21-25 March 2022
Salon de actos del IATA
Europe/Madrid timezone

Extending the Reach of Leptophilic Boson Searches at DUNE and MiniBooNE with Bremsstrahlung and Resonant Production

Not scheduled
Salon de actos del IATA

Salon de actos del IATA

Carrer del Catedràtic Agustín Escardino Benlloch, 7, 46980 Paterna, Valencia


Dr. Francesco Capozzi (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular)


New gauge bosons coupling to leptons are simple and well-motivated extensions of the StandardModel. We study the sensitivity to gauged $L_\mu−L_e$, $L_e−L_\tau$ and $L_\mu−L_\tau$ both with the existing beam dump mode data of MiniBooNE and with the DUNE near detector. We find that including bremsstrahlung and resonant production of $Z^\prime$ which decays toe±andμ±final states leads to a significant improvement in existing bounds, especially for $L_\mu−L_e$ and $L_e−L_\tau$ for DUNE while competitive constraints can be achieved with the existing data from the MiniBooNE’s beam dump run.

Primary author

Dr. Francesco Capozzi (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular)

Presentation Materials

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