An observation of Neutron-antineutron ($n-\bar{n}$) oscillations, would directly imply physics beyond the Standard Model violating baryon number by two units $|\Delta B| = 2$ and hence might provide a close link to the mechanism behind the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe. In this talk, I will discuss the consequences of such a discovery in the near future, e.g. at the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment or the European Spallation Source, for baryogenesis mechanisms. I will discuss both an effective field theory approach and a more concrete simplified model approach with a source of CP violation and different hierarchies between the scales of new physics. I will also highlight the complementarity of $n-\bar{n}$~oscillation searches with other experimental constraints from dinucleon decay, LHC, and meson oscillations and discuss how an observation of $n-\bar{n}$~oscillation can rule out many potential baryogenesis scenarios and favour only a select few providing an exciting possibility to understand our matter dominated Universe at laboratory.
Reference to paper (DOI or arXiv) | 2105.06487 |