Hugo Arellano
(Physics Department - FCFM - U Chile)
22/02/2011, 17:55
Microscopic descriptions of nucleon scattering from nuclei depend on the matter distribution of their neutron and proton constituents. Additionally, the different behaviour of density-dependent effective
interactions in the pp and pn channels offer a selective mechanism by which proton probes couple to the proton and neutron densities of the nucleus. Recent formal studies of the optical model...
Giuseppe Verde
(INFN, Sezione di Catania)
22/02/2011, 18:20
Correlations between two or more particles emitted during a nuclear reaction provide tools to study time properties of the reaction and can be used as well to explore spectroscopic properties of exotic clusters. With the aim of studying two- and multi-particle correlation functions the FARCOS project (Femtoscope ARray for COrrelations and Spectroscopy) has been conceived as an array of double...