A comparative study of Dirac and Majoarana ultrahigh-energy neutrino oscillations in an interstellar magnetic field (in session "Poster session 2")
A deuterated liquid scintillator for supernova neutrino detection (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 5")
A Geant4-based model for the TRISTAN detector (in session "Poster session 2")
A lab-scale experiment for keV sterile neutrino search from tritium beta decay spectrum (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 4")
A look at the PandaX-4T commissioning data (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 1")
A New Approach to Probe Non-Standard Interactions in Atmospheric Neutrino Experiments (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 8")
A novel method to fabricate electronic substrates of CDEX-100 by applying surface modification of low-background polymers (in session "Poster session 1")
A novel multimessenger study of Starburst galaxies: implications for neutrino astronomy (in session "Hot topic HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy")
A Novel Search Technique for Ultralight Dark Matter Using Green Bank Telescope Data (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 4")
A numerical approach to stochastic inflation and primordial black holes (in session "Discussion Panel Cosmology 1")
A Numerical Study of Oscillations of Highly Magnetized Non-rotating Axisymmetric Neutron Stars (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 1")
A Radioacitivity Survey of Commercially Available PTFE from European Suppliers (in session "Discussion Panel Underground Laboratories 2")
A search for dark matter using sub- PeV gamma-rays observed by Tibet ASγ (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 9")
Acoustic response of nuclear recoils in bubble chambers (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 1")
All-sky search in early O3 LIGO data for continuous gravitational-wave signals from unknown neutron stars in binary systems (in session "Discussion Panel Gravitational Waves 3")
An update on the two singlet Dark Matter model (in session "Discussion Panel Cosmology 1")
Analysis techniques for the search of 128-Te 0vbb decay with the CUORE TeO2 cryogenic crystals (in session "Poster session 1")
Annual modulation results from three-year exposure of ANAIS-112 (in session "Hot topic Dark Matter")
Annual Modulations of the Angular Recoil-Flux/Energy Distributions of WIMP-Scattered Target Nuclei Observed at an Underground Laboratory (in session "Poster session 1")
Antimatter Cosmic-Ray Nuclei and Dark Matter (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 7")
Antineutrino spectrometer DANSS - 5 years of running (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 4")
Aspects of High Scale Leptogenesis with Low-Energy Leptonic CP Violation (in session "Discussion Panel Cosmology 3")
Astroparticle physics in DUNE with the X-Arapuca detectors (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 2")
Astroparticle physics obtaining more attention from a new type of audience (in session "Poster session 2")
At what local temperature does xenon bubble? (in session "Poster session 2")
Atomic Compton scattering effect on direct dark matter detection (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 8")
Atomic Many-body Approaches for Constraining DM-electron Interactions (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 8")
Axion Production in Pulsar Magnetosphere Gaps (in session "Discussion Panel Cosmology 1")
Axion Quasiparticles for Axion Dark Matter Detection (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 4")
Axion-Photon Conversion in Magnetospheres: The Role of the Plasma (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 4")
Axions as dark matter (theory & exp)
Background model of the ANAIS-112 dark matter experiment (in session "Poster session 2")
Barium Tagging for the NEXT Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Program (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
BBN and CMB combined and separate constraints on new physics: measuring Neff and probing its evolution (in session "Discussion Panel Cosmology 2")
Behaviour of the lateral shower age of cosmic ray extensive air showers (in session "Poster session 2")
Beyond the detector horizon: forecasting gravitational-wave strong lensing (in session "Discussion Panel Gravitational Waves 1")
Beyond the Standard Model Searches with the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR Experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 4")
BINGO: Bi-Isotope 0ν2β Next Generation Observatory (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
Bridging the microhertz gap with asteroids: opportunities and challenges for gravitational wave detection (in session "Discussion Panel Gravitational Waves 1")
BSM sources of CP violation at future long baseline experiments (in session "Poster session 1")
Building low background kton-scale liquid argon time projection chambers for physics discovery (in session "Poster session 1")
Building, calibrating and searching for WIMPs and reactor CEvNS with Scintillating Bubble Chambers (in session "Hot topic Dark Matter")
Callio Lab – the deep underground research centre in Finland, Europe (in session "Discussion Panel Underground Laboratories 1")
Can unresolved PWNe weaken the evidence of CR spectral hardening in the inner Galaxy? (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 1")
Cazadores de materia oscura (in session "Public lecture")
CDEX-300ν: neutrinoless double beta decay experiment based on 76Ge (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
Characterization of an ultra-high purity NaI(Tl) crystal scintillator with the SABRE Proof-of-Principle detector (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 3")
Characterization of the DUNE photodetectors and study of the event burst phenomenon (in session "Poster session 1")
Characterization of the JUNO Large-PMT readout electronics (in session "Poster session 2")
Characterizing the observation bias in gravitational-wave detections and finding structured population properties (in session "Discussion Panel Gravitational Waves 2")
Cherenkov Telescope Array sensitivty to branon dark matter models (in session "Poster session 1")
Circular polarisation of gamma rays as a probe of dark matter-cosmic ray electron interactions (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 9")
Closing and Farewell
Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering
Collective neutrino oscillations in moving and polarized matter (in session "Poster session 2")
Combined Dark Matter searches from dwarf spheroidal galaxies observations by Fermi-LAT, HAWC, H.E.S.S., MAGIC, and VERITAS (in session "Hot topic Dark Matter")
Concept, status, and performance of the AMoRE-I detectors (in session "Poster session 1")
Constraining Dark Matter Annihilation with Cosmic Ray Antiprotons using Neural Networks (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 7")
Constraining positron emission from pulsar populations with AMS-02 data (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 3")
Constraining the diffuse supernova axion-like-particle background with high-latitude Fermi-LAT data (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 4")
Constraints on Axion-like Particles from a Hard X-ray Observation of Betelgeuse (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 4")
Core-collapse simulation of SN 1987A binary progenitor and its multimessenger signals (in session "Poster session 2")
COSINUS: Cryogenic NaI detectors for direct dark matter search (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 3")
Cosmic activation of CRESST’s CaWO4 crystals (in session "Poster session 2")
Cosmic Ray Light Nuclei Isotopes Measured by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the ISS (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 3")
Cosmogenic background suppression for the
ICARUS detector using a concrete overburden (in session "Poster session 1")
Cosmological implications of EW vacuum instability: constraints on the Higgs-curvature coupling from inflation (in session "Poster session 2")
Cosmological radiation density with non-standard neutrino-electron interactions (in session "Discussion Panel Cosmology 2")
Cosmology meets functional QCD: First-order cosmic QCD transition induced by large lepton asymmetries (in session "Hot topic Cosmology")
Cosmology of modified Chaplygin gas under the purview of f(T) gravity (in session "Poster session 2")
Cosmology overview
CPT violation in neutrino oscillations (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 1")
Crystal responses to general dark matter-electron interactions (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 8")
CSIS: a Cryogenic Superconducting Inertial Sensor (in session "Discussion Panel Gravitational Waves 1")
CTA prospects for annihilating dark matter from observations of nearby spiral galaxies (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 2")
CUPID: a next generation bolometric neutrinoless double beta decay experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
CUTE : A Cryogenic Underground Test Facility at SNOLAB (in session "Hot Topic Underground Laboratories")
Dark matter and structure formation
Dark matter Axion search with riNg Cavity Experiment DANCE: Design and development of auxiliary cavity for simultaneous resonance of linear polarizations (in session "Poster session 2")
Dark matter freeze-in from semi-production (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 5")
Dark matter from a complex scalar singlet: The role of dark CP and other discrete symmetries (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 5")
Dark matter in a charged variant of the Scotogenic model (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 5")
Dark matter models (theory review)
Dark Matter Physics in Neutrino Telescopes and Neutrino Physics in Dark Matter Detectors. (in session "Poster session 1")
Dark matter search in accelerators and beyond
Dark matter search results from DAMIC at SNOLAB (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 6")
Dark matter search with a SuperCDMS low-threshold silicon device (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 6")
Dark Matter Search with the Nuclear Isomer Ta-180m (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 8")
DarkSide-20k and the Future Liquid Argon Dark Matter Program (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 1")
DARWIN - a future dark matter and neutrino physics observatory (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 1")
Data analysis strategy used for the detection of CNO solar neutrinos with Borexino (in session "Poster session 1")
DEAP-3600 constraints on dark matter effective interactions and halo substructures (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 1")
Deep Science at Boulby Underground Laboratory (in session "Discussion Panel Underground Laboratories 1")
Density functional theory calculates general crystal responses for electron-dark matter interactions in silicon and germanium (in session "Poster session 2")
Detecting and characterising pulsar halos with the Cherenkov Telescope Array (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 1")
Detecting CEνNS and searching for new physics at reactor site with the CONUS experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 6")
Detection of Core-Collapse Supernova Neutrino at JUNO (in session "Poster session 2")
Detection Of Heavy Dark Matter Particles In DEAP-3600 (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 1")
Detection prospects for the double-beta decays of $^{124}$Xe (in session "Poster session 1")
Development of high-sensitivity radon detector in water for neutrino physics (in session "Poster session 2")
Development of low-background NaI(Tl) crystals for the COSINE-200 experiment (in session "Poster session 1")
Diffusion of density inhomogeneities in the early universe (in session "Poster session 2")
Dirac and Majorana neutrino oscillations in magnetized moving and polarized matter (in session "Poster session 1")
Direct Dark Matter search with CRESST-III Experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 6")
Direct detection of dark matter (experimental review)
Direct detection of light dark matter from evaporating primordial black holes (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 8")
Direct detection of non-galactic light dark matter (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 8")
Direct measurement of topological information using HUNI-ZICOS detector for 96Zr neutrinoless double beta decay experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
Direct measurements of cosmic rays from space
Direct search for low mass dark matter with DarkSide-LowMass (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 6")
Directional Dark Matter Search with NEWSdm (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 3")
Directional Dark Matter searches with the CYGNO/INITIUM project (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 3")
Directional measurement in Borexino: Calibration of Cherenkov photons in a liquid scintillator detector using gamma sources (in session "Poster session 1")
Directionality and 3D tracks in the (sub)keV range with the MIMAC detector (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 3")
Directionality for nuclear recoils in a liquid argon Time Projection Chamber (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 3")
Dissecting the inner Galaxy with gamma-ray pixel count statistics (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 1")
DM-like anomaly in neutron multiplicity spectra (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 8")
Double beta decay: experimental review
Double beta decay: theory review
DUNE long-baseline oscillation physics sensitivity (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 1")
DUNE Physics Program and Status (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 5")
Dynamical mass measurements and the local dark matter density—recent developments and challenges (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 9")
Effects of nonzero Majorana CP phases on oscillations of supernova neutrinos (in session "Poster session 2")
Electromagnetic effects in elastic neutrino scattering on nucleons and nuclei (in session "Poster session 1")
Electromagnetic neutrino: The theory, laboratory experiments and astrophysical probes (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 6")
Energy Response Model for JUNO Experiment (in session "Poster session 2")
Energy-Dependent Neutrino Mixing Parameters at Oscillation Experiments (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 1")
Engaging the public with astrophysics virtual reality experiences (in session "Discussion Panel Outreach and Education")
ENUBET: a monitored neutrino beam for the precision era of neutrino physics (in session "Poster session 1")
Environmental noises in current and future gravitational-wave detectors. (in session "Discussion Panel Gravitational Waves 1")
Estimations for the Newtonian noise of the future Einstein Telescope on the basis of data measured at Mátra Mountain Range in Hungary (in session "Discussion Panel Gravitational Waves 1")
Evaluation of event reconstruction with small-scale water Cherenkov detectors (in session "Poster session 2")
Evaluation of neutron tagging performance in the Hyper-Kamiokande experiment (in session "Poster session 2")
Event reconstruction performance with new retro-reflector based designs for water Cherenkov detectors (in session "Poster session 2")
Exploring Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering of Reactor Neutrinos with the NUCLEUS Experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 6")
Exploring the Sun's core with BabyIAXO (in session "Discussion Panel Cosmology 1")
Exposure-background duality in the searches of neutrinoless double beta decay (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
Fast Flavor Ocillations of Supernova neutrinos in three flavors (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 2")
Fast neutrino flavor conversion induced by the coherent backward scatterings in the core-collapse supernovae (in session "Hot topic Neutrinos")
FCF formulation of Einstein equations: local uniqueness and numerical accuracy and stability (in session "Discussion Panel Gravitational Waves 3")
First Cherenkov directional detection of sub-MeV solar neutrinos in Borexino (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 8")
First Neutron Capture Results of ANNIE (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 7")
First observation and analysis of DANCE: Dark matter Axion search with riNg Cavity Experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 4")
First results from the ARTIE experiment (in session "Poster session 2")
First results from the HENSA/ANAIS collaboration at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (in session "Poster session 2")
First results of nuGeN experiment at Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant on coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 6")
First search for new forces at the micron scale using optically levitated microspheres (in session "Poster session 2")
First tritium endpoint measurement with Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy (CRES) (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 5")
Future GW detectors in space and ground
Gamma-ray astronomy from space
Gamma-ray astronomy from the ground
Gamma-ray image reconstruction of the Andromeda galaxy (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 2")
Gaseous detectors for Neutrino-nucleus coherent scattering at the ESS (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 6")
Generalizing the Scotogenic model (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 7")
Gerda: Final Results and Physics Beyond Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
Germanium Detector Front-End Electronics for the LEGEND Experiment (in session "Poster session 2")
Global Cosmic-Ray studies educational platform (in session "Discussion Panel Outreach and Education")
Gravitational waves: technology and current detectors
Gravitational-wave and multi-messenger observations: results and prospects
Gravitational-wave lensing with ground-based gravitational-wave detectors (in session "Hot topic Gravitational Waves")
GW astrophysics (future discoveries)
Heavy Dirac/Majorana Fermion Decays (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 7")
High-energy neutrinos
High-energy neutrinos from Supernovae: Prospects for Identification in Current and Future Neutrino Telescopes (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 1")
HOLMES: progresses towards a calorimetric neutrino mass measurement with eV scale mass sensitivity (in session "Hot topic Neutrinos")
IceCube constraints on Violation of Equivalence Principle (in session "Hot topic Neutrinos")
Icecube PeV events and NSI: Role of Charged Higgs (in session "Poster session 1")
Identification of the cosmogenic $^{11}$C background in the solar neutrino experiment Borexino (in session "Poster session 2")
Implementation of IceTop data in the IceCube Realtime Alert System (in session "Poster session 2")
Improving Hyper-Kamiokande sensitivity to CP violation with high precision near detector electron neutrino cross-section measurements (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 1")
Improving the sensitivity to light dark matter with the Migdal effect (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 6")
Indirect Dark Matter searches towards the Sun with ANTARES neutrino telescope (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 7")
Indirect detection of dark matter
Inflation overview
Inflationary Dynamics of Tsallis Holographic Scalar Field Models in Chern-Simons Modified Gravity (in session "Poster session 2")
Influence of NaI background and mass on testing the DAMA modulation (in session "Poster session 2")
Integral X-ray constraints on sub-GeV dark matter (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 9")
Intergalactic electromagnetic cascade echo from GRB 190114C (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 2")
International masterclasses at IFIC: 17 years of particle physics for high school students (in session "Discussion Panel Outreach and Education")
Intimate relationship between sterile neutrino Dark Matter and extra radiation in the early Universe (in session "Discussion Panel Cosmology 2")
Investigating WIMPs with XENONnT (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 1")
Involving the new generations in particle physics endeavours (in session "Discussion Panel Outreach and Education")
JUNO Detector Design & Status (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 5")
JUNO Non-oscillation Physics (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 2")
JUNO Oscillation Physics (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 1")
Jánossy Underground Research Laboratory (in session "Discussion Panel Underground Laboratories 2")
KamLAND-Zen 800 Status and Progress with the Artificial Intelligence Powered Analysis (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
KDK: Measuring the unique third forbidden electron capture decay of K-40 for backgrounds in rare-event searches (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 3")
KM3NeT: Status and perspectives for neutrino astronomy from the MeV to the PeV (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 2")
LABChico: a shallow underground laboratory in Mexico (in session "Discussion Panel Underground Laboratories 1")
LAPPD deployment in the ANNIE experiment (in session "Poster session 1")
Latest results form LHAASO Observatory (in session "Hot topic HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy")
Latest results from the CUORE experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
Latest Results from the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 1")
Latest results of the R2D2 project towards a possible future neutrino double beta decay experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
Light Collection for the Scintillating Bubble Chamber (SBC) (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 6")
Light Curves of BSM-induced Neutrino Echoes (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 1")
Light dark matter (theory & exp)
Light only Liquid Xenon (LoLX) experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
Light sterile neutrinos
Likelihood Methods in the CRESST-Experiment (in session "Poster session 2")
Line of sight PeV-EeV neutrinos from gamma-ray blazars due to ultrahigh-energy cosmic-ray propagation (in session "Hot topic HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy")
Long-baseline neutrino oscillations review (including future)
Looking for Core-Collapse Supernovae with Gravitational Waves and Low-energy Neutrinos (in session "Discussion Panel Gravitational Waves 3")
Low Mass Black Holes from Dark Core Collapse (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 2")
Low radioactivity and Multi- disciplinarily Underground Laboratory of Modane (LSM) (in session "Discussion Panel Underground Laboratories 1")
Low Threshold Germanium Detectors for Neutrino-Nucleus Elastic Scattering and the Studies of its Quantum-Mechanical Coherency Effects (in session "Poster session 1")
Low-energy reactor neutrino physics with the CONNIE experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 6")
LST-1, the Large-Sized Telescope prototype of CTA: status and first observations. (in session "Hot topic HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy")
Lunar Gravitational-Wave Antenna (in session "Discussion Panel Gravitational Waves 1")
Machine-learning techniques applied to three-year exposure of ANAIS−112 (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 3")
MADMAX: A QCD Dark Matter Axion Direct-Detection Experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 4")
Massive Neutrino Self-interactions and The Hubble Tension (in session "Discussion Panel Cosmology 2")
Massive sterile neutrinos in the Early Universe: from thermal decoupling to cosmological constraints (in session "Discussion Panel Cosmology 2")
Maximally misaligned axions (in session "Discussion Panel Cosmology 1")
Measurement of cosmogenic neutron production in SK-Gd (in session "Poster session 2")
Measurement of the 136Xe two-neutrino double beta decay half-life with NEXT-White (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
Measurement of the neutron flux at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory with HENSA (in session "Hot Topic Underground Laboratories")
Measurement of the quenching factor in NaI(Tl) scintillator for dark matter search (in session "Poster session 1")
Measurement of the underground argon radiopurity for Dark Matter direct searches (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 1")
Measurements and Simulation of background radiation for rare event search experiments at an underground laboratory (in session "Discussion Panel Underground Laboratories 2")
Measuring high-energy neutrinos with FASERnu in the LHC Run-3 (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 7")
Metallic Magnetic Calorimeters for the BabyIAXO experiment (in session "Poster session 2")
Migdal event rates for D-D and D-T neutron generators (in session "Poster session 2")
Model independent approach to photodisintegration of $^7Li$ at the range of energies of interest to BBN (in session "Poster session 2")
Model-independent test of T violation in neutrino oscillations (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 1")
Modeling neutrino emission for different gamma-ray burst production scenarios (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 2")
Multi-messenger constraints on the dark matter interpretation of the Fermi-LAT Galactic center excess (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 9")
Multi-messenger lifetime constraints on heavy decaying dark matter (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 9")
Multimessenger astronomy
Multimessenger Astronomy of Transient Point Sources at the Pierre Auger Observatory (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 2")
Neutrino and Axion Astronomy with Dark Matter Experiments (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 2")
Neutrino decay in precision cosmology (in session "Discussion Panel Cosmology 2")
Neutrino magnetic moments in low-energy neutrino scattering on condensed matter systems (in session "Poster session 1")
Neutrino mass determination with Holmium-163 - the ECHo experiment (in session "Hot topic Neutrinos")
Neutrino masses and leptogenesis in a L_e-L_mu-L_tau based model (in session "Poster session 1")
Neutrino Mixing by modifying the Yukawa coupling structure of constrained sequential dominance (in session "Poster session 2")
Neutrino NSI effects on future solar sector measurements (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 8")
Neutrino Physics in XENONnT (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 5")
Neutrino quantum decoherence engendered by neutrino decay to photons, familons and gravitons (in session "Poster session 1")
Neutrino theory
Neutrinos : from the r-process to the diffuse supernova neutrino background (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 2")
Neutrinos from galactic sources (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 1")
Neutron Beam Test with a Scintillator Tracker for Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiments (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 7")
Neutron-antineutron oscillations as a probe of baryogenesis (in session "Discussion Panel Cosmology 2")
New BSM signatures in large scale detectors from terrestrial upscattering (in session "Poster session 2")
New Constraints on Heavy Neutral Leptons using the ArgoNeuT Experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 7")
New Constraints on Strongly Interacting Sub-GeV Dark Matter via Electron Scattering from a small Dual-Phase Xenon TPC (in session "Poster session 1")
New Ideas of Probing Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 7")
New measurement of double beta decays to excited states in the CUPID-Mo experiment (in session "Poster session 2")
New physics from oscillations: sensitivity for the DUNE near detector (in session "Poster session 1")
New Properties of Primary Cosmic Rays observed by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station (in session "Hot topic HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy")
New Properties of Secondary Cosmic Rays observed by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 3")
New results and perspectives on 130Te double beta decay to the first 0+ excited state from CUORE (in session "Poster session 1")
New Results from a Three-Year Annual Modulation Search with COSINE-100 (in session "Hot topic Dark Matter")
New Results from the CUPID-Mo demonstrator on the 100Mo 0νββ decay half-life (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
New unitarity constraints on the tau row (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 1")
nEXO light detection system (in session "Poster session 2")
nEXO: Search for Neutrino-less Double Beta Decay at the Tonne Scale (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
Non-standard neutrino oscillations: perspective from unitarity triangles (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 1")
Nonstandard neutrino Interactions as a solution to the NOvA and T2K tension (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 7")
NOvA's latest three-flavor neutrino oscillations results (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 1")
Novel Studies on Neutral Bremsstrahlung in Xenon Optical TPCs (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 5")
Nuclear de-excitation associated with neutrino-carbon interactions (in session "Poster session 1")
Observable spectral and angular distributions of gamma-rays from extragalactic ultrahigh energy cosmic ray accelerators: application to extreme TeV blazars (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 2")
Observation of CNO cycle solar neutrinos in Borexino (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 8")
On the interpretation of the latest AMS-02 cosmic ray electron spectrum (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 3")
Operation update and Calibration plan for the Scintillating Bubble Chamber (SBC) Collaboration's 10-kg LAr detector at Fermilab (in session "Poster session 2")
Optimization of a single module of CUPID (in session "Poster session 1")
Optimizing the time resolution of cryogenic calorimeters with NTDs: the CALIPSO project (in session "Poster session 2")
Outreach and educational activities of the ALICE collaboration during the COVID pandemic (in session "Discussion Panel Outreach and Education")
Paleo-Detectors - Digging for Dark Matter (and Neutrinos) (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 8")
Panel on Diversity and Inclusion in Astroparticle Physics
Performance evaluation of 3-inch PMT for Hyper-Kamiokande (in session "Poster session 2")
Perspectives for anti deuteron search in cosmic rays with an helium calorimeter (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 7")
Physics reach of a Scintillating Bubble Chamber in CEvNS and its interplay with DM direct searches for extra vector mediators (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 6")
Physics reach of the ESSnuSB experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 6")
Physics Reach of the LUX-ZEPLIN Experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 1")
PICOLON dark matter search project (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 3")
Precision calculation of neutrino evolution in the early Universe (in session "Discussion Panel Cosmology 2")
Precision Measurement of Cosmic Ray Deuterons with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 3")
Preparing for the future gravitational wave burst searches with machine learning techniques (in session "Discussion Panel Gravitational Waves 3")
Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter evaporating on the Neutrino Floor (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 2")
Primordial black holes and scotogenic dark matter (in session "Poster session 1")
Primordial non-Gaussianity from the angular clustering: prospects for DES (in session "Discussion Panel Cosmology 3")
Probing exotic neutrino physics with CEvNS and neutrino-electron scattering (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 6")
Probing light dark matter particles with astrophysical experiments (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 2")
Probing light dark scalars with future laboratory experiments (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 5")
Probing Lorentz Invariance Violation with Atmospheric Neutrinos at INO-ICAL (in session "Poster session 2")
Probing secret interactions of astrophysical neutrinos in the high-statistics era (in session "Hot topic Neutrinos")
Probing the dark matter of a three-loop radiative neutrino mass generation model with the Cherenkov Telescope Array (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 9")
Probing the magnitude of asymmetries in the lateral density distribution of electrons in EAS (in session "Poster session 2")
Probing the Ultralight Boson with the Ringdown Phase of Black Hole Mergers (in session "Discussion Panel Gravitational Waves 2")
Progress of upgrading alpha-ray imaging detector in low radioactivity background (in session "Poster session 1")
Project 8: the path to improved neutrino mass (in session "Hot topic Neutrinos")
PROSPECT's Latest Results (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 4")
Prospects of neutrinoless double beta decay search with PandaX-4T and beyond (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
Prospects of search for new physics in the Double Beta Decay with KamLAND-Zen 800 (in session "Poster session 1")
Pulse-Shape Discrimination in the DEAP-3600 Single-Phase Liquid-Argon Detector (in session "Poster session 1")
Purity monitoring for ProtoDUNE-SP (in session "Poster session 1")
Quasi-Dirac neutrinos in the linear seesaw model (in session "Poster session 1")
Quenching Factor consistency across several NaI(Tl) crystals (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 3")
Radio-frequency Dark Photon Dark Matter across the Sun (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 2")
Radioactive Background Characterization of the Cryogenic Underground TEst Facility (CUTE) (in session "Discussion Panel Underground Laboratories 2")
Reaching the neutrino floor for sub-GeV dark matter with spherical proportional counters fully electroformed underground (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 6")
Reactor antineutrino anomaly in light of recent flux model refinements (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 4")
Reactor experiments review (including short-baseline)
Recent advancements of the experiment to search for 2K capture in $^{124}$Xe using a large proportional counter (in session "Poster session 2")
Recent development of the radiopurity.org materials database (in session "Discussion Panel Underground Laboratories 2")
Recent neutrino cross-section results from MicroBooNE (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 7")
Recent status and prospects of CDEX at China Jinping Underground Laboratory (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 6")
Recent progress of PandaX-4T experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 1")
Recovering BAO in a SKA intensity mapping survey (in session "Discussion Panel Cosmology 3")
Rejecting Spallation Backgrounds in KamLAND-Zen with KamNet (in session "Poster session 2")
RES-NOVA: archaeological Pb-based observatory for Supernova neutrino detection (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 5")
Results of axion searches at 34 μeV with RADES haloscope and prospects for searches in BabyIaxo (in session "Hot topic Dark Matter")
Resurrecting the Fraternal Twin WIMP Miracle (in session "Discussion Panel Cosmology 1")
Revealing the Majorana nature of neutrinos through a precision measurement of the CP phase (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 1")
Review on underground laboratories
Science Summaries: explaining LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA results to the global public (in session "Discussion Panel Outreach and Education")
Screening vs. gevolution: in chase of a perfect cosmological simulation code (in session "Discussion Panel Cosmology 3")
Seach for supernova relic neutrinos at KamLAND (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 2")
Search for unmodeled long duration gravitational waves for Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo's third observing run (in session "Hot topic Gravitational Waves")
Search for Black Hole Merger Families (in session "Discussion Panel Gravitational Waves 2")
Search for dark matter annihilation signals from unidentified Fermi-LAT objects with H.E.S.S. (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 9")
Search for dark matter signals toward the irregular dwarf galaxy WLM with H.E.S.S. (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 9")
Search for Dark Matter with the PICO-500 Experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 1")
Search for double beta decay of 106Cd with TGV-2 spectrometer (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
Search for exotic neutrino-electron interactions using solar neutrinos in XMASS-I (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 7")
Search for gamma-ray line emission from Dark Matter annihilation in the Galactic Centre with the MAGIC telescopes (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 9")
Search for long-duration transient gravitational waves from glitching pulsars during LIGO-Virgo third observing run (in session "Discussion Panel Gravitational Waves 3")
Search for neutrino counterparts of LIGO/Virgo gravitational-wave events (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 2")
Searches for sub-PeV photons in coincidence with neutrinos (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 2")
Searching for a Dark Matter with the PADME experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 2")
Searching For Axion Dark Matter with the South Pole Telescope (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 4")
Searching for dark matter subhalos with the Fermi-LAT (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 9")
Searching for High-Energy Neutrinos from Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxies with IceCube (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 2")
Searching for New Physics in 2$\nu$DBD Decay with CUPID (in session "Poster session 1")
Searching for non-unitary neutrino oscillations in the present T2K and NO$\nu$A data (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 4")
Searching for pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson dark matter production in association with top quarks (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 5")
Searching for WIMPs in the Large Magellanic Cloud (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 7")
Searching gravitational wave echoes in the post-merger phase after a binary black hole coalescences. (in session "Discussion Panel Gravitational Waves 2")
Sensitivity of CTA to gamma-ray emission from the Perseus galaxy cluster (in session "Hot topic Dark Matter")
Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array to dark subhalos (in session "Poster session 1")
Separation of the U-235 and Pu-239 Prompt Energy Spectra in NEOS-II (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 4")
Setting limits on heavy neutral leptons using the neutrino CC events at the DUNE Near Detector. (in session "Poster session 1")
Shedding light on low-mass subhalo survival with numerical simulations (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 9")
Short-Baseline neutrino oscillation searches with the ICARUS detector (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 4")
Signatures of primordial black hole dark matter at DUNE and THEIA (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 2")
Signatures of Primordial Black Holes in theories of Large Extra Dimensions (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 2")
Simulation of Nuclear Recoils due to Supernova Neutrino-induced Neutrons in Liquid Xenon Detectors (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 2")
Simulation-based shielding design of the COSINUS experiment (in session "Poster session 2")
Skipper CCDs for the search of daily modulation of Dark Matter signal in the DMSQUARE experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 3")
SNEWS2.0: The Multi-Messenger Supernova Early Warning System (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 2")
SNO+ (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
Solar and geoneutrinos
Solar Neutrino Detection Sensitivity in DARWIN via Electron Scattering (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 8")
Solar reflection of sub-GeV dark matter (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 8")
Solid matter with zero shear modulus in flat universe (in session "Discussion Panel Cosmology 3")
Spectroscopy of geoneutrinos with Borexino (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 8")
Spin and spin-flavor oscillations due to neutrino charge radii interaction with an external environment (in session "Poster session 2")
Spreading the space-time news: outreach and communication activities from the EGO-Virgo Collaboration (in session "Discussion Panel Outreach and Education")
State-of-the art parameter estimation of gravitational wave events with the new phenomenological waveform models in frequency and time domain (in session "Hot topic Gravitational Waves")
Status and prospect of China Jinping Underground Laboratory (in session "Discussion Panel Underground Laboratories 1")
Status and prospects of the CRAFFT project for the next generation UHECR observation (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 3")
Status of 0$\nu\beta\beta$ decay search in KamLAND-Zen800 (in session "Poster session 1")
Status of 48Ca double beta decay search in CANDLES (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
Status of AMoRE (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
Status of Neutrino Elastic-scattering Observation with NaI(Tl) experiment (NEON) (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 6")
Status of Super-Kamiokande Gadolinium project (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 5")
Status of the DAMIC-M dark matter experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 6")
Status of the DEAP-3600 experiment (in session "Hot topic Dark Matter")
Status of the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 1")
Status of the Short-Baseline Near Detector at Fermilab (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 4")
Stellar Shocks from Dark Matter (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 2")
Studies of bulk 210Po/210Pb contamination in high purity copper for low-background detectors (in session "Discussion Panel Underground Laboratories 2")
Study of He-CF4-isobutane mixtures for directional dark matter searches with the CYGNO Time Projection Chamber (in session "Poster session 2")
Study of Ocean Bottom Detector for observation of geo-neutrinos from the mantle (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 8")
Study of tau neutrino production with nuclear emulsion at CERN-SPS (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 7")
Studying dark matter with MadDM: Lines and loops (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 5")
Studying QCD modeling of uncertainties in particle spectra from dark-matter annihilation into jets (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 2")
Sub-threshold search for strongly lensed gravitational-wave events in the first half of LIGO-Virgo's third observing run (in session "Discussion Panel Gravitational Waves 1")
Supernova bounds on axion-like particles coupled with nucleons and electrons (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 1")
Supernova constraints on dark flavoured sectors (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 5")
Supernova neutrino burst search at KamLAND (in session "Poster session 2")
Supernovae: neutrinos and gravitational waves
Synthetic data for the study of the CUORE detector response function (in session "Poster session 1")
T2K latest results on neutrino-nucleus cross sections (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 7")
T2K Status and plans (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 1")
TA, TALE and TAx4, Latest Results (in session "Hot topic HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy")
Teaching physics to school students from an Einsteinian standpoint (in session "Discussion Panel Outreach and Education")
Testing fundamental cosmological assumptions with Euclid (in session "Hot topic Cosmology")
Testing non-standard neutrino interactions in (anti)-electron neutrino disappearance experiments (in session "Poster session 1")
Testing Quantum Mechanics in the cosmic silence (in session "Discussion Panel Underground Laboratories 2")
Tests of the Lorentz invariance violation in double-beta decay (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
TeV-scale Lepton Number Violation: Connecting Leptogenesis, Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay, and Colliders (in session "Hot topic Cosmology")
The ANDES Deep Underground initiative and underground mine sites in Argentina (in session "Discussion Panel Underground Laboratories 1")
The ASTAROTH Project: enhanced low-energy sensitivity to Dark Matter annual modulation (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 3")
The Boulby Underground Screening (BUGS) Facility (in session "Hot Topic Underground Laboratories")
The cosmic muon-induced background for the LEGEND-1000 Alternative Site at LNGS (in session "Poster session 2")
The Cosmic Ray Live Project @SNOLAB (in session "Discussion Panel Outreach and Education")
The Dark-PMT: A Novel Direction Light Dark Matter Detector Based on Vertically-Aligned Carbon Nanotubes (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 3")
The Earth as a transducer for dark-photon dark-matter detection (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 2")
The electronic recoil excess in XENON1T and the prospect to decipher it with XENONnT (in session "Hot topic Dark Matter")
The GAPS experiment - Searching for Dark Matter using Cosmic-ray Antinuclei (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 7")
The High-Energy Particle Detector capabilities in the measurement of proton and electron fluxes along the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite orbits (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 3")
The Hyper-Kamiokande Experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 5")
The impact of IMBHs on properties of binary black holes originating from Globular Clusters (in session "Discussion Panel Gravitational Waves 2")
The impact of operator interference in dark matter direct detection experiments (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 8")
The Intermediate Water Cherenkov Detector for the Hyper-Kamiokande Experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 5")
The International Dark Matter Day in Argentina (in session "Discussion Panel Outreach and Education")
The International Particle Physics Outreach Group - Reaching Across the Globe with Science (in session "Discussion Panel Outreach and Education")
The JUNO OSIRIS detector (in session "Poster session 1")
The KATRIN experiment: neutrino mass measurements with sub-eV sensitivity (in session "Hot topic Neutrinos")
The LEGEND program - search for neutrinoless double beta decay in Ge-76 (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
The LUNA project at Gran Sasso : new results about the early Universe and future perspectives (in session "Discussion Panel Underground Laboratories 2")
The LZ Outer Detector (in session "Poster session 1")
The MAGIC view of the very-high gamma-ray sky (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 1")
The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR's Search for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
The MIGDAL experiment : Towards observation and measurement of the Migdal effect to help low mass WIMPs searches (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 6")
The neutrinoless double beta decay CROSS experiment: demonstrator with surface sensitive bolometers (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
The New Underground Facility (Yemilab) in Korea (in session "Discussion Panel Underground Laboratories 1")
The optical simulation model of the DarkSide-20k Veto detector (in session "Poster session 1")
The Outreach and Education program of the Darkside experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Outreach and Education")
The role of leptonic CPV phases in cLFV observables (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 7")
The SABRE South Experiment at the Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 3")
The Sanford Underground Research Facility (in session "Discussion Panel Underground Laboratories 1")
The Sar-Grav Laboratory (in session "Discussion Panel Underground Laboratories 1")
The Search for Light Dark Matter with the NEWS-G Detector (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 6")
The search for neutrinoless positron emitting electron capture of 120Te with CUORE (in session "Poster session 1")
The Search for Ultra-High Energy Neutrinos through Highly Inclined Air Showers in the Pierre Auger Observatory (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 2")
The search of higher multipole radiation in gravitational waves from compact binary coalescences by a minimally-modelled pipeline (in session "Discussion Panel Gravitational Waves 2")
The Selena Neutrino Experiment (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 8")
The simplest scoto-seesaw model: WIMP dark matter phenomenology and Higgs vacuum stability (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 5")
The Singly-Charged Scalar Singlet as the Origin of Neutrino Masses (in session "Poster session 1")
The SND@LHC experiment at CERN (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 7")
The STEREO search for a sterile neutrino at the ILL reactor with full data sample (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 4")
The ultimate limit on 82Se neutrinoless double-beta decay search with CUPID-0 (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3")
Thermal axions with multi-eV masses are possible in low-reheating scenarios (in session "Discussion Panel Cosmology 1")
Thermal WIMPs and the scale of new physics (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 5")
Time delay distributions of neutrino echoes induced by secret neutrino interactions (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 7")
Time Projection Chambers instrumented with resistive Micromegas for the SAND near detector of DUNE (in session "Poster session 1")
Towards a gravitational-wave catalogue of boson-star mergers (in session "Discussion Panel Gravitational Waves 2")
Transformer Networks for NOvA Event Classification (in session "Poster session 1")
Transition neutrino magnetic moments in CE$\nu$NS (in session "Poster session 2")
Tribute to Masatoshi Koshiba
Tribute to Samoil Bilenky
Tunka-Grande scintillation array: resent results (in session "Poster session 2")
Turnaround physics beyond spherical symmetry (in session "Discussion Panel Cosmology 3")
Ultra-high energy cosmic rays
Ultralight dark matter searches with KAGRA gravitational wave telescope (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 4")
Undergroud muon flux measured by EEE students (in session "Discussion Panel Outreach and Education")
Underground detections of an extra gauge interacting sterile neutrino dark matter (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 7")
Understanding the systematic effects for the directional measurement of Be-7 solar neutrinos with Borexino (in session "Poster session 1")
Unveiling the complex correlation patterns and emission mechanisms in Mrk 421 (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 2")
Unveiling the origin of steep decay in 𝛾-ray bursts (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 2")
Update on the characterisation of the pGCT, a 4m-prototype telescope built as part of the Cherenkov Telescope Array project (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 3")
Using cryogenic Penning trap LC detection circuits to search for axion-like dark matter. (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 4")
Using isotopically enriched detectors to perform CEvNS measurements. (in session "Poster session 1")
Using PIC and PIC-MHD to model the interaction between an electron-positron beam and a thermal plasma (in session "Discussion Panel HE astrophys. & CRs/Multi-messenger astronomy 3")
Visible Decay of Astrophysical Neutrinos at IceCube (in session "Discussion Panel Neutrinos 2")
Warming Up Cold Inflation (in session "Discussion Panel Cosmology 3")
Welcome and Opening remarks
What is a breakdown of continuous component hidden under 4.4-MeV gamma-ray peak from the AmBe source? (in session "Poster session 2")
WIMP dark matter searches with CDEX and TEXONO experiments (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 6")
WimPyDD: an object-oriented Python code for WIMP-nucleus scattering direct detection in virtually any scenario (in session "Discussion Panel Dark Matter 8")
Windchime: Gravitational Direct Detection of Dark Matter (in session "Hot topic Dark Matter")
Xenon doping of Liquid Argon in ProtoDUNE Single Phase (in session "Poster session 1")
Include materials from selected contributions