Chair: Gabriela Barenboim
The forthcoming Euclid survey will be able to map the Large Scale Structure with unprecendent precision, with the aim of tightly constraining the standard cosmological model and its most common extensions. The great sensitivity of Euclid can however also be exploited to test our most fundamental assumptions at the basis of the cosmological investigation.
In this talk I will present two recents...
The lepton flavour asymmetries of the Universe are observationally almost unconstrained before the onset of neutrino oscillations. We calculate the cosmic trajectory during the cosmic QCD epoch in the presence of large lepton flavour asymmetries. By including QCD thermodynamic quantities derived from functional QCD methods in our calculation our work reveals for the first time the possibility...
In the context of TeV-scale lepton number violating (LNV) interactions, we illustrate the interplay between leptogenesis, neutrinoless double beta (0νββ) decay, and LNV searches at proton-proton colliders. Using a concrete model for illustration, we identify the parameter space where standard thermal leptogenesis is rendered unviable due to washout processes and show how 0νββ decay and...