Results of axion searches at 34 μeV with RADES haloscope and prospects for searches in BabyIaxo

2 Sep 2021, 14:00
Talk in parallel session Dark Matter and its detection Hot topic Dark Matter


Sergio Arguedas Cuendis


The Relic Axion Detector Exploratory Setup (RADES) detector employs rectangular cavities joined by irises to search for axion dark matter between 8 and 9 GHz present in the galactic halo using the haloscope technique. The first results for an axion search in the mass range 34.6738 μeV < $m_a$< 34.6771 μeV using a detector made of 5 sub cavities joined by inductive irises installed at CAST will be presented. The result showcases the potential of using dipole magnets for haloscope searches and opens a possibility to use larger magnet bore size such as foreseenin future axion telescopes as babyIAXO. The physics potential of using taller cavities resonating at 8 GHz and longercavities resonating at 250 MHz is being explored. Also, the designs and prospects (studied by the RADES working group) for such cavities will be shown.

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