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The detection of rare events requires transmitting the extremely weak signal, in which electronic substrates with low background levels and strong binding forces are extremely important. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and its homologue poly (perfluoroethylene, FEP) are excellent low background and high dielectric layers in electronic substrates widely applicated in rare event detection...
CUORE is a ton-scale experiment comprised of 988 TeO2 cryogenic crystals, located at the underground Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso of INFN (Italy). The CUORE detectors are operated as pure calorimeters at a base temperature of ~10 mK, that is reached and maintained thanks to a custom built cryogen-free dilution cryostat designed with the aim of minimizing the vibrational noise and the...
While most direct Dark Matter detection experiments measure only the recoil energies of (elastic) WIMP-nucleus scattering events deposited in underground laboratory detectors, "directional" DM detection experiments aim to provide 3-dimensional information (recoil tracks and/or head-tail senses) of WIMP-scattered target nuclei, as a promising experimental strategy for discriminating WIMP...
Neutrino Oscillations are one of the most important discoveries of the last thirty years. Many experiments looking at neutrinos from different sources were able to measure with a good precision almost all the oscillation parameters. However, considering parameters uncertainties, there is still room for the possibility of the presence of Beyond Standard Model (BSM) effects. Some of the most...
With radiopurity controls and small design modifications a kton-scale liquid argon time projection chamber similar to DUNE could be used for enhanced low energy physics searches. This includes improved sensitivity to supernova and solar neutrinos, and even weakly interacting massive particle dark matter. This talk will present initial simulation studies to optimize the design and evaluate...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an upcoming neutrino physics experiment that will answer some of the most compelling questions in particle physics and cosmology. The DUNE far detectors employ silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) to detect light produced by charged particles interacting in a large liquid argon time projection chamber (LarTPC).
The SiPMs are photosensors...
TeV DM candidates are gradually earning more and more attention within the community. Among others, extra-dimensional brane-world models may produce thermal DM candidates with masses up to 100 TeV, which could be detected with the next generation of very-high-energy gamma-ray observatories such as the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). In this work, we study the sensitivity of CTA to branon DM...
AMoRE is an international project to search for neutrinoless double beta decay of $^{100}$Mo with enriched Molybdenum-based crystals that are instrumented for phonon-scintillation detection. AMoRE-I, the present phase of the project, utilizes thirteen $^{48depleted}$Ca$^{100}$MoO$_4$ and five Li$_2$$^{100}$MoO$_4$ crystals with a total mass of 6.2 kg with heat and light detection channels and...
The ICARUS detector will search for LSND like neutrino oscillations exposed at shallow depth to the FNAL BNB beam in the context of the SBN program. In the approved FNAL SBN experiment the impact of cosmic rays is mitigated by a $4\pi$ Cosmic Ray Tagger (CRT) detector encapsulating the TPCs inside the pit and by a ~3 m concrete overburden both for the near and the far detectors. Cosmic...
It is often the case that experiments built with a focus on a specific fundamental question are also sensitive to a wider range of physical phenomena. In this talk I will discuss two such cases. First, I will follow [JCAP 05 (2021) 054][1], which assesses what simple dark matter models will be uniquely probed by a Neutrino telescope similar to KM3NeT. Given the existing constraints from...
Borexino is a large liquid scintillator experiment located at the underground INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, in Italy. It was designed and built with the primary goal of real-time detection of low energy solar neutrinos, and in more than ten years of data taking it has measured all the neutrino fluxes produced in the proton-proton-chain, i.e. the main fusion process accounting for...
The isotope $^{124}$Xe is exceedingly rare and long-lived. Still, its two-neutrino and neutrinoless double-weak decays offer exciting opportunities for neutrino and nuclear physics. The double-weak decays with neutrinos provide constraints for nuclear matrix element calculations on the proton-rich side of the nuclear chart [C. Wittweg, B. Lenardo, A. Fieguth and C. Weinheimer, EPJ C 80 (2020)...
COSINE-100 is a WIMP dark matter search experiment using ultra low-background NaI(Tl) crystals as a goal to revisit DAMA/LIBRA experiment. COSINE-100 is running with a 106 kg array of low-background NaI(Tl) crystals with approximately 3 counts/kg/day/keV, which is about three times higher than DAMA/LIBRA’s crystals. For the unambiguous conclusion of the DAMA/LIBRA's observation, it is...
It was shown for the first time in [1] that neutrino spin and spin-flavor oscillations can be engendered by weak interactions of neutrinos with a medium in the case when there are the transversal matter currents or transversal matter polarization. The existence of these effects was confirmed in [2]. In [3,4] we developed the quantum treatment of these phenomena and different possibilities for...
Borexino is a 280-ton liquid scintillator detector located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS), Italy. The main goal of Borexino is to measure solar neutrinos via elastic scattering off electrons in the liquid scintillator. The electrons are then detected by the photo-multiplier tubes via isotropically emitted scintillation photons. However, in the first few nanoseconds after a...
Electromagnetic properties of neutrinos can be a manifestation of new physics [1].
We study the electromagnetic contribution to elastic neutrino-nucleon and
neutrino-nucleus scattering processes. Following our approach developed for the
case of elastic neutrino-electron [2] and neutrino-proton [3] collisions, in our
formalism we account for possible electromagnetic form factors of...
The ENUBET experiment, included in the CERN Neutrino Platform effort as NP06/ENUBET, is developing a new neutrino beam based on conventional techniques in which the flux and the flavor composition are known with unprecedented precision ($\mathcal{O}$(1%)). Such a goal is accomplished monitoring the associated charged leptons produced in the decay region of the ENUBET facility. Positrons and...
Extensions of the Standard Model with charged Higgs, having a non-negligible coupling with neutrinos, can have interesting implications vis-à-vis neutrino experiments. Such models can leave their footprints in the ultra-high energy neutrino detectors like IceCube in the form of neutrino non-standard interactions (NSIs) which can also be probed in lower energy neutrino experiments. We consider...
The Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (ANNIE) experiment is a 26-ton gadolinium-loaded water Cherenkov detector located on the Booster Neutrino Beam at Fermilab. The experiment has a two-fold motivation: to perform a physics measurement and to advance new detector technologies. The measurement of final state neutron multiplicity from neutrino interactions in water as a...
Neutrino Nucleus Elastic Scattering ($\nu A_{el}$) offers a unique laboratory to study Quantum Mechanical superpositions in electroweak interactions, towards which several experimental programs are being actively pursued. In the TEXONO experiment, we are currently focused to measure the $\nu A_{el}$ cross-section for the reactor neutrinos (E$_\nu$ <10 MeV) at Kuo-Sheng Reactor Neutrino...
The PICOLON (Pure Inorganic Crystal Observatory for Low energy Neutr(al)ino) experiment is searching for WIMP dark matter with ultra-pure NaI(Tl) crystals at the underground laboratory in Kamioka observatory. Here, the quenching factor (QF) is the scintillation light yield ratio of nuclear recoil and electron recoil at the same energy deposit, and the QF of the NaI(Tl) is required to determine...
Neutrino scattering on condensed matter systems at low-energy transfer can serve both as a tool for searching the BSM physics, for example, such as neutrino electromagnetic interactions [1], and as a test of the Standard Model at low-energy scale [2]. In the case of low-energy elastic neutrino scattering by electrons and nuclei in a liquid or a solid target, it is necessary to take into...
We present a simple extension of the Standard Model with three right-handed neutrinos in a SUSY framework, with an additional U(1) abelian flavor symmetry with a non standard leptonic charge for lepton doublets and arbitrary right-handed charges. We show how it is possible to provide the correct prediction for the mixing angles of the PMNS matrix and for the parameter with a moderate fine...
The phenomenon of neutrino oscillations emerges due to coherent superposition of neutrino mass states. An external environment can modify a neutrino evolution in a way that the coherence will be violated. Such a violation is called quantum decoherence of neutrino mass states and leads to the suppression of flavor oscillations. In our previous studies (see [1] and reference therein) we...
We report new results on interactions of sub-GeV dark matter particles with electrons using data from a small dual-phase xenon time projection chamber operated at the Earth's surface [1]. We consider scattering both on electrons and nuclei in the Earth’s crust, atmosphere, and shielding materials to compute the attenuation of the dark matter flux by the atmosphere and the [2]. With an exposure...
We study the capabilities of the DUNE near detector to probe deviations from unitarity of the leptonic mixing matrix, the 3+1 sterile formalism and Non-Standard Interactions affecting neutrino production and detection. We clarify the relation and possible mappings among the three formalisms at short-baseline experiments, and we add to current analyses in the literature the study of the νμ→ντ...
The CUORE experiment is a closely packed array of 988 cryogenic calorimeters aimed at investigating lepton number violation via neutrino-less double beta decay (0νββ) in 130Te. We present the latest results on searches for the double beta decay (DBD) of 130Te to the first 0+ excited state of 130Xe in the 0νββ and Standard Model channels and discuss future perspectives. The de-excitation gamma...
The experimental searches for supernova relic neutrino are conducted below 30 MeV, where atmospheric neutrino interactions are the dominant background. Neutrino interactions in this low energy region have a large uncertainty due to complicated nuclear effects, for example, a momentum distribution of a nucleon in nucleus, Pauli blocking and de-excitation of a residual nucleus. Sophisticated...
In view of the next generation experiment CUPID, many R&D tests are
ongoing to define the detector design. CUPID aims to search for
neutrinoless double beta decay in a "zero background" environment,
rejecting alpha particles thanks to the simultaneous detection of heat
and scintillation light. It is of primary importance to optimize the
light collection to perform an efficient particle...
We study the effect of the scotogenic dark matter on the primordial black holes (PBHs) and vice versa. We show that if the PBHs evaporate in the radiation dominant era, the upper limit of the initial mass of the PBHs M_{in} should be constrained as 10^4 < M_{in}/M_{Pl} < 10^{10} for O(1) TeV scotogenic dark matter, O(1) TeV is the most appropriate energy scale in the scotogenic model. On the...
We have been developing an alpha-ray detector based on a time-projection-chamber in a low radioactivity background, in order to image the radioisotope concentration on the material surface. In underground particle physics, current detectors are required massive volume of target using ultra-pure material without radioactive impurities. However, uranium or thorium impurities on the surface of...
Two-neutrino double beta decay (2$\nu\beta\beta$) is a rare radioactive decay that is a weak process of second-order. It has been observed in neutrino-less double beta decay (0$\nu\beta\beta$) search experiments to verify the Majorana nature of neutrino. Precise observation of 2$\nu\beta\beta$ is important to reduce the theoretical uncertainty in the calculation of nuclear matrix elements...
The DEAP-3600 detector is a large single-phase liquid-argon detector for WIMP dark matter. The experiment has run successfully at SNOLAB since 2016 and has world leading limits for WIMP-argon interactions. We use pulse-shape discrimination (PSD) to separate electromagnetic events (Ar-39 beta decay, gamma rays, ...) from the nuclear recoil events from WIMP-nuclear scattering. PSD is effective...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a next-generation long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment based on liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) technology. In July 2020, DUNE’s single-phase (SP) prototype ProtoDUNE-SP (PD-SP) at CERN finished its two-year Phase-1 running, which successfully collected test-beam data and cosmic ray data. A key aspect of LArTPC...
We implement a minimal linear seesaw model (LSM) for addressing the Quasi-Dirac (QD) behaviour of heavy neutrinos, focusing on the mass regime of $M_{N} < M_{W}$.
Here we show that for relatively low neutrino masses, covering the few GeV range, the same-sign to opposite-sign dilepton ratio, $R_{\ell \ell}$, can be anywhere between 0 and 1, thus signaling a Quasi-Dirac regime. Particular...
The development of cryogenic calorimeters to search for neutrinoless double-beta decay (0$\nu$DBD) has given in the last years increasingly promising results.
To achieve a nearly background-free condition, scintillating crystals for 0$\nu$DBD have been developed. Thanks to the light-assisted particle discrimination, this technology demonstrated the complete rejection of the dominant alpha...
In this work, we study the potential of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) for the detection of Galactic dark matter (DM) subhalos. We focus on low-mass subhalos that do not host any baryonic content and therefore lack any multiwavelength counterpart. If the DM is made of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), these dark subhalos may thus appear in the gamma-ray sky as unidentified...
We study the impact of production of heavy neutral leptons (HNL) from meson decays on the number of neutrino charged current (CC) events that will be detected at the DUNE ND LArTPC. If the masses of the HNLs are below the kaon mass, then a decreased number of CC events at the DUNE LArTPC will be observed. This decrease is used to set upper limits on the mixing parameters of the HNLs. We find...
The Majorana nature of neutrinos is the key to understand the matter-antimatter asymmetry in our Universe. For now, searching for the neutrino-less double beta (0$\nu\beta\beta$) decay is the only realistic way to proof that neutrinos are Majorana particles.
The KamLAND-Zen experiment is 0$\nu\beta\beta$ decay search with $^{136}$Xe and ultra-low radioactive detector KamLAND. Since 2019, we...
Rare event searches share the need to isolate signal from background events, therefore experiments must develop good energy resolution detectors.
In this scenario, CUORE (Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events) exploits an array of 988 TeO$_{2}$ crystals operated as Low-Temperature Detectors (LTDs) at 10 mK. The main goal of the experiment is to search for neutrino-less double beta...
We search for scalar and tensor non-standard interactions using (anti)-electron neutrino disappearance in oscillation data. We found a slight preference for non-zero CP violation, coming from both tensor and scalar interactions. The preference for CP violation is lead by Daya Bay low-energy data with a significance that reaches $\sim1.7\sigma$ in the global analysis (and $\sim2.1\sigma$ when...
(Poster contribution, TAUP conference, 26.8. – 3.9.2021, Valencia, Spain)
-Tobias Sterr (1), for the JUNO OSIRIS Group
1 Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Physikalisches Institut, Germany
The Online Scintillator Internal Radioactivity Investigation System (OSIRIS) is a 20-ton liquid scintillator detector currently under construction at the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO)...
The LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) detector will consist of 7 tonnes (5.6 tonnes fiducial) of liquified xenon in a dual-phase Time Projection Chamber (TPC), which is sensitive to the nuclear recoil induced by Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). Among the various type of background particles, neutrons pose a great threat to the WIMPs searches due to the indistinguishable nuclear recoil. The outer...
DarkSide-20k is a rare-event search experiment dedicated to finding signals of dark matter particles. The DarkSide-20k time projection chamber detector registers ionisation and scintillation signals originating from the particles interacting with the liquid argon detector medium. It is enclosed in a single-phase liquid argon neutron veto tank, equipped with Gd-loaded panels for capturing...
A novel algorithm for a Bayesian analysis of multi-site rare events
CUORE (Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events) is a ton-scale experiment located at the LNGS with the main scientific goal of searching for neutrinoless double beta decay in $^{130}$Te. The detector consists of $\mathrm{TeO}_2$ crystals operated as cryogenic calorimeters. The use of natural tellurium allows us to...
We consider the generation of neutrino masses via a singly-charged scalar singlet. Under general assumptions we identify two distinct structures for the neutrino mass matrix which are realised in several well-known radiative models. Either structure implies a constraint for the antisymmetric Yukawa coupling of the singly-charged scalar singlet to two left-handed lepton doublets, irrespective...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a next-generation long-baseline neutrino accelerator experiment. It aims for precise measurements of the neutrino oscillation parameters, in particular the violation of the charge-parity symmetry and the neutrino mass hierarchy. DUNE consists of a Far Detector (FD) complex with four multi-kiloton liquid argon detectors, and a Near Detector...
NOvA is a long-baseline neutrino experiment studying neutrino oscillations with Fermilab’s NuMI beam. A convolutional neural network (CNN) that analyzes topological features is used to determine neutrino flavor in both the near and far detectors and observe the disappearance of muon neutrinos and the appearance of electron neutrinos. Alternative approaches to flavor identification using...
Borexino, located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy, is a liquid scintillator detector that measures solar neutrinos via their forward elastic scattering off electrons . The scintillation process of detection makes it impossible to distinguish electrons scattered by neutrinos from the electrons emitted from the decays of radioactive backgrounds. Due to the unprecedented...
After the latest measurement of the CEvNS process with a LAr detector, it has been shown that this interaction can be used as a powerful tool to perform tests of both the standard model and new physics scenarios. So far, one of the biggest challenges to perform precise measurements has been the determination of systematic uncertainties related, for instance, to quenching and form factors. We...
Doping Liquid Argon (LAr) with Xenon is a well known technique to shift the light emitted by Argon (128 nm) to a longer wavelength to ease its detection. The largest Xenon doping test ever performed in a LArTPC was carried out in ProtoDUNE Single Phase (ProtoDUNE-SP) at the CERN Neutrino Platform. From February to May 2020, a gradually increasing amount of Xenon was injected to compensate for...