Insoo Lee
Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS) has important role for measuring neutrino properties and proving non-standard interactions.
Neutrino Elastic-scattering Observation with NaI(Tl) experiment (NEON) aims to detect this CEvNS in an NaI(Tl) crystal using reactor anti-electron neutrino at Hanbit nuclear power plant.
NEON detector which is installed 24 m distance away from the active reactor core consists of a 15 kg NaI(Tl) in the radiation shielding structures including a ~700 L liquid scintillator.
Data taking has started from December 2020 which includes 1 month reactor-off period.
We report the current status of NEON experiment in this talk.
Primary author
Insoo Lee