The LEGEND program - search for neutrinoless double beta decay in Ge-76

31 Aug 2021, 17:10
1h 30m
Talk in parallel session Neutrino physics and astrophysics Discussion Panel Neutrinos 3


Ralph Massarczyk (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


The Large Enriched Germanium Experiment for Neutrinoless $\beta\beta$ Decay (LEGEND) is a phased experimental effort to search for neutrinoless double-beta decay in $^{76}$Ge. The first phase uses existing resources building off the experiences of the Majorana and GERDA experiments, as well as new techniques like larger inverted coaxial detectors and an improved Argon detector system. It consists of 200 kg of $^{76}$Ge enriched germanium, and assembly and testing of components has begun. The collaboration is planning to start commissioning in the second half of this year. I will give an overview on the status of the effort and also on its proposed successor, LEGEND-1000. My presentation will also cover LEGENDs physics reach, its design, its ongoing R\&D, and further efforts that are necessary to deploy an experiment with an half-life discovery potential of beyond 10$^{28}$ years half-life for neutrinoless double beta decay.

*This work is supported by the U.S. DOE, and the NSF, the LANL, ORNL and LBNL LDRD programs; the European ERC and Horizon programs; the German DFG, BMBF, and MPG; the Italian INFN; the Polish NCN and MNiSW; the Czech MEYS; the Slovak SRDA; the Swiss SNF; the UK STFC; the Russian RFBR; the Canadian NSERC and CFI; the LNGS and SURF facilities.

Primary author

Ralph Massarczyk (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Presentation Materials

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