Thomas Faestermann
(Physics Dept., T U München)
22/02/2011, 15:00
We have produced 100Sn and nuclei in its neighbourhood by fragmentation of 124Xe ions from the SIS at GSI, Darmstadt. The fragments of interest were separated and identified in the FRS. In addition to 259 nuclei of 100Sn we observed for the first time the N=Z-1 nuclei 93Ag, 95Cd, 97In and 99Sn. Because of the reduced yield of 103Sb we conclude that proton radioactivity with a half life below...
Joakim Cederkall
(Lund University)
22/02/2011, 15:40
The higher intensities at EURISOL will make several new isotopes in the 100sn region available for studies. In particular it should be possible to study the migration of single particle orbits as 101Sn is approached. The
presentation will focus on the use of transfer reactions as probe of the single particle structure in this region and will also discuss some experiments related to the spin...
Rolf-Dietmar Herzberg
(University of Liverpool)
22/02/2011, 16:20
A growing number of experiments is currently opening up the transfermium region of nuclei for detailed spectroscopic investigations [1,2]. In the deformed nuclei in the nobelium region this allows an identification and mapping of single particle orbitals closest to the top end of the nuclear chart.
Initial in-beam measurements in the region focussed on γ-ray spectroscopy of even-even...