21-25 March 2022
Salon de actos del IATA
Europe/Madrid timezone

Visible final-state kinematics in $b \to c\tau( \pi\nu_\tau, \rho\nu_\tau, \mu\bar{\nu}_\mu\nu_\tau)$ reactions

24 Mar 2022, 16:11
Salón de Actos del IFIC (PCUV)

Salón de Actos del IFIC (PCUV)


Mrs. Neus Penalva (IFIC)


In the context of lepton flavor universality violation (LFUV) studies, we study different observables related to the b→cτν¯τ semileptonic decays. These observables are expected to help in distinguishing between different NP scenarios. Since the τ lepton is very short-lived, we consider three subsequent τ-decay modes, two hadronic πντ and ρντ and one leptonic μν¯μντ, which have been previously studied for B¯→D(∗) decays. This way the differential decay width can be written in terms of visible (experimentally accessible) variables of the massive particle created in the τ decay.
There are seven different τ angular and spin asymmetries that are defined in this way and that can be extracted from experiment. In addition to these asymmetries, we study the d2Γd/(dωdcosθd), dΓd/dcosθd and dΓd/dEd distributions.
We present numerical results for the Λb→Λcτν¯τ semileptonic decay, which is being measured with precision at the LHCb.

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