The development of cryogenic calorimeters to search for neutrinoless double-beta decay (0$\nu$DBD) has given in the last years increasingly promising results.
To achieve a nearly background-free condition, scintillating crystals for 0$\nu$DBD have been developed. Thanks to the light-assisted particle discrimination, this technology demonstrated the complete rejection of the dominant alpha background. In addition, the possibility of achieving ton-scale exposures, maintaining an excellent energy resolution, lays the foundations for the CUPID project.
CUPID is a next-generation experiment aiming to exploit $^{100}$Mo enriched scintillating Li$_2$MoO$_4$ crystals, operating as cryogenic calorimeters, to investigate the entire inverted hierarchy region for neutrino messes. Thanks to the high Q$_{\beta\beta}$ of $^{100}$Mo and the $\alpha$-discrimination, the CUPID goal is to achieve a background level in the region of interest of 10$^{-4}$ counts/(keV kg yr).
Although the 0$\nu$DBD is the main objective of CUPID, other processes are open to experimental investigation, particularly those inducing a distortion of the 2$\nu$DBD spectral shape. Given the relatively fast half-life of $^{100}$Mo 2$\nu$DBD, we expect to reach unprecedented sensitivities in the search for 2$\nu$DBD bSM induced distortions.
In this poster a general overview of the CUPID experiment will be given as well as the first sensitivity estimation on others bSM processes.