuss extensions of the SM with sterile neutrinos which could potentially give rise to cLFV signals, with a particular emphasis on low-energy seesaw mechanisms. I will discuss the impact of the sterile states on cLFV processes occurring in the presence of muonic atoms and on rare LFV Z decays at a future high-luminosity Z factory.
        Speaker: Valentina de Romeri (IFT, UAM-CSIC)
      • 18:30
        A Bottom-Up Approach to Lepton Flavor and CP Symmetries 20m
        We perform a model-independent analysis of the possible residual Klein and generalized CP symmetries associated with arbitrary lepton mixing angles in the case that there are three light Majorana neutrino species. This approach emphasizes the unique role of the Majorana phases and provides a useful framework in which to discuss the origin of the Dirac CP phase in scenarios with spontaneously broken flavor and generalized CP symmetries. The method is shown to reproduce known examples in the literature based on tribimaximal and bitrimaximal mixing patterns, and is used to investigate these issues for the case of a particular (GR1) golden ratio mixing pattern.
        Speaker: Alexander Stuart (SISSA)
      • 18:50
        Lepton flavor violation in the singlet-triplet scotogenic model 20m
        We investigate lepton flavor violation (LFV) in the the singlet-triplet scotogenic model in which neutrinos acquire non-zero masses at the 1-loop level. In contrast to the most popular variant of this setup, the singlet scotogenic model, this version includes a triplet fermion as well as a triplet scalar, leading to a scenario with a richer dark matter phenomenology. Taking into account neutrino oscillation data, we explore some aspects of the LFV phenomenology of the model. In particular, we study the relative weight of the dipole operators with respect to other contributions to the LFV amplitudes and determine the most constraining observables. We show that in large portions of the parameter space, the most promising experimental perspectives are found for LFV 3-body decays and for coherent $mu-e$ conversion in nuclei.
        Speaker: Paulina Rocha (BCTP, Bonn University)
    • 17:10 19:10
      Cosmo 3

      Chair: A. Delgado

      • 17:10
        Vacuum stability of a general scalar potential of a few fields 20m
        We find vacuum stability (bounded below) conditions for general scalar potentials of a few fields. The conditions are analytical, necessary and sufficient, and can be applied to a wide range of potentials. As examples, we discuss (1) the vacuum stability conditions of the general potential of two real scalars, without and with the Higgs boson included in the potential, (2) the two Higgs doublet model with no explicit CP breaking, and (3) the $Z_3$ scalar dark matter with an inert doublet and a complex singlet.
        Speaker: Kristjan Kannike (NICPB)
      • 17:30
        A brane cosmology with Peccei-Quinn field in SUSY 20m
        We propose a scenario of brane cosmology in which Peccei-Quinn field play the role of the inflaton and can solve simultaneously various cosmological/phenomenological issues ( baryogenesis, dark matter, axion solution to the strong CP-problem without domain wall problem, and so on.).
        Speaker: Wanil Park (IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
      • 17:50
        Warm Relaxation of the Weak Scale 20m
        Cosmological relaxation of the electroweak scale employing the minimal QCD relaxion mechanism is still viable, provided inflation occurs at finite temperature. The $\Theta$-angle problem of the original model is overcome by suppressing the barrier size during relaxation. After relaxation, the suppression is removed and the barrier growth gives rise to the required value of $\Theta \sim \mathcal{O}(10^{-9})$. In contrast to other solutions of QCD relaxion models, no axion-inflaton coupling is required. In this case the resolution comes about through a modification of the inflation sector, independently of the relaxion implementation.
        Speaker: Tevong You (University of Cambridge)
      • 18:10
        Vilkovisky-DeWitt Effective Action Approach to Scalar-Curvature Inflation Theories 20m
        Recently, in arXiv:1603.03730, we developed a new, generalised version of the potential slow roll approximation for a class of theories, known as Scalar-Curvature theories, at the classical level. This formalism allowed us to demonstrate that cosmological observables, such as the tensor-to-scalar ratio, spectral indices and their runnings, remain invariant under frame transformations (conformal transformations and inflaton reparametrizations) to first order in the slow-roll approximation. While frame invariance of the observables has been shown at the classical level, the problem still remains after the inclusion of quantum corrections to the action. In this talk, I will outline how to extend the frame invariance of the action to the effective action, which includes the aforementioned corrections, through the use of the Vilkovisky-DeWitt formalism. I will explicitly demonstrate this invariance at the one-loop level, and sketch how this invariance may be obtained to all orders in perturbation theory.
        Speaker: Daniel Burns (Manchester University)
      • 18:30
        Vacuum Stability and Inflationary Dynamics in Gauged U(1)_(B-L) Model 20m
        $U(1)_{B-L}$ model is the minimal gauge extended Standard Model(SM) where an extra $U(1)$ gauge group is augmented to the SM. This model is of great importance since the extra Abelian symmetry groups can originate from different high scale Grand Unified Theories, like $SO(10), E(6)$ etc. I will briefly discuss three key aspects of the model. First encounters the boundedness of the scalar potential and how vacuum stability constrains the parameters of this model. Another important aspect is that the model can provide a viable dark matter candidate provided the DM stability is ensured by an additional $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry. Finally I will discuss the interesting possibility that if the $B-L$ symmetry is broken at very high scale, the heavy scalar can act as an inflaton. I will discuss how recent observations of BICEP and PLANCK data can constrain parameters of this model.
        Speaker: Tanmoy Mondal (Physical Research Laboratory)
      • 18:50
        - 20m
    • 09:00 11:00
      Plenary 6

      Chair: K. S. Babu

      • 09:00
        Neutrino experiments 30m
        A review on the status of experimental neutrino physics.
        Speaker: Ines Gil-Botella (CIEMAT)
      • 09:30
        Neutrino Theory for the Cosmos and the Laboratory 30m
        Neutrinos may have interactions beyond those required by the standard model of quarks and leptons. They will have important effects on the structure of the cosmos and may be observable in the laboratory. In particular, I will discuss implications of neutrino interactions with dark matter in renormalizable models of neutrino mass, with applications to cosmic structure formation and Higgs physics.
        Speaker: Ernest Ma (UC Riverside)
      • 10:00
        Unified Models of Neutrinos, Flavour and CP violation 30m
        In this talk we shall give an overview of unified models of quark and lepton (including especially neutrino) masses and mixing based on discrete CP and family symmetries spontaneously broken by extended Higgs and flavon sectors. Various different approaches to model building will be described, denoted as direct, semi-direct and indirect. We discuss examples based on SU(5) and SO(10) SUSY GUTs with A4, S4 and Delta(27) family symmetry. Leptogenesis and SUSY flavour predictions of such models are described as well as their possible string theory origins.
        Speaker: Steve King (Southampton University)
      • 10:30
        The Physics Program of the DUNE Experiment 25m
        The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a next-generation long-baseline neutrino experiment. DUNE consists of an intense neutrino beam fired a distance of 1300 km from the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory to the 40,000 ton Liquid Argon DUNE detector, located deep underground in the Homestake mine in South Dakota. The principle goals of this experiment are a comprehensive investigation of neutrino oscillations to test CP violation in the lepton sector, determining the ordering of the neutrino masses, and testing the three-neutrino paradigm. The experiment will perform a broad set of neutrino scattering measurements with the near detector and exploit the large, high-resolution, underground far detector for non-accelerator physics topics including atmospheric neutrino measurements, searches for nucleon decay, and measurement of astrophysical neutrinos especially those from a core-collapse supernova.
        Speaker: Nuno Barros (Pennsylvania Uni)
    • 11:00 11:30
      Coffee 30m
    • 11:30 13:10
      Astro-Neutrino 8

      Chair: A Mirizzi

      • 11:30
        Recent results from T2K 20m
        The most recent neutrino and antineutrino oscillation results from the T2K long-baseline experiment will be reviewed. Plans for the future will also be discussed.
        Speaker: Boris Popov (LPNHE, University of Paris)
      • 11:50
        Measuring CP violation with non-unitary neutrino mixing 20m
        One of the main goals of the current and future neutrino long-baseline experiment is the observation of CP violation in the leptonic sector. In this talk we will discuss some scenarios where the measurement of the CP violation phase could be affected by the presence of neutrino physics BSM. In this case the combination of different observables will be necessary to obtain a clean observation of the standard CP phase.
        Speaker: Mariam Tórtola (IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
      • 12:10
        Physics from solar neutrinos in dark matter experiments 20m
        The next generation of dark matter direct detection experiments will be sensitive to both coherent neutrino-nucleus and neutrino-electron scattering. We compute projected nuclear and electron recoil rates due to solar neutrinos, and use them to infer errors on future measurements of the neutrino fluxes, weak mixing angle and solar observables, as well as to constrain new physics in the neutrino sector.
        Speaker: Pedro Machado (IFT, UAM-CSIC)
      • 12:30
        Neutrino oscillations in the galactic dark matter halo 20m
        The observation of PeV neutrinos has opened a window to study astrophysics and New Physics processes. Among PeV neutrino observables, the neutrino flavor composition become very interesting because it can reveal underlying interactions during the neutrino propagation. We consider the effect of galactic dark matter interactions on the neutrino oscillations. We estimate the effective interaction strength required to produce sizable deviations with respect to expected flavor composition from oscillations in vacuum. In addition, the spatial distribution of dark matter can lead to even larger deviations and can also produce a flavor composition that depends on the neutrino's arrival direction. These features might be observed in neutrino telescopes, like IceCube and KM3NET, depending on the telescope's sky coverage. Also, a positive signal has interesting insights for particle physics models.
        Speaker: Roberto A. Lineros (IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
      • 12:50
        Self-induced temporal instability from a neutrino antenna 20m
        It has been recently shown that the flavor composition of a self-interacting neutrino gas can spontaneously acquire a time-dependent pulsating component during its flavor evolution. In this context, we perform a more detailed study of this effect in a model where neutrinos are assumed to be emitted in a two-dimensional plane from an infinite line that acts as a neutrino antenna. We consider several examples with varying matter and neutrino densities and find that temporal instabilities with various frequencies are excited in a cascade. We compare the numerical calculations of the flavor evolution with the predictions of linearized stability analysis of the equations of motion. We show that large flavor conversions can take place if some of the temporal modes are unstable for long enough, and that this can happen even if the matter and neutrino densities are changing, as long as they vary slowly.
        Speaker: Francesco Capozzi (Università degli Studi di Padova - INFN Padova)
    • 11:30 13:10
      BSM 6

      Chair: G. Rodrigo

      • 11:30
        Pure NMSSM interpretation of 750 GeV diphoton excess 20m
        NMSSM has enough ingredients to explain the diphoton excess at 750 GeV. We consider the production of the 750 GeV singlet-dominated pseudoscalar $a$ from a decay of the doublet-dominated pseudoscalar $A$, and the subsequent decay of $a$ into two photons via higgsino loop. We demonstrate that this cascade decay of the NMSSM Higgs bosons can explain the diphoton excess in the 13 TeV data consistently with the absence of a significant excess in the 8 TeV data.
        Speaker: Marek Olechowski (University of Warsaw)
      • 11:50
        Di-photon excess and Dirac gauginos 20m
        Supersymmetric models with Dirac masses for the gauginos have both a solid top-down theoretical motivation and a rich phenomenology. In this talk, we show that the scalar singlet presents in such models is a sound candidate for the 750 GeV di-photon excess as we can have simultaneously: perturbativity up to the GUT scale, vacuum stability and gauge couplings unification. This is furthermore achieved in the "minimal" setup for such scenarios. This is based on work realised in collaboration with K. Benakli, M. Goodsell and J. Harz.
        Speaker: Luc Darme (LPTHE)
      • 12:10
        750 GeV Diphotons in Supersymmetric GUTs 20m
        I investigate the 750 GeV diphoton excess in terms of supersymmetric models which preserve grand unification in the ultraviolet. I show that minimal extensions of the MSSM by a singlet and a vectorlike 5-plet or 10-plet of SU(5) can explain the observed signal while remaining perturbative up to the GUT scale. Different from previous analyses I include the effects of light sfermions in the loop which enhance the diphoton cross section by up to a factor of four. Explicit upper limits on the diphoton cross section are derived from vacuum stability. I also provide signal predictions in other diboson channels to be tested at LHC-13.
        Speaker: Martin Winkler (University of Bonn)
      • 12:30
        Lessons for new physics for Higgs decay to two photons 20m
        I will present some examples of two and three Higgs doublet models where the requirement of "alignment" does not necessarily guarantee decoupling. In such scenarios, a heavy charged scalar in the TeV range can have relatively large contribution to the Higgs to diphoton decay amplitude causing the signal strength to be reduced by more than 10% from the corresponding SM expectation. These limiting cases with large quantum effects can be easily ruled out by a precision measurement of the diphoton signal strength. I will also comment on a similar situation that arises in a certain limit of the type II seesaw model.
        Speaker: Dipankar Das (IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
      • 12:50
        Models for the di-photon excess 20m
        Recent reports by the CMS and ATLAS collaborations of a possible X(750 GeV) state decaying into two photons present the strongest indication yet of new physics beyond the Standard Model. We focus on the possibilities that this is a scalar or pseudoscalar electroweak isoscalar state produced by gluon-gluon fusion mediated by loops of new heavy fermions. We consider several models of new vector-like fermions, as well as the possibility that X(750) is a dark matter mediator, with a neutral vector-like dark matter particle. The decays X → ZZ, Zγ and W+W− are interesting prospective signatures that may help distinguish between the different vector-like fermion models.
        Speaker: Sebastian Ellis (University of Michigan)
    • 11:30 13:10
      Higgs 3

      Chair: C. Biggio

      • 11:30
        Phenomenology of Split Composite Higgs 20m
        Long-lived, colour-triplet scalars are a generic prediction of unnatural, or split, composite Higgs models where the spontaneous global-symmetry breaking scale f > 10 TeV and an unbroken SU(5) symmetry is preserved. Since the triplet scalars are pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons they are split from the much heavier composite-sector resonances and are the lightest exotic, coloured states. This makes them ideal to search for at colliders. Due to discrete symmetries the triplet scalar decays via a dimension-six term and given the large suppression scale f is often metastable. We show that existing searches for collider-stable R-hadrons from Run-I at the LHC forbid a triplet scalar mass below 845 GeV, whereas with 300 inverse femtobarns at 13 TeV triplet scalar masses up to 1.4 TeV can be discovered. For shorter lifetimes displaced-vertex searches provide a discovery reach of up to 1.8 TeV. In addition we present exclusion and discovery reaches of future hadron colliders as well as indirect limits that arise from modifications of the Higgs couplings.
        Speaker: Andrew Spray (Centre for Theoretical Physics of the Universe, Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon)
      • 11:50
        Fundamental Composite 2HDM : SU(6)->Sp(6) 20m
        The Standard Model suffers from many theoretical problems. What is the physical origin of the Electroweak symmetry breaking ? Why is the Higgs boson the only fundamental scalar in the Standard Model? As a consequence, why is there such a fine tuning in the Higgs sector ? And finally, where is Dark Matter ? Composite Higgs models can give answers to these questions in an appealing way. In these models, the Higgs is regarded as a pseudo Godstone boson, result of the dynamical breaking of a global flavor symmetry from a more fundamental theory. This breaking generates also other particles that can be good Dark Matter candidates. In this talk, I will present the main ideas of Composite Higgs models and the results of my work using SU(6)/Sp(6) as a specific example. This model contains 14 Godstone bosons where 8 of them form 2 Higgs doublets, the others could possibly be Dark Matter candidates. I will also present a detailed study of the Yukawa sector and the potential for the Higgs giving it its mass.
        Speaker: Mickael Lespinasse (IPNL)
      • 12:10
        The minimal linear sigma model for the Goldstone Higgs 20m
        In the context of the minimal SO(5) linear {\sigma}-model, a complete renormalizable Lagrangian -including gauge bosons and fermions- is considered, with the symmetry softly broken to SO(4). The scalar sector describes both the electroweak Higgs doublet and the singlet {\sigma}. We analyze the phenomenological implications and constraints from precision observables and LHC data. (
        Speaker: Sara Saa (IFT, UAM-CSIC)
      • 12:30
        Vector and Axial-vector Resonances from a Fundamental Composite Higgs Model 20m
        We provide a non-linear realisation of composite Higgs model in the context of $SU(4)_0 \times SU(4)_1/ Sp(4)$ symmetry breaking pattern, where the effective Lagrangian of the spin-0 and spin-1 resonances in this model is constructed via the CCWZ prescription. We investigate the EWPT constraint in this model by accounting the effects from reduced Higgs couplings and integrating out heavy spin-1 resonances. The fermionic contents for those resonances can be constructed in a fundamental gauge theory with two Dirac fermions. This model provides rich candidates of composite spin-1 resonances, phenomenologies of these neutral and charged states are analysed for the hadronic colliders with $\sqrt s = 13$ TeV and $\sqrt s = 100$ TeV. In particular, we recast the most recent Run II exclusion bounds on the full parameter space from Drell-Yan and di-bosons processes. These results serve as a guideline for searches of new vector and axial-vector resonances at the LHC and a future 100 TeV collider.
        Speaker: Haiying CAI (IPNL, France)
      • 12:50
        The Higgs-Gauge Legacy of the LHC 20m
        The effective Lagrangian expansion provides a model independent framework to study effects of new physics at the electroweak scale. To make full use of LHC data in constraining higher-dimensional operators we need to include both the Higgs and the electroweak gauge sector in the analysis. We first present a combined analysis of the relevant diboson production LHC results to set the strongest available constraints on triple gauge boson couplings. The bounds that we derive are already stronger than the ones obtained from LEP data. Next, we show how they can be combined with Higgs measurements at the LHC to further constrain the multi-dimensional space of dimension--six Wilson coefficients. We conclude illustrating how this Higgs--TGV pattern of correlated deviations from Standard Model predictions and couplings can be different for theories of new physics based on a non-linear realization of the SU(2)L×U(1)Y symmetry.
        Speaker: Juan Gonzalez-Fraile (Universitat Heidelberg)
    • 13:10 15:00
      Lunch 1h 50m
    • 15:00 17:00
      Astro-Neutrino 9

      Chair: I. Gil Botella

      • 15:00
        Limits on Cosmic ALPs Background from cosmic reionization 20m
        Recently it has been pointed out that a cosmic background of relativistic axion-like particles (ALPs) would be produced by the primordial decays of heavy fields(moduli) in the post-inflation epoch, contributing to the extra-radiation content in the Universe today. Primordial magnetic fields would trigger conversions of these ALPs into sub-MeV photons during the dark ages. This photon flux would produce an early reionization of the Universe, leaving a significant imprint on the total optical depth to recombination τ. Using the current measurement of τ and the limit on the extra-radiation content ΔNeff by the Planck experiment we put a strong bound on the ALP-photon conversions.
        Speaker: Daniele Montanino (Università del Salento &amp; INFN, Lecce)
      • 15:20
        Gamma-ray limit on axion-like particles from supernovae 20m
        In this talk I will present an update of the axion bounds from a supernova explision based on the state-of-the art simulations. I will update the bound of photon-axion coupling from the non-observation of gamma-rays in coindicende with the SN 1987A. I will discuss the perspective of improvement in the case of observation of a future supernova with Fermi-LAT satellite. I will also revisit the bound on axions from supernova cooling and I will discuss the impact on future supernova neutrino observations.
        Speaker: Alessandro Mirizzi (Bari Univ & INFN Bari)
      • 15:40
        Propagation of Cosmic Rays in Anisotropic Diffusion Models 20m
        One aim of cosmic ray measurements is to search for possible signatures of annihilating or decaying dark matter. The excess of positrons measured at the top of the atmosphere has attracted a lot of attention in this context. On the other hand it has been proposed that the data might challenge the established diffusion model for cosmic ray propagation. We investigate a modification of the two-zone diffusion model giving rise to changes in the spectral shape of the positron spectrum.
        Speaker: Annika Reinert (Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics, Universität Bonn)
      • 16:00
        Aspects of cosmological particle production 20m
        Time-dependent masses or background fields may induce abundant production of particles. The talk shall describe this process in detail with the impact of the rescattering emphasized, also in models with more than a single coupling constant. Cosmological applications of the general method and comparison between perturbative and non-perturbative results shall be presented.
        Speaker: Olga Czerwińska (Univ Warsaw)
      • 16:20
        The effect of Time-Dependent Scalar Mode Functions to Non-Gaussianity 20m
        I will discuss quantum gravitational loop effects to observable quantities such as curvature power spectrum and primordial non-gaussianity of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation. We first review the previously shown case where one gets a time dependence for zeta-zeta correlator due to loop corrections. Then we investigate the effect of these loop corrections to primordial non-gaussianity of CMB.
        Speaker: Emre Kahya (Technical University Istanbul)
      • 16:40
        Explaining the muon anomalous magnetic moment with a single new particle 20m
        The measured value of the muon anomalous magnetic moment shows a discrepancy from the Standard Model prediction. In this talk we assume that this discrepancy can be explained by adding a single new particle to the Standard Model field content and we show which are the cases in which this could indeed work.
        Speaker: Carla Biggio (Univ Genova)
    • 15:00 17:00
      BSM 7

      Chair: F. Deppisch

      • 15:00
        Semileptonic decays of B and charm hadrons at BaBar 20m
        Selected results on B and charm semileptonic decays at the BaBar experiment are presented, on behalf of the BaBar collaboration.
        Speaker: Arantza Oyanguren (IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
      • 15:20
        Heavy scalars in the minimal left-right symmetric models 20m
        TeV scale left-right model are natural to restore parity and generate the tiny active neutrino masses. With the scalar sector extended to break the right-handed weak interaction and generate the SM fermion masses, there are generally heavy neutral, singly charged, and doubly charged scalars beyond standard model at the TeV scale or beyond, which is promising to be observed at LHC 13/14 and future high-luminosity and/or higher-energy colliders. In this talk we discuss the production and decay mechanisms of heavy scalars at current and future hadron colliders in the minimal left-right models and rich phenomenological implications.
        Speaker: Yongchao Zhang (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
      • 15:40
        LHC dijet constraints on double beta decay 20m
        We use LHC dijet data to derive constraints on neutrinoless double beta decay. Upper limits on cross sections for the production of “exotic” resonances, such as a right-handed W boson or a diquark, can be converted into lower limits on the 0νββ decay half-life for fixed choices of other parameters. Constraints derived from run-I data are already surprisingly strong and complementary to results from searches using same-sign dileptons plus jets.
        Speaker: Juan C. Helo (UTFSM)
      • 16:00
        PyR@TE 2: automatic RGEs generation at two-loop with kinetic mixing 20m
        Renormalization group equations are a key ingredient to extrapolate theories to higher energies. Even though their expression at two-loop for an arbitrary gauge field theory have been known for more than thirty years, deriving the full set of equations for a given model by hand is very challenging and prone to errors. To tackle this issue, we have introduced a python tool called PyR@TE; Python Renormalization group equations @ Two-loop for Everyone. With PyR@TE, it is easy to implement a given Lagrangian and derive the complete set of two-loop RGEs for all the parameters of the theory. In this talk, I will present the new version of this code, PyR@TE 2, which brings many new features and in particular the support of kinetic mixing when several U(1) gauge groups are involved. In addition, it is now possible to implement terms in the Lagrangian involving fields for which several gauge singlets exist. As a byproduct, results for several popular models are presented in this paper. Finally, the two-loop RGEs for the anomalous dimension of the scalar and fermion fields have been implemented as well.
        Speaker: Florian Lyonnet (SMU)
      • 16:20
        Simplified models for dark matter coannihilation at the LHC 20m
        Following the general classification of simplified models of coannihilating dark matter in terms of quantum numbers of dark matter, coannihilation partners and mediators, in this talk I would explore the phenomenology of two unconventional dark matter models featuring strongly interacting mediators and co-annihilation partners. I will discuss first a model where dark matter is mediated by a leptoquark, which leads to distinctive signatures at the LHC. I will then focus on models where dark matter co-annihilates with a fermonic QCD triplet. In both cases I will stress the complementarity between the relic density constraints and direct collider searches for the dark matter particle, the mediator and the co-annihilation partner.
        Speaker: Jose Francisco Zurita (KIT Karlsruhe)
      • 16:40
        Composite bound state explanations for the 750 GeV diphoton excess at LHC 20m
        We consider several phenomenological explanations for the recent 750 GeV two-photon excess reported by ATLAS and CMS. In the first proposal, we consider an explanation for the excess from a heavy composite axion, motivated as a solution to the strong CP problem. This can result as a condensate from a higher-colour representation of QCD quarks. Alternatively, we consider a bound state from two multiply charged, vector-like isospin singlet leptons as an explanation for the excess. Such states have been searched for by ATLAS and CMS. In both these proposals we consider photon fusion as the leading production process, and find that both models can satisfy the excess accordingly.
        Speaker: Matthew Talia (University of Sydney)
    • 15:00 17:00
      Formal 2

      Chair: M. Cvetic

      • 15:00
        Flavour structure of grand unifications and other sources of uncertainties in proton lifetime estimates 20m
        Grand Unified Theories predict baryon instability and, for most of the models, the proton decay widths are the only quantities potentially measurable in experiments. However, the calculations of proton lifetime usually involve severe theoretical uncertainties due to, e.g., perturbative techniques employed or difficulties in estimating the large-scale threshold effects. Similarly, the proximity of the Planck scale may bring in considerable errors. We are evaluating the sizes of these errors focusing on the effects of the Planck suppressed effective operators on the flavour structure of the theory which is another important input for the proton lifetime computations. We shall discuss several schemes in which specific decay channels are found to exhibit particular robustness with respect to these issues.
        Speaker: Helena Kolesova (Czech Technical University in Prague)
      • 15:20
        The unification of electro-weak and strong interactions in a non-supersymmetric model 20m
        We present an example of an extension of the Standard Model where unification of strong and electroweak interactions occurs at a level comparable to that occurring in the minimal supersymmetric standard model. The key feature of this model is that, besides the elementary particles of the SM a new set of particles subject to a superstrong interaction at the scale of few TeV, is present and coupled (with peculiar hypercharge assignments) to the SM particles.
        Speaker: Marco Garofalo (University of edinburgh)
      • 15:40
        SO(10) from M Theory: Symmetry Breaking and Neutrino Masses 20m
        In this communication we will show how M Theory compactified on G2 manifolds provide all the ingredients for model building and a yet-much-unexplored territory. In doing so we will present the so-called G2-MSSM, an SU(5) class of models with the MSSM spectrum, before presenting the most recent developments on SO(10) SUSY GUTs arising from M Theory on G2 manifolds. We will show that SO(10) SUSY GUTs from M Theory imperatively require a TeV scale extra vector-like family and light gauginos, both providing a striking smoking gun at reach of the LHC. Furthermore, the details and challenges poseed by the breaking of the rank is closely related with the spectrum of neutrino masses, which will be explicitly discussed.
        Speaker: Miguel Crispim Romao (University of Southampton)
      • 16:00
        Quantum structure of the minimal calculable unified model 20m
        To take advantage of the expected sensitivity increase in the next generation experiments searching for proton decay (Hyper-K, DUNE, ...), the precision of proton lifetime predictions has to improve significantly, which implies the need to go to the next-to-leading order calculation. That means considering the 2-loop running of all the couplings with the use of the 1-loop threshold effects that account for the actual (split) spectrum. One of the largest uncertainties involved at this level of accuracy is due to the unknown Planck scale effects which introduce shifts in the matching condition that cause an uncertainty of a several orders of magnitude in the predicted scale of gauge coupling unification and hence in the masses of the heavy fields mediating the proton decay. We focused on the minimal renormalizable non-supersymmetric SO(10) model with the 45 and 126 Higgses, where the Planck suppressed gauge kinetic form operators are absent due to the antisymmetry of the adjoint representation. Such scenario could provide a realistic breaking pattern and account for the neutrino masses. It has long been known that its tree-level spectrum suffers from tachyonicity, but by using the effective potential approach we managed to show that at the quantum level those masses receive substantial corrections and can become non-tachyonic. Establishing that the spectrum of the model is realistic is only the first step towards providing the first ever NLO computation of the corresponding proton lifetime in the future. I shall discuss our current results, comment on certain limits and mention some of the difficulties we have encountered.
        Speaker: Timon Mede (IPNP Charles University in Prague)
      • 16:20
        F-Theory model building 20m
        F-Theory model building
        Speaker: Andrew Meadowcroft (University of Southampton)
      • 16:40
        Constraining Non-Commutative Gravity 20m
        Motivated by some string theory considerations the classical 4-dimensional spacetime may actually be quantum and exhibit a canonical non-commutative structure. We used recent observation of gravitational waves by LIGO Collaboration to constraint the scale of spacetime noncommutativity.
        Speaker: Adrian Manning (Univ Sydney)
    • 18:30 23:00
      Valencia tour & Gala dinner 4h 30m
    • 09:00 11:00
      Plenary 7

      Chair: C. Muñoz

      • 09:00
        Particle Dark Matter: a Multimessenger Endeavor 30m
        The search for dark matter as a new, yet undiscovered, particle is explored through a complex host of different signals, that cover the full electromagnetic spectrum (from radio to gamma rays), charged cosmic rays and neutrinos. The expected dark matter signals are definitely faint, but the possibility to exploit a wide-field investigation will hopefully lead to the discovery and understading of the nature of the elusive particle(s) composing dark matter. In this talk I will give a brief overview of the current status of the search for particle dark matter signals and I will explore some new ideas that are emerging in the investigation of this dominant component of the Universe.
        Speaker: Nicolao Fornengo (University of Torino and INFN)
      • 09:30
        Weak gravity conjecture and axion phenomenology 30m
        Invited talk string
        Speaker: Angel Uranga (IFT, UAM-CSIC)
      • 10:00
        F-theory and Particle Physics 30m
        We present developments in F-theory compactifications with an emphasis on particle physics implications. We spell out techniques to construct globally consistent F-theory compactifications that result in particle physics models, such as the SU(5) GUT's and the first three family Standard Model construction. We also spell out technical advances in constructions of F-theory compactifications with higher rank Abelian and discrete symmetries.
        Speaker: Mirjam Cvetic (Pennsylvania U.)
      • 10:30
        A new view on charge and color breaking in the MSSM 25m
        There exist several traditional bounds from the avoidance of charge and color breaking minima in the MSSM. Though an extensive analysis was given long time ago, the most prominent bounds are put in special regions of scalar field space which potentially miss other constraints. We try to give a new view on charge and color breaking without constraining into specific field rays and provide optimized conditions against the formation of non-standard vacua considering both stop and sbottom vevs.
        Speaker: Wolfgang Gregor Hollik (DESY)
    • 11:00 11:30
      Coffee 30m
    • 11:30 13:10
      Astro-Neutrino 10

      Chair: M. Tórtola

      • 11:30
        Minimal dark matter and radiative neutrino masses 20m
        In this talk we will discuss the interplay between radiative neutrino mass generation and minimal dark matter. We will discuss one-loop neutrino mass models in which one of the mediators is either a hypercharge-zero fermion quintet or a hypercharge-zero scalar septet. For these models we identified various processes that render the neutral component of the dark matter representation cosmologically unstable, and therefore not reconcilable with dark matter stability unless tiny couplings or additional ad hoc symmetries are assumed. This is in contrast with the idea of minimal dark matter, where the stability is entirely due to the standard model gauge symmetry. Finally, we will comment on higher-order loop neutrino mass models that although consistent with dark matter stability and phenomenological constraints have a Landau pole for $\alpha_2$ at energy scales comparable to the characteristic scale of the model itself, and are then hard to reconcile with perturbativity criteria.
        Speaker: Catarina Simoes (IFPA-AGO, University of Liege)
      • 11:50
        Lepton-number-violating accidental matter 20m
        Accidental matter models are scenarios where the beyond-Standard-Model physics preserves the Standard Model accidental and approximate symmetries. Constraints from lepton-number-violating interactions, in particular those enforced by Majorana neutrino masses, fix the scale of the physics that can break these symmetries to 10^{15} GeV, and thus their effects are automatically suppressed. We show that under fairly-reasonable assumptions alternative scenarios where this scale is as low as 10^6 GeV are possible constructing. This requires the accidental matter to play an active role in neutrino mass generation, and unavoidably lead to radiatively induced neutrino masses. In these cases new observables are potentially accessible in indirect searches, thus increasing their experimental testability. Of particular relevance are processes involving rare charged lepton-flavor-violating decays.
        Speaker: Daniel Wegman (ULG, IFPA)
      • 12:10
        Indirect detection of Dark Matter with the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope 20m
        The ANTARES neutrino telescope is searching for neutrinos produced in self-annihilation of Dark Matter (DM) particles. The analysis for different sources of DM (Sun, Galactic Center, Earth, …) and DM models (SUSY, Secluded) will be described and the results presented. The specific advantages of neutrino telescopes for this kind of searches will also be explained. For instance, the indirect search for Dark Matter towards the Sun performed by neutrino telescopes currently leads the most stringent limits on the spin-dependent WIMP-nucleon cross section. Moreover, a signal would not have any significant astrophysical background, contrary to other searches.
        Speaker: Miguel Ardid (Univ Politècnica València)
      • 12:30
        Neutralino dark matter and naturalness in the MSSM 20m
        Most of the MSSM DM scenarios (well-tempered neutralinos, funnels, co-annihilation) imply some kind of fine-tuning. We have studied this problem in an, as much as possible, exhaustive and rigorous way. I will present a brief discussion about the statistical meaning of the fine-tuning and how it should be computed for the DM abundance, and combined with the EW fine-tuning. Our results are very robust and model-independent and favour some scenarios, like the h-funnel when the neutralino mass is not too close to m_h/2, with respect to others, such as the pure wino case.
        Speaker: Sandra Robles (IFT, UAM-CSIC)
      • 12:50
        Model-independent study of leptophilic Dark Matter 20m
        I will give an overview of the phenomenological aspects of a simplified dark matter scenario where the mediator is a new extra fermion (chiral or vector-like) carrying leptonic quantum number and the dark matter candidate is either scalar or vector. The extra lepton and the dark matter are odd under a Z^2 symmetry, hence the leptonic mediator can only interact with the dark matter state and standard model leptons of different flavours. In this study we will focus on scenarios where the new heavy lepton is electrically charged. We consider tree- and loop-level constraints from direct and indirect detection, electroweak precision tests, relic density, (g-2) of electron and muon, lepton flavour violation and collider signatures at the Large Hadron Collider. We determine the excluded regions for representative benchmark scenarios, characterized by different assumptions about the coupling between the heavy lepton, the dark matter and standard model leptons.
        Speaker: Hugo Prager (University of Southampton)
    • 11:30 13:10
      Higgs 4

      Chair: TBA

      • 11:30
        A new Higgs boson from a soft wall geometry. 20m
        Many different extensions of the Standard Model have been proposed where the Higgs doublet is emerging as a bound state from a new physics strongly coupled sector: I discuss a general class of these models, recently reviewed in 1511.08218, where the new sector is an approximate conformal theory and the Higgs scalar experiences non trivial spectral properties, as a Higgs continuum, besides the 125 GeV pole. A novel realization of these models is then proposed in terms of a dual description based on a warped five dimensional theory with a soft wall geometry and some properties of this scenario are derived.
        Speaker: Alberto Parolini (KIAS)
      • 11:50
        NLO corrections to Higgs to Higgs decay in the xSM 20m
        We study the decay of a heavy Higgs boson into a light Higgs pair at one loop in the singlet extension of the Standard Model. To this purpose, we properly fully renormalized the extended Higgs sector of the model. We applied different schemes to calculate the heavy-to-light Higgs decay width H-> hh at next-to-leading order electroweak accuracy, and demonstrate that certain prescriptions lead to gauge-dependent results. We comprehensively examine how the NLO predictions depend on the relevant singlet model parameters and how these change under different renormalization schemes and a variable renormalization scale. Once all present constraints on the model are included, we find mild NLO corrections, typically of few percent, and with small theoretical uncertainties. This process is of interest since it can affect the pair production of Higgs bosons at run II of the LHC. The subject of this talk has been published in JHEP 1602 (2016) 147.
        Speaker: Guillaume Chalons (LPSC Grenoble)
      • 12:10
        How the Planck scale could strongly affect the EW vacuum stability 20m
        The study of the stability condition of the Electroweak vacuum is an essential tool for the comprehension of the non-perturbative interplay between the Standard Model and its UV completions at high energy (Planck) scales. The role played by the IR parameters, such as Higgs and top masses, on the stability analysis has been widely investigated. In our contribution we show that the presence of new physics at very high energy scales could also affect the stability condition. We analyze how different (toy) implementations of some UV completions of the Standard Model are responsible for the appearance of new kind of "faster" (most likely) field configurations dominating the transition amplitude for the decay of the electroweak (metastable) vacuum. Therefore, for different values of the Higgs and top masses, we compute the tunneling rate and and evaluate the stability diagram for these different new physics scenarios thus showing the "non-universality" of the stability condition.
        Speaker: Emanuele Messina (Univ Catania and INFN)
      • 12:30
        The ultimate fit on the HEFT 20m
        The complete effective chiral Lagrangian for a dynamical Higgs is presented together with the ultimate fit considering data from LEP and LHC. The comparison with the d=6 effective linear Lagrangian constructed with the Standard Model Higgs doublet is presented. A strategy for disentangling the Higgs nature is also discussed and it includes: i) anomalous signals potentially relevant for LHC searches, present only in the chiral Lagrangian and not expected in the linear one, and ii) decorrelation effects between observables that are predicted to be correlated in the linear case and not in the chiral one.
        Speaker: Luca Merlo (IFT, UAM-CSIC)
      • 12:50
        FCNC decays of top quark in the aligned two Higgs doublet model 20m
        We compute the flavour-changing top decays t-> ch and t-> cV (V =g ,Z) within the framework of the aligned two-Higgs-doublet models. By exploiting constraints from flavour physics and the measured Higgs properties, we investigate the parameter space of the model and its impact on the associated branching ratios. It is observed that the Higgs signal strength in the di-photon channel imposes important restrictions on the t->ch decay rate when the charged scalar of the model is light. We conclude that the rates of these flavour-changing top decays are beyond the expected sensitivity of the future high-luminosity phase of the LHC.
        Speaker: Gauhar Abbas (IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
    • 13:10 15:00
      Lunch 1h 50m
    • 15:00 16:45
      Plenary 8

      Chair: E. Ma

      • 15:00
        The MoEDAL Experiment at the LHC - a New Light on the Particle Physics of the Birth of the Universe 30m
        In 2010 the MoEDAL experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was unanimously approved as the LHC’s 7th experiment experiment by CERN’s Research Board, to start data taking in 2015. MoEDAL is a pioneering experiment designed to search for highly ionizing messengers of new physics such as magnetic monopoles or massive (pseudo-)stable charged particles. Its ground-breaking physics program defines a number of scenarios that yield potentially revolutionary insights into such foundational questions as: are there extra dimensions or new symmetries; what is the mechanism for the generation of mass; does magnetic charge exist; what is the nature of dark matter; and, how did the big-bang develop. MoEDAL’s purpose is to meet such far-reaching challenges at the frontier of the field. The innovative MoEDAL detector - that was installed for the first time in the winter of 2014-15 - employs unconventional detector methodologies tuned to the prospect of discovery physics. The largely passive MoEDAL detector, deployed at Point 8 on the LHC ring, has a dual nature. The first results from MoEDAL test deployments will be presented.
        Speaker: James Pinfold (University of Alberta)
      • 15:30
        Models of supersymmetry for dark matter 30m
        Supersymmetric models (with and without R parity conservation) and the associated particle candidates for dark matter (neutralino, sneutrino, gravitino) will be discussed in the light of experimental results.
        Speaker: Carlos Muñoz (IFT, UAM-CSIC)
      • 16:00
        Implications of a 750 GeV diphoton resonance 30m
        Higgs review
        Speaker: Abdelhak Djouadi (LPT Orsay)
      • 16:30
        Closing talk 10m
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