
from Monday, 21 March 2022 (00:10) to Friday, 25 March 2022 (17:05)
Salon de actos del IATA

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
21 Mar 2022
22 Mar 2022
23 Mar 2022
24 Mar 2022
25 Mar 2022
Registration (until 09:00) ()
Presentation of the Workshop -Prof. Nuria Rius (IFIC(CSIC-UV)) Dr. Raquel Molina Peralta María Jesús Añón (CSIC) Adela Valero (UV) (until 09:30) ()
Nuclear Physics -Dr. Anabel Morales (Chair) (IFIC) (until 10:40) ()
09:30 Origin of heavy elements: r-process in neutron star mergers and core-collapse supernovae - Prof. Almudena Arcones (TU Darmstadt)   ()
10:05 Nuclear spectroscopy for understan- ding the nuclear forces - Dr. Lucía Cáceres (CEA-GANIL)   ()
10:40 --- Social break ---
Nuclear Physics -Dr. Anabel Morales (Chair) (IFIC) (until 13:20) ()
11:00 Proton resonances in meson production - Dr. Astrid Hiller Blin (Eberhard Karls Universtiät Tübingen)   ()
11:35 MYRRHA, A New Large Research Infrastructure in Belgium for Applications in Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Physics - Dr. Carmen Angulo (SCK-CEN Belgian Nuclear Research Centre)   ()
12:10 Strongly interacting matter in the laboratory and stars - Dr. Laura Tolós (ICE-Barcelona)   ()
12:45 Reaching out Exotic Nuclei - Prof. Berta Rubio (IFIC-CSIC)   ()
Writing and speaking skills -Dr. Raquel Molina (Chair) (until 10:30) ()
09:30 How to write an ERC proposal - Prof. Kathrin Wimmer (GSI-FAIR)   ()
10:30 --- Social break ---
Writing and speaking skills -Dr. Raquel Molina (Chair) (UV) (until 13:00) ()
11:00 Writing skills for science outreach - Dr. Avelino Vicente (UV)   ()
12:00 Public speaking skills for science - Prof. Isabel Cordero (UV)   ()
Machine learning -Prof. Arantza Oyanguren (Chair) (IFIC-UV) (until 10:35) ()
09:30 An introduction to Machine Learning in Particle Physics - Dr. Verónica Sanz (UV)   ()
10:05 Boost Radiation Hardness Assurance in your Space Mission with Machine Learning - Mrs. Amor Romero Maestre (Centro Nacional de Aceleradores)   ()
10:20 Forecasting hazardous Geomagnetically Induced Currents for Spanish critical infrastructures by using AI - Dr. Florencia Castillo (Heidelberg University)   ()
10:35 --- Social break ---
Medical Physics -Dr. Ana Ros (Chair) (IFIC) (until 12:35) ()
10:55 The rise of precision medicine: the valuable contribution of medical physics - Dr. Irene Torres (Hospital La Fe)   ()
11:30 Applications of Machine learning in Medical Physics: Risks and Benefits - Prof. Joaquín López (UCM)   ()
12:05 High-Gradient S-band Backward Travelling Wave Accelerating Cavity experiments at IFIC - Dr. Nuria Fuster (IFIC-CSIC)   ()
12:20 Status of the PETALO project - Mrs. Carmen Romo (IFIC)   ()
Dark matter -Dr. Valentina De Romeri (Chair) (IFIC-UV) (until 10:10) ()
09:00 Indirect detection of dark matter: status and perspectives - Dr. Francesca Calore (CNRS)   ()
09:35 Probing the nature of dark matter with gamma rays - Prof. Gabriela Zaharijas (University of Nova Gorica (CAC))   ()
10:10 --- Social break ---
Dark matter -Dr. Valentina De Romeri (Chair) (IFIC) (until 11:05) ()
10:30 Experimental status and perspectives on dark matter direct detection and latest ANAIS results - Prof. Mª Luisa Sarsa (Universidad de Zaragoza)   ()
Astroparticle -Prof. Olga Mena (Chair) (IFIC) (until 12:15) ()
11:05 Neutrinos in cosmology and astroparticle physics - Dr. Ninetta Saviano (JGU Mainz)   ()
11:40 Neutrino Experiments - Dr. Clara Cuesta (CIEMAT)   ()
Particle Physics -Dr. Emma Torró Pastor (Chair) (IFIC) (until 10:45) ()
09:00 Searches for New Physics at neutrino experiments - Pilar Coloma (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) Dr. Pilar Coloma (IFT)   ()
09:35 Theoretical Aspects of Flavour Physics - Dr. Claudia Hagedorn (UV) Claudia Hagedorn (IFIC - UV/CSIC)   ()
10:10 Experimental Particle Physics with the ATLAS Detector - Prof. Manuella Vincter (Carleton University, ATLAS)   ()
10:45 --- Social break ---
Particle Physics -Dr. Maria Moreno Llácer (chair) (IFIC (CSIC-UV), Valencia) (until 13:25) ()
11:05 Discovering the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment at CERN - Barbara Alvarez Gonzalez (Universidad de Oviedo)   ()
11:40 Flavourful footprints towards TeV scale Physics - Dr. Clara Murgui (Caltech)   ()
12:15 Experimental Particle Physics (LHCb) - Dr. Carla Marin (CERN (LHCb))   ()
12:50 Axion and ALP landscape - Prof. Belen Gavela (UAM)   ()
13:20 --- Lunch ---
Nuclear Physics -Dr. Sonja Orrigo (Chair) (IFIC) (until 16:35) ()
15:15 Thermal resonances and chiral symmetry restoration. - Mrs. Andrea Vioque Rodriguez (UCM)   ()
15:28 Quark mass dependence of hadron resonances - Mr. Fernando Gil Domínguez (UV)   ()
15:41 New ways to shed light on neutrinoless double-beta decay - Dr. Lotta Jokiniemi (Universidad de Barcelona)   ()
15:54 Improved calculations on neutrinoless double-beta decay matrix elements - Mr. Pablo Soriano Fajardo (Universidad de Barcelona)   ()
16:07 Nucleosynthesis in the cosmos: The $^{26}$Al case - Mrs. Laetitia Cañete (University of Surrey)   ()
16:20 Delving $\alpha$ and non-$\alpha$ structure beams induced incomplete fusion@ 4-7 MeV/A : A Role of Deformation - Prof. Unnati Gupta (Amity University)   ()
16:35 --- Social break ---
Nuclear Physics -Dr. Sonja Orrigo (Chair) (IFIC) (until 18:00) ()
16:55 Study of $\alpha-$transfer reactions with $^7$Be in the context of nuclear astrophysics - Mrs. Kabita Kundalia (Bose Institute, India)   ()
17:08 Searching for the nuclear Cooper pairs - Mrs. Josipa Diklić (Ruđer Bošković Institute)   ()
17:21 Constraining the nuclear equation of state - Mrs. Ivana Lihtar (Ruder Boskovic Institute)   ()
17:34 New lifetime measurements for the 2$_1^+$ level in $^{112,120}Sn by the Doppler-shift attenuation method - Dr. Ananya Kundu (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)   ()
17:47 Collinear Laser Spectroscopy and Fluorescence Detection - Mrs. Laura Renth (Institut für Kernphysik TU Darmstadt)   ()
Welcome (until 19:30) ()
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Gender equality in Science -Prof. Mariam Tórtola (Chair) (IFIC-UV) (until 15:05) ()
Gender Equality in Physics -Prof. Mariam Tórtola (Chair) (IFIC-UV) (until 15:40) ()
15:05 String theory and gender: a European experience - Prof. Mª Antonia Lledó (UV)   ()
15:40 --- Social break ---
Gender Equality in Physics -Prof. Mariam Tórtola (Chair) (UV) (until 16:20) ()
16:00 Organization of gender-balanced events: a case of practice, National Meeting in Optics 2021 - Dr. Martina Delgado-Pinar (University of Valencia)   ()
Gender Equality in Physics -Prof. Pas García (Chair) (UV) (until 17:10) ()
16:20 Physics and Maternity Round table - Dr. Isabel Torres (Mother in Science) Dr. Susana Planelles (UVEG) Dr. Nuria Garro (UVEG)   ()
Gender Equality in Physics - Inés Soler (UV) (until 17:45) ()
Quantum Computing -Prof. Armando Perez (Chair) (UV) (until 13:10) ()
12:35 Tensor Networks: from Quantum Information to Quantum Many-Body Physics and Quantum Field Theory - Prof. Mari Carmen Bañuls (Max Plank Institute of Quantum Optics)   ()
13:10 --- Lunch ---
Student session -Dr. Raquel Molina Peralta (Chair) (IFIC-UV) (until 16:00) ()
14:50 Topological superconductivity and Majorana modes for quantum computation: a materials science perspective - Prof. Elsa Prada (ICMM-CSIC)   ()
15:25 PET detectors, from benchtop to the clinics - Dr. Andrea Gonzalez (Stanford University)   ()
16:00 --- Social break ---
Poster session (until 18:00) ()
16:33 Contribution of the $\Delta(1232)$ resonance in the pion photoproduction on Carbon-12 - Gustavo Guerrero (IFIC-UV)   ()
16:39 Study of Exotic Hidden Heavy Flavor States - Victor Montesinos Llacer (IFIC-UV)   ()
16:45 Implementation of a software defined radio (SDR) based beam current monitor for Schottky detectors in heavy ion storage rings - Mariia Selina (Aachen University of Applied Sciences)   ()
16:51 Gender socialization and the absence of women in science - Aida Garrido (USal)   ()
16:57 Advantages of Tomosynthesis for COVID-19 Detection with Artificial Intelligence - Clara Freijo Escudero (UCM)   ()
17:03 Neural networks for reconstruction of the underlying kinematics in high energy collisions - David Francisco Rentería Estrada (Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa)   ()
17:09 Cabibbo suppressed single pion production off the nucleon induced by antineutrinos - Maria Benitez Galan (UGR)   ()
17:15 Dark matter gamma-ray signals in the Milky Way: brightest dark satellites versus diffuse galactic emission" - Sara Porras Bedmar (UAM)   ()
17:21 Core-collapse supernovae from red super giant stars - Beatriz Giudice (UV)   ()
17:27 NEXT-100 status and prospects - Miryam Martinez Vara (DIPC - IFIC)   ()
17:33 Calibrating the ANAIS-112 dark matter experiment with neutrons - Tamara Pardo Yanguas (UZ)   ()
17:39 A probabilistic approach to the hierarchy problem - Clara Alvarez Luna (UCM)   ()
17:45 CP violation in hadronic two-body D meson decays: a SM calculation - Eleftheria Solomonidi (IFIC-UV)   ()
17:51 Long-lived heavy neutral leptons at the LHC: probing $N_R$SMEFT operators. - Rebeca Beltrán Lloria (IFIC-UV)   ()
Student session -Dr. Raquel Molina Peralta (Chair) (IFIC-UV) (until 17:10) ()
16:20 Career path of Paula Tuzón, physicist and actual secretary of climate emergency of the GVA - Dr. Paula Tuzón (GVA)   ()
16:45 Perspective of how is working outside academia - Dr. Gaetana Anamiati (DNV)   ()
Student session -Dr. Anabel Morales (Chair) (IFIC) (until 18:00) ()
17:10 Discussion with researchers at IFIC and UV - Dr. Gabriela Barenboin (UV) Dr. Anabel Morales (IFIC) Dr. Raquel Molina (UV) Prof. Olga Mena (IFIC-CSIC) Dr. Emma Torró (IFIC) Dr. Sonja Orrigo (IFIC) Dr. Valentina De Romeri (IFIC) Dr. María Moreno Llácer (UV) Prof. Mariam Tórtola (UV)   ()
18:00 --- Picaeta Conciencia ---
Gravitational waves -Prof. Alicia Sintes (Universitat de les Illes Balears) (until 12:50) ()
12:15 Gravitational waves: observations and mathematical aspects - Prof. Isabel Cordero (UV)   ()
12:50 --- Lunch ---
Cosmology -Prof. Olga Mena (Chair) (IFIC) (until 15:25) ()
14:15 Early Universe Cosmology: how to co-generate Dark Matter and the Baryon asymmetry - Prof. Laura Covi (University of Goettingen)   ()
14:50 Cosmological tensions - Dr. Eleonora di Valentino (Sheffield University)   ()
15:25 --- Social break ---
Gravitational waves -Prof. Alicia Sintes (Universitat de les Illes Balears) (until 16:50) ()
15:45 Precession in black hole binary systems: toward calibrating precessing phenomenological waveform models to numerical relativity - Mrs. Maria del Lluc (UIB)   ()
15:58 Searching for long-duration transient gravitational waves from glitching pulsars using Convolutional Neural Networks - Mrs. Luana Modafferi (Universitat de les Illes Balears)   ()
16:11 Interference signatures in the gravitational lensing of gravitational waves - Mrs. Helena Ubach (Universitat de Barcelona, ICCUB)   ()
16:24 Thermal gravitational wave emission from Holography in strongly-coupled theories - Mrs. Lucía Castells (Universitat de Barcelona)   ()
16:37 Parameter estimation of gravitational wave events with state-of-the-art phenomenological waveform models in the frequency and the time domain. - Mrs. Maite-Lucena Mateu (University of the Balearic Islands)   ()
Particle Physics -Dr. Emma Torró Pastor (chair) (IFIC) (until 16:50) ()
15:45 Constraining the absolute neutrino mass via time-of-flight measurements of the Supernovae electron neutrinos with DUNE. - Federica Pompa (IFIC Valencia)   ()
15:58 Extending the Reach of Leptophilic Boson Searches at DUNE and MiniBooNE with Bremsstrahlung and Resonant Production - Mr. Francesco Capozzi (IFIC)   ()
16:11 Visible final-state kinematics in $b \to c\tau( \pi\nu_\tau, \rho\nu_\tau, \mu\bar{\nu}_\mu\nu_\tau)$ reactions - Mrs. Neus Penalva (IFIC)   ()
16:24 Flavour Symmetry & Neutrino Masses - Omar Medina (IFIC-UV)   ()
16:37 Dark sector searches with Na64 experiment at CERN - Dr. Laura Molina Bueno (IFIC-UV)   ()
16:50 --- Social break ---
Dark matter -Dr. Valentina De Romeri (Chair) (IFIC) (until 18:55) ()
17:10 Signatures of primordial black hole dark matter at DUNE and THEIA - Mr. Pablo-Miravé Martínez (IFIC)   ()
17:23 Axion quality from the symmetric of SU(N) - Dr. Giacomo Landini (IFIC-UV)   ()
17:36 Sensitivity of CTA to gamma-ray emission from the Perseus galaxy cluster - Mrs. Judit Pérez (IFT UAM)   ()
17:49 Dark Matter search in dwarf irregular galaxies with Fermi -LAT - Mrs. Viviana Gammaldi (DFT & IFT UAM)   ()
18:02 Searching for dark-matter waves with pulsar polarimetry - Mr. Jorge Terol (Instituo de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC))   ()
18:15 Dark-matter halo shapes from fits to SPARC galaxy rotation curves - Mrs. Adriana Bariego (IFT-UAM)   ()
18:28 Shedding light on low-mass subhalo survival with numerical simulations - Mrs. Alejandra Aguirre (IFT UAM)   ()
Particle Physics -Dr. Maria Moreno Llácer (IFIC (CSIC-UV), Valencia) (until 18:02) ()
17:10 Probing the interaction of the Higgs boson and the top-quark to explore the origin of the masses of elementary particles. - Susana Cabrera Urbán (IFIC-CSIC)   ()
17:23 Measurement of the quadruple-differential angular decay rates of single top quark produced in the t-channel at sqrt(s)=13 TeV - Mariam Chitishvili (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) - CSIC/UV)   ()
17:36 Design of an alpha contamination detector with high sensitivity - Mrs. Ana Quintana (Universidad de Zaragoza)   ()
17:49 Application of a quantum algorithm to Feynman loop integrals - Mrs. Norma Selomit (IFIC-UV)   ()
Virtual Tour ATLAS - Maria Moreno Llácer (chair) (IFIC (CSIC-UV), Valencia) Emma Torró Pastor (chair) (IFIC) (until 19:02) ()
Lunch (until 15:00) ()
Prizes (until 15:30) ()
Summary (until 16:00) ()
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