Chair: Rebecca Gozzini
Antimatter cosmic-ray measurements can advance our understanding of high-energy astrophysical phenomena in our own Galaxy. Over the last years, satellite experiments as the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on board the International Space Station measure antimatter cosmic ray fluxes, including antiprotons and recently antimatter nuclei. These measurements provide a novel probe to search for new...
The interpretation of indirect detection experiments searching for dark matter annihilations requires computationally expensive simulations of cosmic-ray propagation. We present a new method based on Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) that significantly accelerates simulations of secondary and dark matter cosmic ray antiprotons. This approach allows for an efficient marginalization over the...
Dark matter particles, produced in astrophysical sources and gravitationally captured in massive celestial objects, can be indirectly detected through their annihilation into Standard Model particles.
The centre of those massive objects is, therefore, a place where to look for a possible neutrino excess from dark matter annihilations, using neutrino telescopes.
The deep-sea neutrino telescope...
Sterile neutrino is a simple and elegant dark matter candidate. In its minimal incarnation, the original Dodelson-Widrow mechanism that explains the relic abundance has been in strong tension with the indirect detection limits. I present the self interacting neutrino scenario, mediated by a Majoron-like scalar or vector boson, as a novel solution to the above tension. It can accommodate new...
Low energy anti-deuterons in cosmic rays are considered a golden channel for the search of Dark matter annihilations in the Galaxy.
Anti Deuteron Helium Detector (ADHD) project is aiming to study the signature offered by an high pressure Helium target for the identification of anti-deuterons in cosmic rays.
In particular exotic atoms are produced by stopping anti-protons/anti-deuterons in the...
We present a radio search for WIMP dark matter in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We make use of a recent deep image of the LMC obtained from observations of the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP), taken as part of the Evolutionary Map of the Universe (EMU) survey. LMC is an extremely promising target for WIMP searches at radio frequencies because of the large J-factor and...
The General Antiparticle Spectrometer (GAPS) is a balloon-borne detector designed to search for dark matter search by measuring low-energy (<0.25 GeV/n) cosmic-ray antinuclei (antiprotons, antideuterons, antihelium). GAPS uses a novel identification technique based on exotic atom formation and decay. GAPS will provide a high-statistics antiproton spectrum in an unexplored low-energy range. In...
We show that decay products from sterile neutrino dark mater in extra U(1) models are detectable in both direct dark matter detection experiments and neutrino telescope. The sterile neutrino dark matter interacts with a light gauge boson and decays into neutrinos. Those neutrinos could scatter off nuclei with a large enough recoil energy in direct dark matter detection experiments as WIMPs do.