KamLAND-Zen 800 Status and Progress with the Artificial Intelligence Powered Analysis

31 Aug 2021, 17:10
1h 30m
Talk in parallel session Neutrino physics and astrophysics Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3


Aobo Li (UNC Chapel Hill)


The discovery of neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) would shed light on the persistent puzzle surrounding the origin of neutrino mass and help explain the matter-dominated universe. KamLAND-Zen is one of the leading experiments searching for 0νββ. The first phase of the experiment, called KamLAND-Zen 400, set a world-leading limit on 0νββ lifetime. After the conclusion of KamLAND-Zen 400, a brand new mini-balloon with a larger volume and cleaner surface were instrumented to contain 745 kg of Xe136. Since Jan. 2019, KamLAND-Zen 800 has started data-taking and aims to improve on the previous 0νββ result. A detailed study of the backgrounds in this new data will be presented along with a state-of-the-art approach for classifying backgrounds using a new algorithm called KamNet. The rejection power of KamNet does not rely on coincidence tagging and scales with hardware updates. With the help of KamNet, the 0νββ sensitivity of KamLAND-Zen 800 is significantly enhanced to a new summit.

Primary author

Aobo Li (UNC Chapel Hill)

Presentation Materials

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