23-27 May 2016
Europe/Madrid timezone

Supersymmetry Searches in GUT Models with Non-Universal Scalar Masses

25 May 2016, 16:20
Contributed talk SUSY/Higgs/BSM SUSY 3


Mario E. Gomez (Universidad de Huelva)


We study SO(10), SU(5) and fipped SU(5) GUT models with non-universal soft supersymmetry-breaking scalar masses, exploring how they are constrained by LHC supersymmetry searches and cold dark matter experiments, and how they can be probed and distinguished in future experiments. We find characteristic differences between the various GUT scenarios, particularly in the coannihilation region, which is very sensitive to changes of parameters.

Primary author

Mario E. Gomez (Universidad de Huelva)


Mr. Cannoni Mirco (Universidad de Huelva) Prof. John Ellis (CERN) Dr. Roberto Ruiz de Austri (IFIC) Prof. Smaragda Lola (Patras University)

Presentation Materials

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