23-27 May 2016
Europe/Madrid timezone

Inflation from f(R) theory with all possible terms

23 May 2016, 15:20
Contributed talk Astro/Cosmo/Neutrinos Cosmo 1


Michal Artymowski (Jagiellonian University)


In my talk I will present the $f(R) = \sum _n \alpha_n R^n$ model with finite and infinite amount of higher order terms. By the assumption of existence of one stationary point positioned anywhere at the Einstein frame potential I will obtain a theory with Starobinsky-like Einstein frame potential, which will include all $R^n$ terms. I will compare results with the Palnck data and discuss the stability of the GR vacuum of the model.

Primary author

Michal Artymowski (Jagiellonian University)

Presentation Materials

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