The International Doctorate Network in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology (IDPASC) and the Spanish Network of Flavour Physics (REFIS)
organize the School of Flavour Physics at IFIC - Valencia, from the 2nd to the 7th of May 2013.
The school covers a variety of Flavour Physics experimental and theoretical topics at the graduate/doctoral level.
[3 hour lectures]
- Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model (A. Santamaría, IFIC-U.Valencia)
- Theoretical vision of Flavour Physics and CP violation (U. Nierste, KIT Karlsruhe)
- Strong Interactions, HQET and Lattice (V. Giménez, IFIC-U.Valencia)
[2 hour lectures]
- Flavour Physics in Hadron Machines (Tevatron and LHCb) (Marie-Hélène Schune, LAL Orsay)
- Flavour Physics in Electron machines (Babar, Belle, Belle II) (Adrian Bevan, Queen Mary U.London)
- Instrumentation for Flavour Physics (Nicola Neri, INFN-U.Milano)
- Analysis Tools (G. Cowan, Royal Holloway U.London)
[1 hour lectures]
- Tracking (S. Martí, IFIC Valencia)
- Kaon Physics (J. Portolés, IFIC Valencia)
- Tau Physics (J. Portolés, IFIC Valencia)
- Historical perspective on CP, T violation in kaons (K.R. Schubert, IKTP Dresden)
- Lepton Flavour Violation (M. Hirsch, IFIC Valencia)
- Time Reversal Violation (J.Bernabéu, IFIC-U.Valencia)
- Flavour in Extensive Air Showers (M. Pimenta, IDPASC Coordinator, LIP Lisbon)
F.J. Botella
F. Martínez-Vidal
M. Nebot
A. Oyanguren
A. Pich
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