Chair: C. Muñoz
Nicolao Fornengo
(University of Torino and INFN)
27/05/2016, 09:00
Invited Talks
The search for dark matter as a new, yet undiscovered, particle is explored through a complex host of different signals, that cover the full electromagnetic spectrum (from radio to gamma rays), charged cosmic rays and neutrinos. The expected dark matter signals are definitely faint, but the possibility to exploit a wide-field investigation will hopefully lead to the discovery and understading...
Mirjam Cvetic
(Pennsylvania U.)
27/05/2016, 10:00
Invited Talks
We present developments in F-theory compactifications with an emphasis on particle physics implications. We spell out techniques to construct globally consistent F-theory compactifications that result in particle physics models, such as the SU(5) GUT's and the first three family Standard Model construction. We also spell out technical advances in constructions of F-theory compactifications...
Wolfgang Gregor Hollik
27/05/2016, 10:30
Invited Talks
Invited Talks
There exist several traditional bounds from the avoidance of charge and color breaking minima in the MSSM. Though an extensive analysis was given long time ago, the most prominent bounds are put in special regions of scalar field space which potentially miss other constraints. We try to give a new view on charge and color breaking without constraining into specific field rays and provide...