Chairs: Theopisti Dafni & Igor G. Irastorza
Most of the matter in the universe is widely thought to be non-baryonic and composed of unknown subatomic particles referred to as dark matter. While significant attention has been paid to a few specific candidates such as the WIMP and axion, in fact the nature and mass of dark matter is poorly constrained, and thus a broad observational approach may yield useful clues for its ultimate...
It has been suggested that certain antiferromagnetic topological insulators contain axion quasiparticles (AQs), and that such materials could be used to detect axion dark matter (DM). In the first part of this talk we show that one can detect AQs with transmission spectroscopy. The transmission coefficients including material losses are computed by applying appropriate boundary conditions. We...
The most promising indirect search for the existence of axion dark matter uses radio telescopes to look for narrow spectral lines generated in the magnetospheres of neutron stars. Unfortunately, a large list of theoretical uncertainties has prevented this search strategy from being accepted as robust. In this talk I will present a novel end-to-end pipeline that traces individual photon...
The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR experiment operated two modular arrays of p-type point contact high purity germanium (HPGe) detectors, of which 30 kg is enriched to 88% in Ge-76, to search for neutrinoless double beta decay. The data-taking campaign for double beta decay with enriched detectors was successfully concluded in March 2021, and data-taking with natural detectors is still ongoing. The...
Core-collapse supernovae (SNe) have been identified as a promising target to probe the existence of axion-like-particles (ALPs). The cumulative signal from all past SNe events would contain an ALP component and create a diffuse flux with energies $\mathcal{O}(50)$ MeV. We update the calculation of this flux by including SNe with different masses following the expected mass distribution,...
Axion-like particles (ALPs) can be produced in stellar plasmas via the Primakoff process due to the photon-ALP coupling. Light ALPs produced in this way can easily escape the star and reconvert back into photons in the Galactic magnetic field. Betelgeuse (α-Orionis, spectral type M2Iab), a nearby red supergiant star, provides an excellent laboratory for ALP searches, as it (i) has a hot core,...
Dark matter Axion search with riNg Cavity Experiment (DANCE) was proposed. To search for axion-like dark matter, we aim to detect the rotation and oscillation of optical linear polarization caused by axion-photon coupling with a bow-tie ring cavity. DANCE can improve the sensitivity to the axion-photon coupling constant for axion mass $< 10^{-10}$ eV by several orders of magnitude compared to...
Axions emerge naturally from the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) mechanism which addresses the absence of CP violation in the strong interaction, and they can make up the cold dark matter in the universe. If PQ symmetry breaking had occurred after inflation, the axion mass would likely range from ∼ 40 μeV to ∼ 1 meV, which is yet to be explored experimentally.
The MAgnetized Disc And Mirror Axion...
Axions and other axion-like particles (ALPs) remain compelling dark matter candidates with a wealth of possible detection methods. A photon traveling through an axion field will experience a rotation in its polarization proportional to the difference in axion field value at photon emission and photon absorption. Thus the apparent polarization of a static astrophysical source will oscillate...
Among various dark matter candidates, bosonic ultralight fields with masses below 1 eV are well motivated by cosmology because they behave as classical wave fields, rather than individual particles. Recently, a number of novel ideas have been proposed to search for ultralight dark matter candidates using laser interferometers at various scales. Those include our proposals to search for...
We present recent limits set by the BASE collaboration on the coupling between any dark matter axion-like particles (ALPs) and photons, measured using the superconducting resonant single particle detection circuit of a cryogenic Penning trap. To search for ALPs, we investigated the noise spectrum of our fixed-frequency resonant circuit for peaks caused by axion-to-photon conversion in the...