The International Dark Matter Day is celebrated worldwide on October 31 every year since 2017. In Argentina, it was organized for the first time in 2019 in an outreach effort coordinated by the ANDES deep underground laboratory. In 2019, we started a call for art students to propose an audiovisual piece on Dark Matter, asked about whether basic science was important for Argentina and coordinated the projection of the full dome "Phantom of the Universe" video in 4 digital planetarium in Argentina. In 2020, with no possibility of public event due to the pandemic, we repeated the audiovisual art call and organized a call for drawings and questions about Dark Matter for kids, reaching kids from Brazil and Mexico in addition to Argentina, among other activities.
In this presentation I will showcase some of the answers obtained to the calls and how these answers could be used to understand better how to communicate abstract topics such as Dark Matter to our society, taking into account the preconceptions about the topic.