23-27 May 2016
Europe/Madrid timezone

Twin Dark Matter & Early Cosmology

25 May 2016, 15:20
Contributed talk Astro/Cosmo/Neutrinos Astro-Neutrino 6


Isabel Garcia Garcia (University of Oxford)


In this talk, I explore the early cosmology and the possibilities for dark matter candidates in Twin Higgs theories of the weak scale -- in particular, within a minimal implementation, the Fraternal Twin Higgs. The phenomenology of this class of models is rich: some highlights include the presence of a “twin WIMP miracle”; asymmetric twin dark matter made of twin baryons with the correct mass (set by dynamics underlying naturalness, not tuning) to explain the observed O(1) ratio of dark matter to baryon energy densities; and various new phase transitions beyond those of the Standard Model alone.

Primary author

Isabel Garcia Garcia (University of Oxford)


Prof. John March-Russell (University of Oxford) Dr. Robert Lasenby (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)

Presentation Materials

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