Miguel Crispim Romao
(University of Southampton)
In this communication we will show how M Theory compactified on G2 manifolds provide all the ingredients for model building and a yet-much-unexplored territory. In doing so we will present the so-called G2-MSSM, an SU(5) class of models with the MSSM spectrum, before presenting the most recent developments on SO(10) SUSY GUTs arising from M Theory on G2 manifolds. We will show that SO(10) SUSY GUTs from M Theory imperatively require a TeV scale extra vector-like family and light gauginos, both providing a striking smoking gun at reach of the LHC. Furthermore, the details and challenges poseed by the breaking of the rank is closely related with the spectrum of
neutrino masses, which will be explicitly discussed.
Primary author
Miguel Crispim Romao
(University of Southampton)