In recent years, a great experimental effort has led to the discovery of some exotic states found in the charmonium and bottomonium spectra. Some examples of such states are the Zc(3900), Zc(4020), Zcs(3985), Zb(10610) and Zb(10650). These states do not fit the conventional qq¯ quark model given that they contain hidden-charm (cc¯) or hidden-bottom (bb¯) components, but they are also found to be charged. This implies a minimal structure of four valence quarks. Although there exist several exotic models which could describe these states, the molecular one is appealing due to the closeness of these states to the thresholds of some D(∗)D¯(∗) and B(∗)B¯(∗) channels. Within this framework and making use of SU(3) light flavor symmetry, we predict the masses and widths of additional Z states which remain to be seen in the experiment.