Hyper-Kamiokande (Hyper-K) is a next-generation experiment for understanding the properties of neutrino mixing, astrophysical neutrinos, and searches for new physics through processes such as nucleon decay. It will utilize a water Cherenkov detector 8 times larger than the current Super-Kamiokande, and will benefit from an upgraded 2.5 times higher intensity J-PARC beam than T2K. An Intermediate Water Cherenkov Detector (IWCD) will help mitigate systematic uncertainties to a level commensurate with this unprecedented statistical precision, affording significant discovery potential of leptonic CP violation. This one kilotonne scale detector will be located around 1 km from the J-PARC neutrino source. The capability to move vertically for scanning off-axis angles will improve the understanding of neutrino interactions and their energy dependence. Gadolinium loading will allow high efficiency measurements of neutrons that accompany neutrino interactions, providing further knowledge towards Hyper-K physics analyses. A prototype water Cherenkov beam test experiment (WCTE) is planned at CERN to evaluate key technologies, including a new photosensor, calibration systems, and deep learning event reconstruction. This talk will summarize the WCTE and IWCD designs and physics programs.