2-9 July 2014
Valencia, Spain
Europe/Madrid timezone

Inclusion of isospin breaking effects in lattice simulations

5 Jul 2014, 11:30
Sala 6+7 ()

Sala 6+7

Oral presentation Lattice QCD Lattice QCD


Dr. Antonin Portelli (University of Southampton)


Isospin symmetry is explicitly broken in the Standard Model by the non-zero differences of mass and electric charge between the up and down quarks. Both of these corrections are expected to have a comparable size of the order of one percent relatively to hadronic energies. Although these contributions are small, they play a crucial role in hadronic and nuclear physics. We explain how to properly define QCD and QED on a finite and discrete space-time so that isospin corrections to hadronic observables can be computed ab-initio. We then consider the different approaches to compute lattice correlation functions of QCD and QED observables. Finally we summarise the actual lattice computations which include isospin breaking effects.

Primary author

Dr. Antonin Portelli (University of Southampton)

Presentation Materials

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