Alexandra Petrovici
(National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering)
The interest for the investigation of the proton-rich medium mass nuclei exceeds the frontier of nuclear
structure and dynamics. Apart from displaying some rather interesting nuclear structure effects, the
superallowed 0+ → 0+ Fermi β decay of these nuclei is a valuable tool in probing many properties of the
weak interaction. Nuclei at or near the N=Z line are of particular interest as micro-laboratory for high
precision tests of the Standard Model. The isospin symmetry breaking is also responsible for the mirror
energy differences induced by electromagnetic and charge-dependent strong interactions. Anomalies have
been experimentally identified in the excitation energy of the analog states in the A≃70 mass region.
The properties of these nuclei are important for the rp process and the understanding of the nucleosyn-
thesis. The simulation of many astrophysical objects requires the knowledge of properties and decay rates
of nuclei near the proton drip line. Relevant for the Gamow-Teller (GT) beta decay of the waiting point
nuclei could be the GT strength distributions for the low-lying excited states whose thermal population
may result in a significant reduction of the effective lifetime at the high temperatures of X-ray bursts.
Shape coexistence and mixing, isospin mixing, significant neutron-proton pairing correlations competing
with the like-nucleon ones, and competition between proton and neutron alignment have been identified
as the main characteristic features of nuclei near the N=Z line in the A≃70 mass region. The self-
consistent treatment of exotic phenomena dominated by their interplay represents a challenge for the
nuclear many-body models. Presently, the realistic description of tiny effects in this mass region aiming
to testing the fundamental interactions and symmetries as well as the required theoretical predictions
concerning the nuclear properties relevant for astrophysical scenarios are still open problems. We shall
present a self-consistent description of coexistence phenomena in the A≃70 region within the beyond
mean-field complex Excited Vampir variational approach using realistic effective interactions in large
model spaces and the mentioned problems will be illustrated.
Primary author
Alexandra Petrovici
(National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering)