Yorick Blumenfeld
21/02/2011, 09:20
Maria José G. Borge
(Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC)
21/02/2011, 09:50
The beta decay process allows for understanding the interactions and behaviour of the nucleons inside the nucleus. The process is well understood and the interpretation of the data yields a wide variety of spectroscopic information: level energies, spins, parities, widths and level densities.
Often the key nuclei to understand how such a complex system can be constructed from a few...
Ivan Mukha
(Helholzzentrum Gesellschaft fur SchwerIonenforschung (GSI))
21/02/2011, 11:00
Extremely proton-rich nuclei with odd or even atomic numbers were predicted by V. Goldansky in 1960
to decay through one- or two-proton radioactivity, respectively. Two-proton (2p) radioactivity, a
spontaneous decay of an atomic nucleus by emission of two protons, is the most recently discovered
nuclear disintegration mode. It has first been reported for 45Fe in 2002 with a half-life of...
E. Maglione
(INFN Padova)
21/02/2011, 11:40
We have performed theoretical calculations to describe the structure of nuclei at the extremes of stability, using the nonadiabatic quasiparticle approach. We reproduce the experimental half-life for proton radioactivity in 121Pr assuming J =7/2- as decaying state, showing for the first time clear evidence for partial rotation alignment in a proton emitting nucleus1.
Recent findings suggest...
Philip J. Woods
(University of Edinburgh)
21/02/2011, 12:20
The talk will consider where we currently stand in terms of the exploration of one proton radioactivity. Proton radioactivity provides a uniquely sensitive probe of nuclear shape and shell structure beyond the proton drip-line. This varied nuclear landscape in turn provides us with a laboratory in which to explore the dramatic influence of shape and shell structure on the proton quantum...
J.J. Valiente Dobon
21/02/2011, 15:00
The properties and structure of nuclei with equal number of protons and neutrons have been in the last decades an intense field of research, both experimentally and theoretically. The structure of these nuclei provide essential infomation, among other things, about the isospin symmetry of the nuclear force as well as on proton-neutron correlations. As an example, the isobaric analogue states in...
Yoshitaka Fujita
(Department of Physics, Osaka University)
21/02/2011, 15:40
Gamow-Teller (GT) transitions are caused by the most common weak interaction of spin-isospin (στ) type with ΔL = 0. Since spin and isospin are unique quantum numbers in nuclei, GT transitions represent very important nuclear response. GT transitions are studied by the β decay and charge-exchange (CE) reactions. The β decay has a direct access to the absolute GT transition strengths...
Jérôme Giovinazzo
21/02/2011, 16:20
Through the studies of Fermi transitions between 0+ analog states with T = 1 (superallowed transitions), nuclear physics provides a valuable test of the Standard Model of particle physics. These transitions depend only on the vector part of the weak interaction, and according to the conserved vector current (CVC) hypothesis, their strength Ft is a constant. Then this value is used to determine...
Tommi Eronen
(University of Jyväskylä)
21/02/2011, 17:30
Precise measurements of beta decays between isobaric analog states of nuclear spin-parity 0+ and isospin T=1 provide important data for testing the electroweak interaction. These so-called superallowed beta decays provide the most precise value of V_ud, the up-down element of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) quark-mixing matrix. The most stringent test of the CKM matrix is the top-row...
Piet Van Duppen
(Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica)
21/02/2011, 18:10
In-gas cell laser spectroscopy has been developed at the Leuven Isotope Separator On-Line
(LISOL) set-up using heavy- and light-ion induced reactions. The recoiling reaction products are
thermalised in a buffer gas cell filled typically with 300 to 500 mbar of argon. They are
subsequently resonantly photoionized using a two step laser ionization scheme, extracted from
the gas cell,...
T.E. Cocolios
(Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica)
21/02/2011, 18:35
The technique of resonant ionization spectroscopy is well known for its selectivity in the production of RIB at ISOL facilities. This feature is now also used for atomic spectroscopy on weakly-produced isotopes (<1 atom/s), otherwise not accessible by conventional laser spectroscopy techniques.
With two protons outside the lead (Z=82) closed core, the polonium isotopes (Z=84) exhibit shape...
Alan Chen
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, McMaster University)
22/02/2011, 11:00
The goal of understanding the production of galactic Al-26 brings together progress in nuclear astrophysics from observations, theory, meteoritics, and laboratory experiments. In the case of experimental work, nuclear reactions involving unstable isotopes are being studied to elucidate the production of Al-26 in stellar explosive nucleosynthesis. This talk will discuss recent experiments...
Carlos Bertulani
(Texas A&M University-Commerce)
22/02/2011, 11:40
A short review of theoretical descriptions for breakup reactions of neutron-deficient nuclei and, in particular, the breakup of weakly bound light nuclei. They include measurements of proton-removal cross sections, longitudinal momentum distributions of core fragments, extraction of spectroscopic factors from measurements of knock-out reactions, extraction of nuclear dipole response and of...
Dario Vretenar
(Physics Department, University of Zagreb)
22/02/2011, 12:20
The evolution of low-energy isoscalar and isovector dipole strength in neutron-deficient nuclei is analyzed in a fully consistent mean-field plus QRPA framework. Model calculations performed for a series of proton-rich nuclei between Z=18 and Z=28, predict the occurrence of isoscalar low-energy dipole transitions (IS-LED)
and, closer to the proton drip line, of proton pygmy dipole resonances.
Thomas Faestermann
(Physics Dept., T U München)
22/02/2011, 15:00
We have produced 100Sn and nuclei in its neighbourhood by fragmentation of 124Xe ions from the SIS at GSI, Darmstadt. The fragments of interest were separated and identified in the FRS. In addition to 259 nuclei of 100Sn we observed for the first time the N=Z-1 nuclei 93Ag, 95Cd, 97In and 99Sn. Because of the reduced yield of 103Sb we conclude that proton radioactivity with a half life below...
Joakim Cederkall
(Lund University)
22/02/2011, 15:40
The higher intensities at EURISOL will make several new isotopes in the 100sn region available for studies. In particular it should be possible to study the migration of single particle orbits as 101Sn is approached. The
presentation will focus on the use of transfer reactions as probe of the single particle structure in this region and will also discuss some experiments related to the spin...
Rolf-Dietmar Herzberg
(University of Liverpool)
22/02/2011, 16:20
A growing number of experiments is currently opening up the transfermium region of nuclei for detailed spectroscopic investigations [1,2]. In the deformed nuclei in the nobelium region this allows an identification and mapping of single particle orbitals closest to the top end of the nuclear chart.
Initial in-beam measurements in the region focussed on γ-ray spectroscopy of even-even...
Hugo Arellano
(Physics Department - FCFM - U Chile)
22/02/2011, 17:55
Microscopic descriptions of nucleon scattering from nuclei depend on the matter distribution of their neutron and proton constituents. Additionally, the different behaviour of density-dependent effective
interactions in the pp and pn channels offer a selective mechanism by which proton probes couple to the proton and neutron densities of the nucleus. Recent formal studies of the optical model...
Giuseppe Verde
(INFN, Sezione di Catania)
22/02/2011, 18:20
Correlations between two or more particles emitted during a nuclear reaction provide tools to study time properties of the reaction and can be used as well to explore spectroscopic properties of exotic clusters. With the aim of studying two- and multi-particle correlation functions the FARCOS project (Femtoscope ARray for COrrelations and Spectroscopy) has been conceived as an array of double...
D. Jenkins
(York University)
23/02/2011, 09:00
A remarkable feature of the atomic nucleus is its ability to take on different mean-field shapes for a small cost in energy. Since this phenomenon is a strong challenge to state-of-the-art theory, experimental data can provide a discriminating test of competing models. A strong focus for explorations of nuclear shape coexistence in recent years has been the region around the light lead nuclei....
Alejandro Algora
(IFIC (CSIC-Univ. Valencia))
23/02/2011, 09:40
Beta decay experiments are an important source of nuclear structure information. In this presentation we will
show examples of what can be learned from total absorption measurements in beta decay. In particular, special emphasis will be devoted to studies of shape effects and shape coexistence. Recent results obtained in the Pb region and future plans will be discussed.
Augusto Macchiavelli
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
23/02/2011, 10:20
Pairing in exotic nuclei is a subject of active research in nuclear physics. Of particular interest is the competition between isovector (T=1) and isoscalar (T=0) Cooper pairs, expected to occur in N=Z nuclei .
Near 40Ca and 56Ni, earlier systematic analyses of two-neutron (L=0) transfer reactions [1,2] found the data consistent with a picture involving configuration mixing induced by...
Piet Van Isacker
23/02/2011, 11:40
It is shown that the aligned neutron-proton pair with angular momentum J=9 and isospin T=0 plays a central role in the low-energy spectroscopy of the N~Z nuclei approaching 100Sn. This observation is made in the context of the spherical shell model on the basis of several realistic two-nucleon interactions. Shell-model results are analyzed in terms of a variety of two-nucleon pairs...
Alexandra Petrovici
(National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering)
23/02/2011, 12:20
The interest for the investigation of the proton-rich medium mass nuclei exceeds the frontier of nuclear
structure and dynamics. Apart from displaying some rather interesting nuclear structure effects, the
superallowed 0+ → 0+ Fermi β decay of these nuclei is a valuable tool in probing many properties of the
weak interaction. Nuclei at or near the N=Z line are of particular interest as...
Angela Bonaccorso
(INFN, Sez. di Pisa)
23/02/2011, 13:40