Chairs: Susana Cebrián (1), Riccardo Catena (2), Roberto Santorelli (3)
The XENON1T dark matter experiment, operated at the INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, achieved the lowest electronic recoil background among all dark matter experiments, which is $76 \pm 2\,\mathrm{events}/(\mathrm{t}\cdot\mathrm{y}\cdot\mathrm{keV})$ below 30 keV. An excess of electronic recoils was found below 7 keV and most prominent between 2 and 3 keV. The excess could be induced...
DEAP-3600 is a single-phase liquid argon (LAr) dark matter detector operating 2 km underground at SNOLAB in Sudbury, Canada. The detector consists of 3.3 tonnes of LAr in a spherical acrylic vessel viewed by an array of 255 photomultiplier tubes. DEAP-3600 has been taking data stably since November 2016. DEAP-3600 is sensitive to nuclear recoils from dark matter particles, which cause the...
The Scintillating Bubble Chamber (SBC) Collaboration is rapidly developing liquid-noble bubble chambers to detect sub-keV nuclear recoils. Demonstrations in liquid xenon at the few-gram scale have confirmed that this technique combines the event-by-event energy resolution of a liquid-noble scintillation detector with the world-leading electron-recoil discrimination capability of the bubble...
ANAIS-112 is a dark matter direct detection experiment that operates 112 kg of NaI(Tl) scintillators at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (LSC, Spain). Its main goal is to test in a model independent way one of the most puzzling results in the present particle physics scenario: the DAMA/LIBRA observation of an annual modulation in the detection rate compatible with that expected for dark...
Recent calculations have demonstrated that we may attempt the direct detection of dark matter in the laboratory through gravitational interaction alone. This is in particular relevant around the well-motivated Planck mass scale (10^19 GeV or 22 micro-gram). The Windchime collaboration is working towards a large array of dedicated sensors, based on MEMS accelerometers. Paired with...
COSINE-100 is a direct detection dark matter experiment that is testing DAMA/LIBRA's claim of dark matter discovery. Located in South Korea's Yangyang Underground Laboratory, COSINE-100 comprises 106 kg of sodium iodide detectors surrounded by a ~2000 L liquid scintillator veto. In this talk, I will present new results from an annual modulation search using three years of data and the impact...
We estimate the sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) to detect diffuse gamma-ray emission from the Perseus galaxy cluster, both from interactions of cosmic rays (CR) with the intra-cluster medium, or as a product of annihilation or decay of dark matter (DM) particles in case they are weakly interactive massive particles (WIMPs). The observation of Perseus constitutes one of the...
Dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) are ideal targets for Dark Matter (DM) indirect searches due to their high DM content and their negligible expected astrophysical background. In this presentation, we report on the combined analysis of the observations of 20 dSphs by Fermi-LAT, HAWC, H.E.S.S., MAGIC, and VERITAS collaborations in the search for DM, focusing on the Weakly Interacting Massive...
The Relic Axion Detector Exploratory Setup (RADES) detector employs rectangular cavities joined by irises to search for axion dark matter between 8 and 9 GHz present in the galactic halo using the haloscope technique. The first results for an axion search in the mass range 34.6738 μeV < $m_a$< 34.6771 μeV using a detector made of 5 sub cavities joined by inductive irises installed at CAST will...