Chair: O. Mena
Antonio Racioppi
23/05/2016, 15:00
Contributed talk
We show that if the inflaton has a non-minimal coupling to gravity and the Planck scale is dynamically generated, the results of Coleman-Weinberg inflation are confined in between two attractor solutions: quadratic inflation, which is ruled out by the recent measurements, and linear inflation which, instead, is in the experimental allowed region. The minimal scenario has only one free...
Michal Artymowski
(Jagiellonian University)
23/05/2016, 15:20
Contributed talk
In my talk I will present the $f(R) = \sum _n \alpha_n R^n$ model with finite and infinite amount of higher order terms. By the assumption of existence of one stationary point positioned anywhere at the Einstein frame potential I will obtain a theory with Starobinsky-like Einstein frame potential, which will include all $R^n$ terms. I will compare results with the Palnck data and discuss the...
Aitor Landete
23/05/2016, 15:40
Contributed talk
We develop new scenarios of large field inflation in type IIA string compactifications in which the key ingredient is a D6-brane that generates a bilinear superpotential which couples the brane position modulus to a Kahler modulus, this allows us to construct two different models where the inflaton candidate could be the B-field axion or the D6-brane Wilson Line. The scalar potential has the...
Shelley LIANG
(Univ Sydney)
23/05/2016, 16:00
Contributed talk
We propose a new class of natural inflation models based on a hidden scale invariance. In a very generic Wilsonian effective field theory with an arbitrary number of scalar fields, which exhibits scale invariance via the dilaton, the potential necessarily contains a flat direction in the classical limit. This flat direction is lifted by small quantum corrections and inflation is realised...
Héctor Ramírez Rodríguez
(IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
23/05/2016, 16:20
Contributed talk
Inflation provides the most theoretically attractive and observationally successful cosmological scenario able to generate the initial conditions of our universe. From the theoretical viewpoint, this picture is usually understood as the dynamics of a single new scalar degree of freedom, the inflaton, minimally coupled to gravity. However, generally the inflaton is expected to have a nonminimal...