21-23 February 2011
Colegio Rector Peset
Europe/Madrid timezone

New Vistas in Experimental Searches for Proton Radioactivity

21 Feb 2011, 12:20
Colegio Rector Peset

Colegio Rector Peset


Philip J. Woods (University of Edinburgh)


The talk will consider where we currently stand in terms of the exploration of one proton radioactivity. Proton radioactivity provides a uniquely sensitive probe of nuclear shape and shell structure beyond the proton drip-line. This varied nuclear landscape in turn provides us with a laboratory in which to explore the dramatic influence of shape and shell structure on the proton quantum tunneling probability. The talk will explore new experimental approaches to the study of this fascinating phenomenon, including the exploration of new regions of the proton-drip-line, and regions of shape co-existence, where shape effects on tunneling would be probed in a uniquely sensitive manner.

Primary author

Philip J. Woods (University of Edinburgh)

Presentation Materials

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