3rd generation squark searches at CMS (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
$B \to D K$ Dalitz plot analyses for $\phi_3$ at Belle (in session "Flavour Physics")
$B_{s,d}^0 \to \ell^+\ell^-$ Decays in the Aligned Two-Higgs-Doublet Model (in session "Flavour Physics")
$D^0$ and $\bar{D}^0$ mixing and CP violation results from Belle (in session "Flavour Physics")
A detection of degree scale B-mode polarization with BICEP2 (in session "Special Session on Cosmology and Particle Physics")
A first walk on the DarkSide (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
A measurement of the electro-weak mixing angle and an indirect measurement of the W mass at CDF (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
A new way to search for right-handed currents in semileptonic $B \to \rho \ell \bar\nu$ decay (in session "Flavour Physics")
A scenario for critical scalar field collapse in AdS_3 (in session "Formal Theory Developments")
A unified approach to nuclei: The BPS Skyrme Model (in session "Formal Theory Developments")
Accelerator activities in Spain. CONECTA: Spanish Coordination on Accelerator's Science and Technology (in session "Industrial opportunities in future High Energy Physics projects")
Accelerator on a Chip: Recent Progress (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
Acoustic Detection of Neutrinos: Review and Future Potential (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Alpha_s determination from the C-parameter distribution (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Alpha_s from tau decays: higher orders and perturbative behaviour (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
AMS-02 measurement of cosmic ray positrons and electrons (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
An Introduction to CEPC/SppC Accelerator Design Status (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
Analysis of muon and electron neutrino charged current interactions in the T2K near detectors (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Anisotropies of ultra-high energy cosmic rays diffusing from extragalactic sources (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Anomalous Higgs couplings in angular asymmetries of H--->Zll and e+e- ---> HZ (in session "BEH Physics")
Any Other Business (in session "Closed meeting : International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA)")
Any Other Business (in session "Closed meeting : Linear Collider Board (LCB)")
Astrophysical Neutrinos with the IceCube Detector (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
ATF2 for final focus test beam for future linear colliders (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
ATLAS Computing challenges before the next LHC run (in session "Computing and Data Handling")
ATLAS Higgs physics prospects at the high luminosity LHC (in session "BEH Physics")
ATLAS Inner Tracking detectors: Run 1 performance and developments for Run 2 (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
ATLAS jet and missing ET reconstruction, calibration, and performance (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
ATLAS Jet Trigger Performance during Run1 and preparation for Run2 (in session "Computing and Data Handling")
ATLAS Public Outreach - Content, Platforms and Strategy of ATLAS Education & Outreach (in session "Education and Outreach")
ATLAS Upgrades for the next Decades (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Atmospheric neutrinos at high energy (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Automated tools for QCD calculations (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
AWAKE : A proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration experiment at CERN (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
Axion helioscopes update: the status of CAST & IAXO (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
b-flavour tagging in pp collisions (in session "Flavour Physics")
B_s^0 lifetime measurements from the D0 experiment (in session "Flavour Physics")
Baryogenesis from dark matter annihilation (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Beamline for the LBNE Project (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
Borexino: recent solar and terrestrial neutrino results (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Bounds on Neutral and Charged Higgs from the LHC (in session "BEH Physics")
Branching fraction and CP asymmetry measurements in inclusive B -> Xs gamma and B -> Xs l+l- decays (in session "Flavour Physics")
Branching fractions and CP violation in charmless 3-body decays of B mesons (in session "Flavour Physics")
Calculating repetitively.III: (in session "Formal Theory Developments")
CDMSlite: a New Way to Search for Low-Mass WIMPS with Cyogenic Detectors (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
CERN Director General (in session "Opening Ceremony")
CERN: a Large International infrastructure with impact beyond science and technology (in session "60th CERN anniversary")
CERN: the scientific and technological quest (in session "60th CERN anniversary")
CERN@school: bringing CERN into the classroom (in session "Education and Outreach")
Chair of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) (in session "Welcome by Academic and Scientific Authorities")
Chair of the Spanish Royal Society of Physics (in session "Welcome by Academic and Scientific Authorities")
Charm and beauty structure functions and heavy quark masses at HERA (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Charm final states at HERA (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Charm Mixing and D Dalitz analysis at BESIII (in session "Flavour Physics")
CheckMATE: Confronting your Favourite New Physics Model with LHC Data (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
CLIC detector: performance optimisation for e+e- physics above 1 TeV and status of the corresponding R&D activities (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
CLIC Status (in session "Closed meeting : Linear Collider Board (LCB)")
CMS Alignment and Calibration workflows: lesson learned and future plans (in session "Computing and Data Handling")
CMS Computing Preparations for Run2 (in session "Computing and Data Handling")
CMS Data preparation for Run II (in session "Computing and Data Handling")
CMS Detector Performance (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
CMS Measurements of the top quark mass, including alternative techniques and differential measurements (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
CMS muon system towards LHC Run 2 and beyond (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
CMS Trigger Improvements towards Run II (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
CMS upgrade perspectives (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Collider - bringing the Large Hadron Collider to London, and beyond (in session "Education and Outreach")
Combination of the Higgs Boson Main Properties Measurements using the ATLAS Detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Combined results of the 126 GeV Higgs boson couplings using all decay channels measured by the CMS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Combined Top Quark Physics Results from ATLAS and CMS (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Commissioning and Early Performance of the NOvA Detectors (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Comparison of test beam data from imaging calorimeters with GEANT4 simulations (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Computing at Belle II (in session "Computing and Data Handling")
Computing in High Energy Physics (in session "Plenary Session")
Constraining new physics scenarios in neutrino oscillations (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Constraining top-Z couplings through ttb+Z production at the LHC (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Constraints on a Class of Two-Higgs Doublet Models with tree level FCNC (in session "Flavour Physics")
Constraints on dark matter and future observational strategies with gamma-ray space experiments (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Constraints on heavy neutrinos and applications (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Constraints on new phenomena through Higgs coupling measurements with the ATLAS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Constraints on the dark matter interaction sector via extra radiation contributions (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Constraints on the Higgs boson width from off-shell production and decay to ZZ with the CMS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Core-Collapse Supernova Neutrino Detection (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Cosmic-ray detectors for high-schools in France (in session "Education and Outreach")
Cosmological constraints from Planck (in session "Special Session on Cosmology and Particle Physics")
CP-Violation and B-Physics: experimental results and future prospects (in session "Plenary Session")
Crab cavities for colliders - past, present and future (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
Current status and perspectives of the LUCIFER experiment (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Current status of the Double Chooz experiment (in session "Neutrino Physics")
D leptonic decay and semi-leptonic decays from BESIII (in session "Flavour Physics")
Dalitz analyses with B→Dh decays (in session "Flavour Physics")
Dalitz plot analysis of charmless b-hadron decays (in session "Flavour Physics")
Dark energy, QCD axion, BICEP2, and trans-Planckian decay constant (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Dark Matter in scalar extensions of the Standard Model (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Dark Matter Indirect Detection phenomenology: a status assessment (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Dark Matter Searches with ANTARES Neutrino Telescope (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Data Portfolio: Instructional materials provide particle physics data in high school classrooms (in session "Education and Outreach")
Data processing and storage in the Daya Bay Reactor Antineutrino Experiment (in session "Computing and Data Handling")
Dataset definition for CMS operations and physics analyses (in session "Computing and Data Handling")
DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Search at SNOLAB (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Decay properties of b-hadrons with the ATLAS experiment (in session "Flavour Physics")
DEPFET pixel detectors for future electron-positron experiments (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Design of the Electron Ion Collider - eRHIC (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
Design options for the upgrade of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Design to Realization of the International Linear Collider: ILC (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
Detector R&D in Particle Physics (in session "Plenary Session")
Determination of the Higgs CP mixing angle in the tau decay channels (in session "BEH Physics")
Development of Massive Liquid Argon TPCs for LBNE (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Development of new data acquisition system for COMPASS experiment (in session "Computing and Data Handling")
Development of the fast kicker for the muon g-2 experiment (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
Diamond particle detectors systems in high energy physics (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Dilaton vs Higgs: Nearly Conformal Physics (in session "BEH Physics")
Dilepton invariant mass spectrum and the decay rate in $B^\pm \to \pi^\pm \mu^+\mu^-$ (in session "Flavour Physics")
Diphoton isolation studies (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Direct Dark Matter Search with XMASS (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Direct Dark Matter searches (in session "Plenary Session")
Direct Dark Matter Searches: Status and Implications (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Discarding a 125 GeV heavy Higgs in an MSSM model with explicit CP-violation (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Discovering Supersymmetry and Dark Matter at the International Linear Collider (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Disentangling new physics contributions in lepton flavour violating tau decays (in session "Lepton Flavour Violation")
Double Parton Studies at D0: Measurements of the prompt single J/psi and double J/psi production cross section and studies of photon + 3 jets events and photon +b/c+2 jet events (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Double-boson and triple-boson production from CMS and limits on aTGC and QGC (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Education, Communication and Outreach (in session "Plenary Session")
Effect of mixing and CP violation in D decays in the extraction of the angle gamma of the CKM unitarity triangle with B->D(*)K(*) decays. (in session "Flavour Physics")
Effective Field Theory For QCD-like Theory at TeV scale (in session "Lattice QCD")
Effective Higgs Couplings Extraction in the 4 lepton channel at the LHC: surprises and prospects (in session "BEH Physics")
Effective Lagrangian approach to the EWSB sector (in session "BEH Physics")
Effective Spectral Function for Quasielastic Scattering on Nuclei (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Elastic Z0 production at HERA (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Electromagnetic interactions of neutrinos: a window to new physics (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Electroweak corrections to Z+2jets production at the LHC (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Electroweak penguins at LHCb (in session "Flavour Physics")
Electroweak physics at LHCb (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Electroweak Physics: highlights of experimental results at low energy (in session "Plenary Session")
Electroweak Physics: highlights of experimental results from hadron colliders (in session "Plenary Session")
Electroweak probes in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC with ATLAS (in session "Heavy Ions")
Electroweak probes in Pb-Pb and p-Pb collisions at CMS (in session "Heavy Ions")
Electroweak production and hadronic activity in events with a Z and forward/backward jets with CMS (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Electroweak strongly coupled models with a light Higgs (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Energy-frontier colliders - the road ahead (in session "Plenary Session")
Engineering Challenges for detectors at the ILC (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Enhancing the tt(bar)Higgs signal through top-quark spin polarization effects at the LHC (in session "BEH Physics")
EW Chiral Lagrangian with a Light Higgs and the gamma gamma--> WL+ WL− and gamma gamma-->ZL ZL scattering at One Loop (in session "BEH Physics")
EWSB and CDM from strongly interacting hidden sector (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Exclusive diffraction at HERA (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Exclusive semileptonic B decays to high-mass charm hadrons (in session "Flavour Physics")
Exclusive two-photon production of W-pairs in heavy-ion and proton-proton collisions (in session "Heavy Ions")
Experimental highlights of ICHEP 2014 (in session "Closing")
FALC Report (in session "Closed meeting : International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA)")
Farewell (in session "Closing")
Fast beam-collision feedbacks for luminosity optimisation at next-generation lepton colliders (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
FCC study: ep/eA collisions in the 'he' mode (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
FCC study: parameters and optics for hadron and lepton colliders (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
Fermilab Accelerator Complex Proton Improvement Plan II (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
First Results from POLARBEAR CMB Polarization Experiment (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
First Results from the HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Fits and Related Systematics for the Hadronic Vacuum Polarization on the Lattice (in session "Lattice QCD")
Flavor Changing Heavy Higgs Interactions at the LHC (in session "Flavour Physics")
FlavorKit: flavor physics beyond the standard model (in session "Flavour Physics")
Flavour Covariant Formalism for Resonant Leptogenesis (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Flavour violating lepton decays in supersymmetric low-scale seesaws (in session "Lepton Flavour Violation")
Formal Theory developments (in session "Plenary Session")
Future Accelerators at the Particle Physics Frontier (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
Future CERN projects and their technological challenges (in session "60th CERN anniversary")
Future ICFA Meetings (in session "Closed meeting : International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA)")
Future LCB Meetings (in session "Closed meeting : Linear Collider Board (LCB)")
Future new projects and windows of opportunites at CERN (in session "Industrial opportunities in future High Energy Physics projects")
Gamma ray experiments: highlights of recent results (in session "Plenary Session")
Gauging the impact of IP beam-beam fields on the physics program of future linear colliders (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
Global Bayesian analysis of the Higgs couplings (in session "BEH Physics")
Global Planning for HEP, including a 100 TeV Collider (in session "Closed meeting : International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA)")
GoSam: Automated One-loop Calculations within the Standard Model and Beyond (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Ground based cosmic ray experiments: highlights of recent results (in session "Plenary Session")
Hadron Spectroscopy (in session "Plenary Session")
Hadron Spectroscopy at BESIII (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Hadronic final states at HERA (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Hadronically decaying massive particles, jet substructure, and measurement of the transverse momentum of the Z boson at LH (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Hadroproduction of $\Upsilon(nS)$ above the $B\bar{B}$ threshold and implications for $Y_b(10890)$ (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Halo-Independent analysis of direct dark matter detection data for any WIMP interaction (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Hangout With CERN: A direct conversation with the public (in session "Education and Outreach")
Heavy Flavor measurements at STAR (in session "Heavy Ions")
Heavy flavour production at ATLAS and CMS (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Heavy flavour spectroscopy and production in the forward acceptance at the LHC (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Heavy Ions Physics: theory (in session "Plenary Session")
Heavy neutrino hunting in Higgs- and Z decays at high luminosity Higgs and Z factory. (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Heavy-ion physics with high-energy eA scattering (in session "Heavy Ions")
Heavy-quark and quarkonia probes of the QGP at the LHC with the ALICE detector (in session "Heavy Ions")
Heavy-quark and quarkonia probes of the QGP in CMS (in session "Heavy Ions")
HERAPDF fits of the proton parton densities (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Hessian PDF reweighting meets the Bayesian methods (in session "Heavy Ions")
Higgs boson CP-properties in Higgs plus three jet production via gluon fusion at the LHC (in session "BEH Physics")
Higgs Boson decays to Leptons with the ATLAS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Higgs Boson Decays to Photons with the ATLAS Detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Higgs boson physics and LHC phenomenology in an inverted-hierarchy flavor symmetry model (in session "BEH Physics")
Higgs boson production constraints on anomalous fermion couplings (in session "BEH Physics")
Higgs Phenomenology of the Supersymmetric Grand Unification with the Hosotani Mechanism (in session "BEH Physics")
Higgs Physics at CLIC (in session "BEH Physics")
Higgs Physics at the FCC-ee (in session "BEH Physics")
High Power Targets for Accelerator Based Research Facilities (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
High Precision Energy Calibration by Resonant Depolarization at VEPP-4M Collider (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
High Precision Prediction for the lightest CP-even MSSM Higgs-Boson Mass (in session "BEH Physics")
High statistics measurement of the K+ --> pi0 e+ nu (Ke3) decay form-factors (in session "Flavour Physics")
High-Rate Capable Floating Strip Micromegas Detector (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Higher order corrections to inclusive semileptonic B decays (in session "Flavour Physics")
Highlights of Heavy Ions experimental results (in session "Plenary Session")
Highlights of Tevatron results (in session "Plenary Session")
Highly granular digital electromagnetic Calorimeter with MAPS (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
How alive is constrained SUSY really? (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
How can we turn a science exhibition into a really successfull outreach activity? (in session "Education and Outreach")
How the “HYPATIA” analysis tool is used as a hands-on experience to introduce HEP to high schools (in session "Education and Outreach")
Hunting light SUSY: combined impact of LHC searches (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Hyper-Kamiokande: A next generation neutrino observatory to search for CP violation in the lepton sector (in session "Neutrino Physics")
ICFA report (in session "Plenary Session")
ICFA Seminar (in session "Closed meeting : International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA)")
Identification and energy calibration of hadronically decaying tau leptons with the ATLAS experiment. (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
ILC Progress in Japan (in session "Closed meeting : International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA)")
ILC Status (in session "Closed meeting : Linear Collider Board (LCB)")
Impact of ATLAS data on parton density functions (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Impact of PDFs at LO, NLO and NNLO with correlated uncertainties between orders using HERAFitter (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Implications of LHC data on 125 GeV Higgs-like boson for the Standard Model and its various extensions (in session "BEH Physics")
Inclusion of isospin breaking effects in lattice simulations (in session "Lattice QCD")
Inclusive deep-inelastic scattering at HERA (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Inclusive diffraction and tests of QCD factorisation at HERA (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Inclusive searches for squarks and gluinos with the ATLAS detector (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Inclusive SUSY searches at CMS (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
India-Based Neutrino Observatory (INO) Project (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Individual and Combined Measurements of the Spin and Parity Properties of the Higgs boson using the ATLAS Detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Inflationary Cosmology and Particle Physics (in session "Opening Ceremony")
Inhomogeneous Phases in QCD (in session "Heavy Ions")
Initial probe of delta_CP by T2K with muon neutrino disappearance and electron neutrino appearance (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Intense Neutrino Super Beam Experiment for Leptonic CP Violation Discovery based on the European Spallation Source Linac (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Interference effects of neutral Higgs bosons in the MSSM (in session "BEH Physics")
Interplay between the Higgs and the inert dark matter (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
IUPAP young scientist prize winner on experimenal high energy physics (in session "Plenary Session")
IUPAP young scientist prize winner on theoretical high energy physics (in session "Plenary Session")
IUPAP-C11 report (in session "Plenary Session")
J-PARC Accelerator Status (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
Jet physics: algorithms and jet substructure techniques (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Jet production and alpha_s measurements at CMS (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Jet production and QCD measurements at HERA (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Jets and high-pT probes of the QGP in CMS (in session "Heavy Ions")
Jets and high-pT probes of the QGP measured by the ALICE experiment (in session "Heavy Ions")
JUNO: A Next Generation Reactor Antineutrino Experiment (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Kinematic reconstruction of vector-like tops from fully hadronic events (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Large-size triple GEM detectors for the CMS forward muon upgrade (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Last results of DIRAC experiment on study hadronic hydrogen-like atoms at PS CERN. (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Latest LHCf physics results (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Latest results from KamLAND-Zen second phase (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Latest results from the Pierre Auger Observatory (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Latest results of NEMO-3 experiment and present status of SuperNEMO (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Latest results on nu_mu -> nu_tau oscillations from the OPERA experiment (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Lattice QCD studies of the leading order hadronic contribution to the muon g-2 (in session "Lattice QCD")
LBNE in the Precision Era of Neutrino Oscillation: Status and Schedule (in session "Neutrino Physics")
LCB Subcommittee 1 on Governance, etc. (in session "Closed meeting : Linear Collider Board (LCB)")
LCB Subcommittee 2 on an International Agreement for the ILC Project (in session "Closed meeting : Linear Collider Board (LCB)")
LFV in SUSY seesaws after theta_13, MEG13 and LHC13 (in session "Lepton Flavour Violation")
LHCb Masterclass measurement of the D0 lifetime (in session "Education and Outreach")
LHCb results in proton-nucleus collisions at the LHC (in session "Heavy Ions")
Lifshitz hyperscaling violating holography (in session "Formal Theory Developments")
Linear Collider Detector Status (in session "Closed meeting : Linear Collider Board (LCB)")
Linear Collider Overview (in session "Closed meeting : Linear Collider Board (LCB)")
Linear Collider School (in session "Closed meeting : International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA)")
Looking for physics beyond the SM via the Flavour Window (in session "Plenary Session")
Low-Mass Dark Matter Searches with Sub-keV Germanium Detectors (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Low-threshold WIMP search at SuperCDMS (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Matching NLO with parton shower in Monte Carlo scheme (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Measurement of cross sections and couplings of the Higgs boson in the WW decay channel using the ATLAS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Measurement of cross sections and couplings of the Higgs boson in the ZZ decay channel using the ATLAS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Measurement of differential cross sections in top pair production in pp collisions with CMS (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Measurement of Hard Probes of the Quark-Gluon Plasma with the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC (in session "Heavy Ions")
Measurement of Higgs Boson Couplings at the International Linear Collider (in session "BEH Physics")
Measurement of multi-boson production and anomalous gauge boson couplings with the ATLAS detector (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Measurement of photon and diphoton production processes at CMS (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Measurement of Reactor Antineutrino Flux and Spectrum at Daya Bay (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Measurement of single top quark production in pp collisions at CMS (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Measurement of the branching fraction of $B \to X_s \gamma$ and $A_{CP}$ in $B \to X_{s+d} \gamma$ from Belle (in session "Flavour Physics")
Measurement of the charged and neutral current DY process, forward-backward asymmetry and the determination of the weak mixing angle with the ATLAS detector (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Measurement of the Charged Triple Gauge Boson Couplings at the ILC (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Measurement of the CKM angle γ with Bs→DsK decays (in session "Flavour Physics")
Measurement of the CP-violating phase phi_s in the B_s->J/psi phi decays at CMS (in session "Flavour Physics")
Measurement of the D -> pi- e+ nu partial branching fraction, form factor and implications for Vub. (in session "Flavour Physics")
Measurement of the differential W+W- production cross section with jets at in ppbar collisions at CDF (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Measurement of the electroweak production cross section of same-sign WW bosons associated with dijets with the ATLAS detector (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Measurement of the electroweak production cross section of vector bosons associated with dijets with the ATLAS detector (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Measurement of the Higgs boson mass with the ATLAS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Measurement of the muon charge asymmetry in inclusive W production at sqrt(s)=7 TeV at CMS and an improved determination of light parton distribution functions (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Measurement of the phase of Bs mixing with Bs→J/ψhh decays (in session "Flavour Physics")
Measurement of the phase of Bs mixing with Bs→φφ (in session "Flavour Physics")
Measurement of the single top quark production cross section with the D0 detector (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Measurement of the TeV atmospheric muon charge ratio with the full OPERA data set (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Measurement of the top quark mass and couplings at Linear Colliders (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Measurement of the top quark mass with the D0 detector (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Measurement of the total cross section of pp collisons at sqrt(s)=7 TeV from elastic scattering with the ATLAS detector (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Measurement of the W boson mass with the D0 detector (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Measurement of top quark properties in single top production at CMS (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Measurement of top quark properties using the ATLAS detector at the LHC (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Measurement of VZ production cross sections in VZ to Vbbbar decay channels in pp collisions at 8 TeV from CMS (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Measurement of WW production with the ATLAS detector (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Measurements of charmless B decays at Belle (in session "Flavour Physics")
Measurements of CP violation and mixing in two body charm decays (in session "Flavour Physics")
Measurements of CP violation in multibody charm decays (in session "Flavour Physics")
Measurements of electroweak properties of $\tau$ lepton at the Belle experiment (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Measurements of Higgs boson production and properties in the WW decay channel with both W’s decaying into electrons or muons plus neutrino using the CMS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Measurements of Higgs boson production and properties in the ZZ decay channel with both Z’s decaying into electrons or muons using the CMS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Measurements of jet production properties in pp collisions with the ATLAS detector (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Measurements of light and heavy-flavour jet production in association with a W or Z boson with the ATLAS detector (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Measurements of the 7 and 8 TeV cross sections for Z->4l in pp collisions with the ATLAS detector (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Measurements of the top quark pair production cross section in pp collisions with CMS (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Measurements of the W charge asymmetry, the weak mixing angle and Z phi* in pp(bar) collisions with the D0 detector (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Measurements of top quark properties in top pair production and decay at the LHC using the CMS detector (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Measuring the Trilinear Higgs Coupling at the LHC (in session "BEH Physics")
Minimal SO(10) unification at two loops (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Minimum Bias, MPI and DPS, and Diffractive and Exclusive measurements at CMS and TOTEM (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Muon Accelerators for High Energy Physics Applications: nuSTORM, NuMAX & Beyond... (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
N=2 SUGRA BPS Multi-center solutions, quadratic prepotentials and Freudenthal transformations (in session "Formal Theory Developments")
Neff in low-scale seesaw models versus the lightest neutrino mass (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Netzwerk Teilchenwelt: A German programme on Particle Physics Education and Outreach (in session "Education and Outreach")
Neutral meson mixing on the lattice (in session "Lattice QCD")
Neutrino experiments: highlights of accelerator and reactor results (in session "Plenary Session")
Neutrino mass experiments with Ho (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Neutrino oscillation study with atmospheric neutrinos in Super-Kamiokande (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Neutrino Phenomenology: Highlights of oscillation results and future prospects (in session "Plenary Session")
Neutrino properties: Highlights of non-oscillation results (in session "Plenary Session")
Neutrinoless double beta decay with EXO-200 (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Neutrinos and Nuclear Astrophysics at LUNA (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Neutrinos from STORed Muons, nuSTORM (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Neutron-Anti-Neutron Oscillations (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
New method for precise determination of top quark mass at LHC (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
New Physics Search with Precision Experiments: Theory Input (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
New Results and Combination of the Top-Quark Mass at CDF (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to five jet production at the LHC (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
NLO + Parton Showers merging: current status and future perspectives (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
NLO QCD corrections to triple collinear splitting functions (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
NLO QCD corrections to VVjj production at the LHC (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
NNPDF3.0: Next Generation PDFs for LHC Run II (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Non-perturbative results for large-N gauge theories (in session "Lattice QCD")
Nonstandard Higgs decays in the E6 inspired SUSY models (in session "BEH Physics")
Nuclear Form Factors for Direct Dark Matter Detection (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Nuclear Matter effects on Quarkonia and Heavy-Quarks (in session "Heavy Ions")
Nucleon PDF separation with the collider and fixed-target data. (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Observables in Higgsed Theories (in session "Lattice QCD")
Observation of B_s to mu+mu- decay and search for B_d to mu+mu- at CMS (in session "Flavour Physics")
On the flavor composition of the high-energy neutrino events in IceCube (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
On the smallness of the cosmological constant in SUGRA models with Planck scale SUSY breaking and degenerate vacua (in session "Formal Theory Developments")
Open discussion on industrial opportunities in future projects of particle physics (in session "Industrial opportunities in future High Energy Physics projects")
Optimization of a detector for the ILC (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Overview and scope of the session (in session "Future accelerator facilities and open discussion")
Overview of MAGIC results (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Overview of the COMPASS results on the nucleon spin (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
P-odd and T-odd asymmetries in W-jet production and top-quark decay processes (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
PanDA: A New Paradigm for Distributed Computing in HEP Through the Lens of ATLAS and other Experiments (in session "Computing and Data Handling")
Particle Identification with the Belle II iTOP Detector (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
PDF constraints from CMS measurements (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Performance of highly granular calorimeters in test beams (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Performance of the reconstruction, calibration and identification of electrons and photons with the ATLAS detector, and their impact on the ATLAS physics results (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Perspectives in China for future experiments in particle Physics (in session "Industrial opportunities in future High Energy Physics projects")
Perturbative analysis of the electron electric dipole moment and CP violation in two-Higgs-doublet models (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Phantom of the Universe: A State-of-the-Art Planetarium Show on Dark Matter (in session "Education and Outreach")
Phase 2 Upgrade of the CMS Tracker (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Phase I Upgrade of the CMS Hadron Calorimeter (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
PHENIX Results in d+Au Collisions (in session "Heavy Ions")
PHENIX Results on Heavy Flavor Physics (in session "Heavy Ions")
Photon, diphoton and photon+jet production measured with the ATLAS detector (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Physics Beyond the Standard Model: theory (in session "Plenary Session")
Physics of the Brout-Englert-Higgs boson in ATLAS (in session "Plenary Session")
Physics of the Brout-Englert-Higgs boson in CMS (in session "Plenary Session")
Physics of the Brout-Englert-Higgs boson: theory (in session "Plenary Session")
Physics with the Cherenkov Telescope Array (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
PINGU and the Neutrino Mass Hierarchy (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Pion production in p+p and Be+Be interactions at the CERN SPS energies (in session "Heavy Ions")
Polarized top and Charged Higgs boson (in session "BEH Physics")
Poster prizes. Elsevier young scientist awards (in session "Plenary Session")
Potential and challenges of the physics measurements with very forward detectors at linear colliders (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Precise alpha_s determination from the low-z parton-to-hadron fragmentation functions (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Precise measurement of the Higgs boson mass with the CMS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Precision Electroweak measurements at FCC-ee (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Precision lattice heavy flavour results from Nf=2+1+1 simulations (in session "Lattice QCD")
Precision measurement of muon neutrino disappearance by T2K (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Precision predictions for direct gaugino and slepton production at the LHC (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Precision predictions for supersymmetric dark matter (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Precision tests of the Standard Model with kaon decays at CERN (in session "Lepton Flavour Violation")
Preparations for the public release of high-level CMS data (in session "Education and Outreach")
Presentation of the Spanish stamp celebrating CERN 60th anniversary (in session "60th CERN anniversary")
Probing CP violation in B0s -> K0Spipi decays (in session "Flavour Physics")
Probing the New Physics scale with the Unitarity Triangle fit (in session "Flavour Physics")
Probing the strong interactions: highlights of experimental results (in session "Plenary Session")
Production of light mesons at BABAR (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Production of vector bosons and jets at CMS (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Progress in Lattice QCD: a new landscape (in session "Plenary Session")
Progress of lattice calculation of light-by-light contribution to muon g-2 (in session "Lattice QCD")
Progress towards A Fixed-Target ExpeRiment at the LHC: AFTER@LHC (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
Prompt photon associated with jet photoproduction at HERA in the parton Reggeization approach (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Prospects for Beyond Standard Model Physics at CLIC (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Prospects for BSM searches at the high-luminosity LHC with the ATLAS detector (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Prospects for BSM searches at the high-luminosity LHC with the CMS detector (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Prospects for future accelerator based experiments in the US (in session "Industrial opportunities in future High Energy Physics projects")
Prospects for Higgs physics with an upgraded CMS detector at the high-luminosity LHC (in session "BEH Physics")
Prospects for K+ ->pi+ nu nu observation at CERN in NA62 (in session "Flavour Physics")
Prospects of high energy photon colliders (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
QCD analysis and effective temperature of direct photons in lead-lead collisions at the LHC (in session "Heavy Ions")
QCD and hadron physics: theory (in session "Plenary Session")
QCD at NNLO and beyond (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Quarkonium (-like) states at BABAR (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Quarkonium (-like) states at BELLE (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Quasi-Elastic Scattering in MINERvA (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Quasi-elastic scattering, RPA, 2p2h and neutrino energy reconstruction (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Questions and answers on extreme energy cosmic rays: A guide to explore the public data set of the Pierre Auger Observatory (in session "Education and Outreach")
Radiative corrections to Higgs coupling constants in two Higgs doublet models (in session "BEH Physics")
Radiatively-induced LFV Higgs decays from massive ISS neutrinos (in session "Lepton Flavour Violation")
Radio Arrays for Detecting Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Neutrinos (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Rare decays in quark flavour physics (in session "Plenary Session")
Recent Highlights from VERITAS (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Recent KLOE results on Kaon Physics (in session "Flavour Physics")
Recent results from DAMA/LIBRA-phase1 and perspetives (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Recent results from the ICARUS experiment (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Recent Results of the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Recent results on e+e- ->hadrons cross sections from SND and CMD-3 detectors at VEPP-2000 collider (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Recent Results on Soft Probes of the Quark-Gluon Plasma from the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC (in session "Heavy Ions")
Regional Reports (3x10) (in session "Closed meeting : Linear Collider Board (LCB)")
Regional strategies and roadmaps. Community vision: Americas (in session "Future accelerator facilities and open discussion")
Regional strategies and roadmaps. Community vision: Asia (in session "Future accelerator facilities and open discussion")
Regional strategies and roadmaps. Community vision: Europe (in session "Future accelerator facilities and open discussion")
Remarks on the U(1) axial symmetry and the chiral transition in QCD at finite temperature (in session "Heavy Ions")
Results from the Telescope Array Experiment (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Results of the LUX Dark Matter Experiment (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Results on Physics Beyond the Standard Model from ATLAS and CMS (in session "Plenary Session")
Resummation and jet vetos (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Resummed Quantum Gravity Prediction for the Cosmological Constant and Constraints on SUSY GUTS (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Review on gravitational wave detectors (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Role of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter in the measurement of the Higgs boson properties and search for new physics (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Round table with regional representatives and laboratory directors (CERN-S.Bertolucci, Fermilab-N. Lockyer, IHEP-Y. Wang, KEK-A. Suzuki) (in session "Future accelerator facilities and open discussion")
Rucio, the next-generation Data Management system in ATLAS (in session "Computing and Data Handling")
Sciences ACO, a Museum of Light and Matter (in session "Education and Outreach")
Scintillating bolometers based on ZnMoO4 and Zn100MoO4 crystals to search for 0nu2b decay of 100Mo (LUMINEU project): first tests at the Modane Underground Laboratory (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Search for a High mass Higgs using the ATLAS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Search for Beyond the Standard Model Physics in multi-leptonic and photonic final states with the CMS detector (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Search for Charged Higgs Bosons with the ATLAS Detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Search for Dark Matter at CMS (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Search for heavy resonances decaying to bosons with the ATLAS and CMS detectors (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Search for heavy resonances with the ATLAS and CMS detector (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Search for Higgs bosons decaying to leptons with the CMS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Search for Higgs bosons decaying to photons in the CMS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Search for Higgs bosons produced in association with top quarks in the CMS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Search for Higgs Bosons produced in association with top quarks with the ATLAS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Search for lepton-flavour violating muon decay in MEG (in session "Lepton Flavour Violation")
Search for leptoquark signatures with the ATLAS and CMS detectors (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Search for Long-lived particles at CMS (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Search for low-mass CP odd Higgs boson (in session "BEH Physics")
Search for Muon to Electron Conversion in Nuclear Field at J-PARC MLF (in session "Lepton Flavour Violation")
Search for Nucleon Decay in Super-Kamiokande (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Search for rare phenomena at FCC-ee (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Search for SUSY with extremely compressed spectra using the ATLAS and CMS detector (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Search for the Higgs boson in the bb decay channel using the CMS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Search for the Higgs boson in VH(bb) channel using the ATLAS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Search for Top Quark Flavor-Changing Neutral Currents at CMS (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Search of Higgs to invisible decays with the ATLAS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Searches for a high-mass Higgs boson in the ZZ and WW decay channels with the CMS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Searches for Dark Forces with KLOE (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Searches for dark matter with the ATLAS detector (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Searches for direct pair production of third generation squarks with the ATLAS detector (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Searches for electroweak production of supersymmetric charginos, neutralinos and sleptons with the ATLAS detector (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Searches for Electroweak SUSY production at CMS (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Searches for exotica at Babar (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Searches for exotica at Belle (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Searches for exotica at LHCb (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Searches for extra dimensions with the ATLAS and CMS detectors (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Searches for invisible decay modes of the Higgs boson with the CMS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Searches for long-lived particles, lepton-jets, stable and meta-stable particles with the ATLAS detector (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Searches for MSSM and NMSSM Higgs bosons with the CMS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Searches for new Physics in events with multiple leptons with the ATLAS detector (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Searches for production of two Higgs bosons using the CMS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Searches for Pseudo-scalar Higgs Bosons in the context of 2HDM, MSSM, and NMSSM scenarios with the ATLAS Detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Searches for supersymmetry in resonance production and R-parity violating prompt signatures with the ATLAS and CMS detector (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Searches for vector-like quarks and heavy resonances decaying to 3rd generation quarks with the CMS detector (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Searches for vector-like quarks, tt and tb resonances with the ATLAS detector (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Searching for extremely rare W decays at the LHC (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Searching for hidden sectors in multiparticle production at the LHC (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Searching for Sterile Neutrinos and CP Violation: The IsoDAR and Daedalus Experiments (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Semileptonic and leptonic B and $B_s$ decays at Belle (in session "Flavour Physics")
Semileptonic decays at LHCb (in session "Flavour Physics")
Sensitivity of the DANSS detector to short range neutrino oscillations (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Sharing ATLAS data and research with young students (in session "Education and Outreach")
Short-baseline neutrino physics at Fermilab (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Simultaneous measurements of ttbar, WW an Z->tau+tau productions with the ATLAS detector (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Single top quark production at CDF (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Single Top quark production cross section using the ATLAS detector at the LHC (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Soft probes of the QGP measured by ALICE (in session "Heavy Ions")
Soft probes of the QGP: Pb-Pb and p-Pb CMS results (in session "Heavy Ions")
Soft QCD measurements at LHCb (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Soft QCD, Minimum bias and UE measurements at ATLAS (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Softening Higgs Naturalness: an Effective Field Theory Analysis (in session "BEH Physics")
Solar neutrinos in Super-Kamiokande (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Sommerfeld enhancements and relic abundance of neutralino dark matter in the general MSSM (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
SOX : Short Distance Neutrino Oscillations with Borexino (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Space based cosmic ray experiments: highlights of recent results (in session "Plenary Session")
Spain at CERN (in session "60th CERN anniversary")
Spanish Scientific Manager for Particle Physics (MINECO) (in session "Welcome by Academic and Scientific Authorities")
Spanish Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation (in session "Opening Ceremony")
Spontaneous Breaking of Scale Invariance in U(N) Chern-Simons Gauge Theories in Three Dimensions (in session "Formal Theory Developments")
Statistical issues in neutrino mass ordering sensitivity (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Status and perspectives for PANDA at FAIR (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
Status and physics goals of KM3NeT (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Status and plan for the upgrade of CMS Pixel Detector (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Status of CoGeNT and C-4, and progress towards PICO-250l, a large bubble chamber for dark matter detection (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Status of GADZOOKS!: Neutron Tagging in Super-Kamiokande (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Status of SuperKEKB construction (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
Status of the ATLAS calorimeters: their performance during three years of LHC operation and plans for future upgrades (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Status of the CUORE and results from the CUORE-0 neutrinoless double beta decay experiments (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Status of the early construction phase of the BAIKAL-GVD (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Status of the KL->pi0nunu Experiment at J-PARC (in session "Flavour Physics")
Status of the NEXT experiment (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Status of the NICA Project at JINR (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
Status of the Type-II 2HDM (in session "BEH Physics")
Strategies for using GAPDs as tracker detectors in future linear colliders (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Strong thermal leptogenesis and the $N_2$-dominated scenario (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Studies of the Higgs boson properties at D0 (in session "BEH Physics")
Studies of the Higgs boson spin and parity using the gamma gamma, ZZ, and WW decay channels with the CMS detector (in session "BEH Physics")
Studies of the Nuclear Environment in MINERvA (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Study of B -> K pi pi gamma decays (in session "Flavour Physics")
Study of $CP$-violating charge asymmetries of like-sign dimuons and first measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry in the production of B+ mesons in pp(bar) collisions (in session "Flavour Physics")
Study of a Large Prototype TPC for the ILC using Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Study of additional radiation in top pair events using the ATLAS detector at the LHC (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Study of B->K(*)mu+mu- decays at CMS experiment (in session "Flavour Physics")
Study of b-hadron to J/ψhh decays (in session "Flavour Physics")
Study of baryon productions at Belle and BABAR (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Study of CP violation effects in the charmless hadronic decay B -> Ks pi+ pi0 (in session "Flavour Physics")
Study of rare and suppressed processes in B meson decays with the ATLAS experiment (in session "Flavour Physics")
Study of the W/Z differential distributions and properties of the W and Z production from CMS (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Supernovae Neutrinos: Oscillation and Phenomenology. (in session "Neutrino Physics")
SUSY Decays to Higgs bosons and their implications (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
SUSY fits with full LHC Run I data (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Testing SUSY models for the muon g-2 anomaly at LHC (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Tevatron Energy Scan: Findings & Surprises (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
The 125 GeV Higgs boson as the lightest Higgs in a general MSSM model with explicit CP-violation. (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
The ATLAS Data Acquisition: from Run I to Run II (in session "Computing and Data Handling")
The ATLAS EventIndex: Full chain deployment and first operation (in session "Computing and Data Handling")
The ATLAS Forward Proton (AFP) detector (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
The ATLAS Trigger System: Past, Present and Future (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
The Characterization of the Gamma-Ray Signal from the Central Milky Way: A Compelling Case for Annihilating Dark Matter (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
The CLIC project, status and prospects (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
The COMET experiment: A search for muon-to-electron conversion at J-PARC (in session "Lepton Flavour Violation")
The construction of the Large Hadron Collider (in session "60th CERN anniversary")
The Dark Energy Survey (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
The Dark Matter Self-Interaction and Its Impact on the Critical Mass for Dark Matter Evaporations Inside the Sun (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
The Fermilab Muon g-2 Experiment (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
The GERDA Experiment for the Search of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (in session "Neutrino Physics")
The high energy cosmic ray particle spectra measurements with the PAMELA calorimeter (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
The High Luminosity LHC Project Status and Perspectives (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
The impact of power corrections on B-->K^* mu mu observables (in session "Flavour Physics")
The inclusive determination of Vcb (in session "Flavour Physics")
The International Linear Collider in Japan (in session "Industrial opportunities in future High Energy Physics projects")
The KATRIN Neutrino Mass Experiment (in session "Neutrino Physics")
The KTY formalism and nonadiabatic contributions to the neutrino oscillation probability (in session "Neutrino Physics")
The LAGUNA/LBNO neutrino observatory in Europe (in session "Neutrino Physics")
The latest oscillation results from the Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment (in session "Neutrino Physics")
The LHC confronts the pMSSM (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
The LHCb trigger system: performance and outlook (in session "Computing and Data Handling")
The LHCb VELO Upgrade (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
The LHeC as a Higgs facility (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
The loop-tree duality method at NLO and beyond (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
The Mu2e Experiment at Fermilab (in session "Lepton Flavour Violation")
The Mu2e Straw Tube Tracker and Crystal Calorimeter of the Mu2e Experiment (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
The need for an early anti neutrino run for NOvA (in session "Neutrino Physics")
The NESSiE way for sterile neutrinos (in session "Neutrino Physics")
The New Small Wheel Upgrade Project of the ATLAS Experiment. (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
The onset of the ridge structure in AA, pA and pp collisions. (in session "Heavy Ions")
The Pixel Detector of the ATLAS experiment for the Run2 at the Large Hadron Collider (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
The QuarkNet CMS masterclass: bringing the LHC to students (in session "Education and Outreach")
The SNO+ Experiment for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (in session "Neutrino Physics")
The Software Library of the Belle II Experiment (in session "Computing and Data Handling")
The STAR Heavy Flavor Tracker (HFT) (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
The status of KIMS-NaI experiment (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
The status of the construction of MICE Step IV (in session "Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders")
The strange and charm quark contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon from lattice QCD (in session "Lattice QCD")
The XENON Dark Matter Project: from XENON100 to XENON1T (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
The Zee Babu model revisited in the light of new data (in session "Lepton Flavour Violation")
Theoretical highlights of ICHEP 2014. Outlook (in session "Closing")
Time of Flight detectors with SiPMT array readout (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Time-dependent CP violation measurements in $B$ decays from the Belle experiment (in session "Flavour Physics")
Top mass measurements using the ATLAS detector at the LHC (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Top quark pair production and top quark properties at CDF (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Top quark pair production and top quark properties at D0 (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Top quark pair production cross section using the ATLAS detector at the LHC (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Top quark physics at LHC (in session "Plenary Session")
Top-quark pair production at hadron colliders: differential cross section and phenomenological applications with DiffTop (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Top-quark physics --- Theory status (in session "Plenary Session")
Totally Active Scintillator Calorimeter for the Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Towards a Level-1 tracking trigger for the ATLAS experiment (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Towards a quantitative understanding of the $D\to \pi$ and $B\to \pi$ semileptonic decays (in session "Flavour Physics")
Transplanckian masses in inflation (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
Triplet extended MSSM: naturality vs LHC data & perturbativity constraints (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Two-Loop Effects in Low-Energy Electroweak Measurements (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Ultra-peripheral heavy-ion collisions with ALICE and CMS (in session "Heavy Ions")
Underground Physics with LBNE (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Understanding electroweak physics in the Standard Model and beyond (in session "Plenary Session")
Unitarity and causality constraints in composite Higgs models (in session "Beyond the Standard Model")
Update of the electroweak precision fit and model-independent constraints on new physics (in session "Top-quark and ElectroWeak Physics")
Updated three-neutrino oscillation parameters from global fits (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Updates of PDFs for the 2nd LHC run (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Upgrade of the ALICE Time Projection Chamber for High-Rate Experiments (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
Upgrade of the CMS instrumentation for luminosity and machine induced background measurements (in session "Detector RD and Performance")
US HEP Future Planning (in session "Closed meeting : International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA)")
Vacuum instability in holography (in session "Formal Theory Developments")
Vacuum stability, Higgs and top masses, and new physics (in session "BEH Physics")
Valencian Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (in session "Opening Ceremony")
Vector Boson + jets production at the Tevatron (in session "Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics")
Very High Energy Neutrinos (in session "Plenary Session")
Vicerector of the University of Valencia for Research and Scientific Policy (in session "Welcome by Academic and Scientific Authorities")
Volume (in-)dependence for SU(N) gauge theories with twisted boundary conditions (in session "Lattice QCD")
νΛMDM: A Model for Sterile Neutrino and Dark Matter Reconciles Cosmological and Neutrino Oscillation Data after BICEP2 (in session "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology")
‘Cascade’ Outreach Competitions for schools – an efficient way to introduce Particle Physics to many students (in session "Education and Outreach")
“Café Científico”, “Wake up with Science”, really fun and interesting outreach activities (in session "Education and Outreach")
Include materials from selected contributions