Seminars IFIC

A light dark neutrino sector

by Matheus Hostert (IPPP, Durham University)

Seminar Room, 1.1.1 (IFIC)

Seminar Room, 1.1.1


Paterna (Valencia)

I introduce a heavy neutrino sector below the electroweak scale with important consequences for neutrino masses and longstanding experimental anomalies. Contrary to typical seesaw extensions of the Standard Model, our heavy fermion sector is charged under a new hidden U(1)' symmetry, confined to a dark sector. We find that our dark particles can generate the correct light neutrino masses at one-loop level, while remaining testable at current and future experiments. Interestingly, this is a minimal and gauge invariant model for new physics restricted to the neutrino sector, where a rich phenomenology arises with connections to MiniBooNE, the (g-2) of the muon and other experimental results.

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