Detection Of Heavy Dark Matter Particles In DEAP-3600

30 Aug 2021, 17:10
Talk in parallel session Dark Matter and its detection Discussion Panel Dark Matter 1


Michela Lai (University of Cagliari)


DEAP-3600, hosted at SNOLAB, has been designed for the search of WIMPs, Weakly Interacting Massive Particles; its target of 3.3 t of liquid argon makes it the largest direct detection experiment. In addition to its sensitivity to WIMPs, DEAP-3600 is sensitive to super-massive dark matter candidates with masses up to the Planck scale. For particles with masses above 10^{16} GeV and cross-sections with argon above 10^{-24} cm^2, these dark matter particles are expected to reach an underground experiment and give a detectable signal in liquid argon. Due to the large cross-section, the expected signal in DEAP-3600 is a collinear sequence of nuclear recoils in the same acquisition window, giving a very distinguishable and unique signature; hence, we refer to them as Multi-Scattering Heavy Dark Matter Particles.
In this talk, the search for this candidate in three years of data-taking is presented, starting from the expected signal compared to the expected background, and Monte Carlo model developed; then, the results of the unblinding procedure will be presented.

Primary author

Michela Lai (University of Cagliari)

Presentation Materials

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