12 Mar 2013
26 Apr 2013
The full registration fee is 400 €. It includes full board, lodging at Hotel Trapemar and special events. The reduced registration fee is 100€. It includes lunches and special events. No accommodation. A limited amount of grants covering partially or totally the fee will be available for IDPASC students and REFIS students. (REFIS: Red Española de Física de Sabor) Payment: - bank transfer; please specify the participant name as reference, e.g. "Registration of Mrs./Mr. X Y" and send a copy of the transfer order to Details: Account holder: Universitat de València Bank name: Banco Santander BIC/SWIFT: BSCHESMM IBAN: ES79 0049 1607 65 2090 176 181 - cash at registration, no debit/credit cards.
Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.