Chair: A. Delgado
Kristjan Kannike
25/05/2016, 17:10
Contributed talk
We find vacuum stability (bounded below) conditions for general scalar potentials of a few fields. The conditions are analytical, necessary and sufficient, and can be applied to a wide range of potentials. As examples, we discuss (1) the vacuum stability conditions of the general potential of two real scalars, without and with the Higgs boson included in the potential, (2) the two Higgs...
Wanil Park
(IFIC, CSIC-Univ Valencia)
25/05/2016, 17:30
Contributed talk
We propose a scenario of brane cosmology in which Peccei-Quinn field play the role of the inflaton and can solve simultaneously various cosmological/phenomenological issues ( baryogenesis, dark matter, axion solution to the strong CP-problem without domain wall problem, and so on.).
Tevong You
(University of Cambridge)
25/05/2016, 17:50
Contributed talk
Cosmological relaxation of the electroweak scale employing the minimal QCD relaxion mechanism is still viable, provided inflation occurs at finite temperature. The $\Theta$-angle problem of the original model is overcome by suppressing the barrier size during relaxation. After relaxation, the suppression is removed and the barrier growth gives rise to the required value of $\Theta \sim...
Daniel Burns
(Manchester University)
25/05/2016, 18:10
Contributed talk
Recently, in arXiv:1603.03730, we developed a new, generalised version of the potential slow roll approximation for a class of theories, known as Scalar-Curvature theories, at the classical level. This formalism allowed us to demonstrate that cosmological observables, such as the tensor-to-scalar ratio, spectral indices and their runnings, remain invariant under frame transformations...
Tanmoy Mondal
(Physical Research Laboratory)
25/05/2016, 18:30
Contributed talk
$U(1)_{B-L}$ model is the minimal gauge extended Standard Model(SM) where an extra $U(1)$ gauge group is augmented to the SM. This model is of great importance since the extra Abelian symmetry groups can originate from different high scale Grand Unified Theories, like $SO(10), E(6)$ etc.
I will briefly discuss three key aspects of the model. First encounters the boundedness of the scalar...