23-27 May 2016
Europe/Madrid timezone

Charged LFV from Low Scale Seesaw Neutrinos

25 May 2016, 16:20
Contributed talk SUSY/Higgs/BSM BSM 4


Xabier Marcano (IFT, UAM-CSIC)


Low scale seesaw models can accommodate neutrino oscillations data and at the same time allow for interactions that may contribute to charged Lepton Flavor Violation processes, which are a good place to look for new physics. We study the predictions for different cLFV observables within this kind of models, looking for large ratios induced by heavy neutrinos whose masses could be in the range of interest for present colliders.

Primary authors

Dr. Cedric Weiland (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) Dr. Ernesto Arganda (Departamento de Física Teórica, Universidad de Zaragoza) Maria Jose Herrero (UAM-IFT) Xabier Marcano (IFT, UAM-CSIC)

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