3-5 April 2019
University of Southampton
Europe/London timezone

GUTs and Modular symmetries as an origin of Flavour symmetries

5 Apr 2019, 12:10
Building 58, Rm 1067 (University of Southampton)

Building 58, Rm 1067

University of Southampton

University of Southampton Southampton SO17 1BJ


Elena Perdomo Mendez


I will give an introduction to modular symmetries and how

they can be interpreted as a family symmetry. Afterwards, I

will focus on an SU(5) model in 6d where the two extra dimensions are

compactified on a T_2/Z_2 orbifold, with a twist angle of \omega=ei2pi/3. Such construction suggests an underlying modular A_4 symmetry,leading to an effective \mu-\tau reflection symmetry at low energies.
This implies maximal atmospheric mixing and maximal leptonic CP violation.

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