Beyond the detector horizon: forecasting gravitational-wave strong lensing

31 Aug 2021, 17:10
Talk in parallel session Gravitational Waves Discussion Panel Gravitational Waves 1


Renske Wierda (Utrecht University)


Gravitational waves could be gravitationally lensed just like light. Strong lensing makes gravitational waves appear as repeated events with different amplitudes within our detectors. We will investigate recent forecasts for observed lensed event rates, including sub-threshold searches. We will also discuss a pressing issue related to the current lensed event searches: the rising probability of so-called search false alarms. We show how the inclusion of lensing statistics can help remedy this problem.

Reference to paper (DOI or arXiv) arxiv:2106.06303

Primary authors

Renske Wierda (Utrecht University) Mr. Ewoud Wempe (University of Groeningen) Otto Hannuksela Prof. Léon Koopmans (University of Groeningen) Prof. Chris Van Den Broeck (Utrecht University)

Presentation Materials

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