Chair: F. Deppisch
Arantza Oyanguren
(IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
26/05/2016, 15:00
Contributed talk
Selected results on B and charm semileptonic decays at the BaBar experiment are presented, on behalf of the BaBar collaboration.
Yongchao Zhang
(Université Libre de Bruxelles)
26/05/2016, 15:20
Contributed talk
TeV scale left-right model are natural to restore parity and generate the tiny active neutrino masses. With the scalar sector extended to break the right-handed weak interaction and generate the SM fermion masses, there are generally heavy neutral, singly charged, and doubly charged scalars beyond standard model at the TeV scale or beyond, which is promising to be observed at LHC 13/14 and...
Juan C. Helo
26/05/2016, 15:40
Contributed talk
We use LHC dijet data to derive constraints on neutrinoless double beta decay. Upper limits on cross sections for the production of “exotic” resonances, such as a right-handed W boson or a diquark, can be converted into lower limits on the 0νββ decay half-life for fixed choices of other parameters. Constraints derived from run-I data are already surprisingly strong and complementary to results...
Florian Lyonnet
26/05/2016, 16:00
Contributed talk
Renormalization group equations are a key ingredient to extrapolate theories to higher energies. Even though their expression at two-loop for an arbitrary gauge field theory have been known for more than thirty years, deriving the full set of equations for a given model by hand is very challenging and prone to errors. To tackle this issue, we have introduced a python tool called PyR@TE; Python...
Jose Francisco Zurita
(KIT Karlsruhe)
26/05/2016, 16:20
Contributed talk
Following the general classification of simplified models of coannihilating dark matter in terms of quantum numbers of dark matter, coannihilation partners and mediators, in this talk I would explore the phenomenology of two unconventional dark matter models featuring strongly interacting mediators and co-annihilation partners. I will discuss first a model where dark matter is mediated by a...
Matthew Talia
(University of Sydney)
26/05/2016, 16:40
Contributed talk
We consider several phenomenological explanations for the recent 750 GeV two-photon excess reported by ATLAS and CMS. In the first proposal, we consider an explanation for the excess from a heavy composite axion, motivated as a solution to the strong CP problem. This can result as a condensate from a higher-colour representation of QCD quarks. Alternatively, we consider a bound state from two...