Probing exotic neutrino physics with CEvNS and neutrino-electron scattering

1 Sep 2021, 17:10
Talk in parallel session Neutrino physics and astrophysics Discussion Panel Neutrinos 6


Dimitrios Papoulias (University of Ioannina)


Nuclear and electron recoil measurements are a substantial tool for investigating novel neutrino physics phenomena at low-energies. In this talk I will discuss the current constraints on non-standard interactions (NSIs) and electromagnetic neutrino properties, obtained from the recent observation of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS) by COHERENT as well as from the recent XENON1T excess of electron recoil events.

Primary authors

Dimitrios Papoulias (University of Ioannina) Prof. Omar Miranda (CINVESTAV-IPN) Mr. Gonzalo Sanchez Garcia (CINVESTAV IPN) Mr. Oscar Sanders (CINVESTAV) Mariam Tórtola (IFIC (CSIC-Univ. Valencia)) JWF Valle (IFIC)

Presentation Materials

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