Transition neutrino magnetic moments in CE$\nu$NS

1 Sep 2021, 18:00
1h 30m
Poster Neutrino physics and astrophysics Poster session 2


Kåre Fridell (Technical University of Munich)


Coherent Elastic Neutrino Nucleus Scattering (CE$\nu$NS) is a novel technique to look for new physics beyond the Standard Model. We study the prospects of probing a transition magnetic moment in CE$\nu$NS experiments, and the potential to shed light on the Dirac vs Majorana nature of neutrinos. We show the NUCLEUS experiment as an example, and demonstrate that properties of a potential sterile neutrino can be deduced through a consideration of the final state distribution.

Primary authors

Patrick Bolton (University College London) Frank Deppisch (University College London) Kåre Fridell (Technical University of Munich) Julia Harz (Technical University of Municht (TUM)) Chandan Hati (Technische Universität München) Suchita Kulkarni (HEPHY, Vienna)

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