Gregorio Herdoiza
(KPH Mainz & IFT Madrid)
The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, g-2, is one of the most
promising observables to identify the signs of physics beyond the
Standard Model. QCD contributions are currently responsible for the
largest fraction of the overall theoretical uncertainty in the
determination of the muon g-2, and in the running of the QED coupling
constant. Studies of the vacuum polarisation function and of the Adler
function, currently being carried out by the Mainz lattice group, will
be presented. The various systematic effects present in the lattice
QCD determinations of the muon g-2 and of the running of the QED
coupling will be discussed.
Primary author
Gregorio Herdoiza
(KPH Mainz & IFT Madrid)
Anthony Francis
(KPH Mainz)
Benjamin Jäger
(Swansea University)
Hanno Horch
(KPH Mainz)
Hartmut Wittig
(KPH Mainz)
Harvey Meyer
(KPH Mainz)
Vera Gülpers
(KPH Mainz)
Paper files: