Chairs: Ninetta Saviano & Sovan Chakraborty
DUNE is a long-baseline accelerator experiment currently in construction at Fermilab and SURF (South Dakota).
The science objectives of DUNE include a comprehensive investigation of long-baseline neutrino oscillations and, in particular, the study of CP violation in the neutrino sector and the identification of the neutrino mass hierarchy, along with high-sensitivity rare event searches like...
Neutrinos emitted from a core-collapse supernova (SN) may undergo fast flavor
conversions almost immediately above the core, resulting in drastic
consequences for the supernova explosion mechanism and nucleosynthesis.
These fast flavor oscillation dynamics are independent of the neutrino mass,
growing at the scale of the large neutrino-neutrino interaction strength (10^5 km^ −1
) of the dense...
The JUNO observatory, a 20 kt liquid scintillator detector to be completed in 2022 in China, belongs to the next-generation of neutrino detectors, which share the common features of having a multi-ton scale and an energy resolution at unprecedented levels.
Beside the ambitious goal of neutrino mass ordering determination, the JUNO Collaboration plans also to perform a wide series of other...
KM3NeT is a multi-purpose neutrino observatory currently being deployed at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. It consists of two detectors: ORCA and ARCA (for Oscillation and Astroparticle Research with Cosmics in the Abyss). ARCA will instrument 1 Gton of seawater, with the primary goal of detecting cosmic neutrinos with energies between several tens of GeV and PeV. Due to its position in...
Gamma ray-bursts (GRBs) are among the least understood and most powerful transients occurring in our Universe. Different dissipation and emission processes have been proposed over the years to interpret their origin. However, we still lack an exhaustive theoretical explanation due to the failure of existing models in addressing all observations in the spectral and temporal domains. GRBs are...
Neutrinos play an important role in astrophysical and cosmological environments.
In this talk I will discuss recent progress in neutrino flavor evolution in dense media, including core-collapse supernovae and binary neutron star mergers remnants. I will remind decoherence effects in vacuum and then discuss neutrino decoherence and other effects due to strong gravitational fields, nearby...
Primordial black holes hypothetically generated in the first instants of life of the Universe are potential dark matter candidates. Focusing on Primordial Black Holes masses in the range $[5 \times10^{14} - 5 \times 10^{15}]$g, we point out that the neutrinos emitted by Primordial Black Holes evaporation can interact through the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering producing an...
We report a search for electron antineutrinos at KamLAND with an energy range of 8.3--30.8 MeV via the inverse beta decay.
In 4528 days of KamLAND data, we found 18 event candidates and no significant excess over estimated backgrounds.
From data interpretation, with the assumption of some supernova relic neutrino spectrum predictions, we give upper flux limits of...
The LIGO/Virgo collaborations have reported the results of their searches for gravitational-waves from the first half of their third observing run. 39 events were added to the first Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog (GWTC-1), reaching the total number of 50. Thus, an additional search for counterparts is necessary. The data from Baksan Underground Scintillation Telescope (BUST) are used to...
Detectable number of nuclear recoil (NR) events can occur from neutrinos from supernova (SN) bursts through the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CE$\nu$NS) process in large scale liquid xenon detectors designed for direct dark matter search depending on the SN mass and distance. In this presentation, we show that in addition to the direct NR events due to CE$\nu$NS process, the SN...
Core collapse supernovae (CCSN) are among the most precious multi-messenger events of the extreme Universe. These events are extremely rare, and it will be crucial to gather all the physics possible from the data of the next event. The SNEWS public alert system was designed to provide an early alert to astronomers and other observers about the observation of neutrinos from a Galactic CCSN,...
Neutrino decay modifies neutrino propagation in a unique way; not only is there flavor changing as there is in neutrino oscillations, there is also energy transport from initial to final neutrinos. The most sensitive direct probe of neutrino decay is currently IceCube which can measure the energy and flavor of neutrinos traveling over extragalactic distances. For the first time we calculate...