Motherhood has a huge impact on the careers of women scientists. With regards to the impact of family life on the work of male and female researchers, the evidence shown here indicates that having children clearly seems to be detrimental to a woman’s career in science. For men, however, if family does have an effect on their work, this effect is more positive than negative. It seems to be evident, in light of the findings, that rearing children clearly interferes in the scientific productivity of women and the possibility of them being promoted to a higher level when their productivity is the same. This conflict between family and profession for women scientists is clearly shown in the distribution of male and female academics in Spain by family situation. The INE Human Resources Survey reveals that only 38% of women Full Professors have children, as opposed to 63% of men, and that the percentage of single women is 21% as opposed to 15% of single men.
Keynote speaker: Dr. Isabel Torres (co-founder and chief executive of “Mothers in Science”). Participants: Dr. Núria Garro (Dpt. Applied Physics, UVEG) and Dr. Susana Planelles (Dpt. Astronomy and Astrophysics, UVEG). Chair: Prof. Pas García (Dpt. Optics, UVEG).