Measurements and Simulation of background radiation for rare event search experiments at an underground laboratory

2 Sep 2021, 17:10
Talk in parallel session Underground Laboratories Discussion Panel Underground Laboratories 2


Sayan Ghosh (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)


Rare event search experiments mostly placed inside underground laboratories demand very accurate measurements of ambient radiation contribution from charged cosmic particles from radioactive decay and nuclear processes in the surrounding rock components. Therefore careful analysis of rock components and specific background measurement experiments along with simulation studies form the first foundation of these types of experiments. To begin with, an underground laboratory for rare event search experiments is set up at 555 m vertical depth inside a mine in India. Gamma rays and neutrons from the environmental rocks, penetrating cosmic muons and secondary particles are the major causes of concern. In this work, we have experimentally measured the fluxes of cosmic muons, ambient gamma rays and the environmental neutrons inside the laboratory. We have also performed detailed simulations using the tracking toolkit of GEANT4 and environmental data to estimate the measured fluxes and related numbers. Very good agreements with the measured fluxes in almost all the cases are found. Based on our studies, we find that while comparing the experimental and the GEANT4 results, it is important to include multiple scattering events to obtain reliable results. Experimental results, simulation strategies followed and the results obtained will be presented.

Reference to paper (DOI or arXiv) 2106.12980

Primary author

Sayan Ghosh (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)


Mr. Shubham Dutta (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics) Prof. Naba Kumar Mondal (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics) Prof. Satyajit Saha (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics) Sayan Ghosh (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)

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