Yutaka Hosotani
(Osaka University)
SO(11) gauge-Higgs grand unification is presented both in 5d and 6d
Randall-Sundrum warped space. This generalizes SO(5)xU(1) gauge-Higgs
EW unification. The EW Higgs boson appears as a part of the extra-dimensional
component of gauge potentials. The standard phenomenology is reproduced
at low energies, with the prediction of the first KK modes of photon and Z
around 6 - 8 TeV. We show that grand unification of strong and electroweak interactions
is naturally achieved in SO(11) theory. The observed quark-lepton spectrum is obtained
with brane interactions. The exotic fermion problem is solved in the 6d model.
Primary author
Yutaka Hosotani
(Osaka University)