We study neutrino flux evolution in an extreme astrophysical environment peculiar to supernovae accounting for the collective effects and effects of an arbitrarily moving and polarized media and a strong magnetic field. The effect of the transversally moving matter on the flavour and spin-flavour oscillations in a magnetic field was considered in [1-3]. In the present paper we further develop the quantum theory of neutrino flavour and spin-flavour oscillations in moving magnetized matter with a special focus on the possible effects of the transversal matter polarization. Both the cases of Dirac and Majorana neutrinos are considered. In addition, we also account for the superimposed effect of the collective neutrino oscillations and discuss possible spectral splits of the final neutrino fluxes that can arise due to flavour and spin-flavour oscillations in this case.
This research has been supported by the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Educational School of Moscow University “Fundamental and Applied Space Research” and also by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research under Grant No. 20-52-53022-GFEN-a. The work of KS is also supported by the RFBR under grant No. 20-32-90107 and by the “BASIS” Foundation No. 20-2-2-3-1.
[1] A. Studenikin, Neutrinos in electromagnetic fields and moving media, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 67 (2004) 993-1002 (Yad.Fiz. 67 (2004) 1014-1024).
[2] P. Pustoshny, A. Studenikin, Neutrino spin and spin-flavour oscillations in transversal matter currents with standard and non-standard interactions, Phys. Rev. D 98 (2018) 113009.
[3] Y.-F.Li, K.Kouzakov, V.Shakhov, K.Stankevich, A.Studenikin, Z.Yuan, Interplay of neutrino flavor, spin and collective oscillations in supernovae, PoS ICHEP2020 (2021) 206.