The search of higher multipole radiation in gravitational waves from compact binary coalescences by a minimally-modelled pipeline

1 Sep 2021, 17:10
Talk in parallel session Gravitational Waves Discussion Panel Gravitational Waves 2


Odysse Halim (INFN Trieste)


The coherent WaveBurst (cWB) pipeline implements a minimally-modelled search to find a coherent response in the network of gravitational wave detectors of the LIGO-Virgo Collaboration in the time-frequency domain. Here we describe an extension of the cWB analysis to detect spectral features beyond the main quadrupolar emission of gravitational waves during the inspiral phase of compact binary coalescences. The search is performed by defining specific regions in the time-frequency map to extract the energy of harmonics of main quadrupole mode in the inspiral phase. The shapes of these regions are fixed by a mild optimization of their Receiver Operating Characteristic curves. This method has already been used in the GW190814 discovery paper (ref. ApJ). Here we describe in full detail the procedure to detect the (3, 3) multipole in GW190814 within the cWB framework, as well as additional searches for other subdominant modes. We also apply this method on another event that displays possible higher multipoles, GW190412.

Keywords: gravitational waves, analysis, multipoles, compact binary coalescences

Primary authors

Dr. Gabriele Vedovato (INFN Padova) Prof. Edoardo Milotti (Univ of Trieste and INFN Trieste) Prof. Giovanni Prodi (Univ of Trento and INFN Trento) Dr. Sophie Bini (Univ of Trento and INFN Trento) Dr. Marco Drago (Univ of Rome La Sapienza and INFN Rome) Dr. Vivekanandan Gayathri (Univ of Florida) Odysse Halim (INFN Trieste) Dr. Claudia Lazzaro (INFN Padova and Univ of Padova) Dr. Dixeena Lopez (Univ of Zurich) Dr. Andrea Miani (Univ of Trento and INFN Trento) Dr. Francesco Salemi (Univ of Trento and INFN Trento) Dr. Marek Szczepanczyk (Univ of Florida) Dr. Shubhanshu Tiwari (Univ of Zurich) Dr. Andrea Virtuoso (Univ of Trieste and INFN Trieste) Prof. Sergei Klimenko (Univ of Florida)

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